Wonderful Sword Of Jeanne D ' Ark - Alternative View

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Wonderful Sword Of Jeanne D ' Ark - Alternative View
Wonderful Sword Of Jeanne D ' Ark - Alternative View

Video: Wonderful Sword Of Jeanne D ' Ark - Alternative View

Video: Wonderful Sword Of Jeanne D ' Ark - Alternative View
Video: Jeanne d'Arc - Dialogue Lines | Azur Lane 2024, September

Much has been written about the exploits of the national heroine of France, Jeanne d'Arc. But about the weapons with which she fought, almost nothing is known. She had several swords. One was presented to her by the commandant of Vaucouleurs, the other she obtained in battle, two swords and a dagger were presented by the Comte de Clermont. Jeanne donated her sword and armor to the Abbey of Saint-Denis. But the main and most beloved sword for her has always been the sword found in the church of Sainte-Catherine de Fierbois.

Magic find

The heroine revered Saint Catherine as her heavenly intercessor. Mysterious "voices" told Jeanne that in this church, behind the altar, not very deep in the ground, there is an unusual sword. When she was in Tours, she sent a gunsmith for him and wrote to the prelates there. Jeanne asked the holy fathers to send this sword to her. The priests of the church found a rusty sword in the indicated place. But as soon as it was wiped off, the rust disappeared immediately and without effort. The heroine ordered to make for him a simple scabbard of strong, rough leather.

So Jeanne became the owner of a magic sword that no one knew about. The girl always carried it with her. Rumors of the miraculous sword spread throughout France after the siege of Orleans was lifted. The find of an unusual sword had a mystical meaning and was perceived by the people as a miracle. Rumor connected with him all the military successes of the young savior of the country. And the appearance of Jeanne herself, according to legend, was predicted many centuries ago by the wizard and soothsayer Merlin.

Fierbois sword

Several chronicles mention the mysterious sword. Probably, something unusual lurked in it, or something was enclosed in the physical features of this weapon, since the "voices" told Jeanne about it. It was a real battle sword, which, according to legend, belonged to the mayord (chief commander and adviser to the monarch) of the Frankish kingdom Karl Martell (686-741), who defeated the Saracens at Poitiers in the fall of 732 and stopped the Muslim invasion of Europe.

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Martell founded the Church of Sainte-Catherine-de-Fierbois and left his sword there for the man chosen by God to save France in a difficult time. During the Middle Ages, the practice was widespread when knights brought their swords or armor to church as gifts or left them on a military vow.

Very little is known about how the Fierbois sword looked and what steel it was made of. Most likely, it was a straight and rather heavy fighting Frankish sword. There is a version that it was made using meteorite iron containing nickel. Such a weapon was revered as sent by the gods and was considered a "sword from heaven". The steel of the master's blade was made by forge welding from several strips of iron twisted with a spiral, which were repeatedly forged. Martell's sword was undoubtedly of high quality.

This weapon was seen by the heroine's comrades-in-arms, the soldiers of her army and the courtiers of the Dauphin Karl. According to Jeanne, five crosses were embossed on the blade, others saw in them the image of "lilies" or "swords". None of the eyewitnesses mentioned in the memoirs about the presence of any other decorative ornaments on the sword from Fierbois. On April 24, 1430, in Melun, the “voices” told Jeanne that before Midsummer's Day (that year it fell on June 24) she would be captured, and the girl knew that she would not return from this military campaign. In the battle at the walls of Compiegne, the Maid of Orleans went, according to her, with a sword "taken from some Burgundian", and on May 23 was captured. Most likely, before that, she sent a wonderful sword to her brothers, and luck turned away from her.

The fate of legendary weapons

Jeanne's short life was filled with amazing and incredible events. The judges of the tribunal, who condemned her to death, apparently well knew about the unusual sword and with passion demanded from the defendant:

- Tell us about the sword that was found in the church of Sainte-Catherine-de-Fierbois. Where is he now?

- This sword is dear to me, because it was found in the Church of St. Catherine, and I love this saint very much. What happened to my sword is irrelevant, and I will not answer your questions,”Jeanne declared angrily.

Apparently, the sword emphasized the special role that she played in the liberation of the country and the proclamation of Dauphin Charles as king of France. The cunning judges asked Jeanne tricky questions, trying to accuse the girl of witchcraft and superstition. The materials of the trial of 1431 do not answer the mystery of the fate of the sword from Fierbois.

According to the custom of ancient times, the owner of the sword or surviving relatives threw the weapon that fulfilled its purpose into the water. Probably, having received the news of the death of their sister, the brothers did as custom required. And the sword rests in the waters of the Loire, near which Jeanne won so many brilliant victories and became famous, or at the bottom of the Seine, over which her ashes were scattered after being burned in the Place Rouen. Or maybe the weapon of the Maid of Orleans is in some other river or lake.

From that moment on, the legendary sword from Fierbois fades away. The famous sword was remembered only in 1456, during the process of rehabilitation of the heroine, executed on charges of witchcraft. Perhaps it was he who was depicted on the coat of arms of Joan of Arc.

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №38. Author: Valery Kukarenko