Our People Are Not Animals: EU Stops 5G Adoption Due To Threat To Human Health - Alternative View

Our People Are Not Animals: EU Stops 5G Adoption Due To Threat To Human Health - Alternative View
Our People Are Not Animals: EU Stops 5G Adoption Due To Threat To Human Health - Alternative View

Video: Our People Are Not Animals: EU Stops 5G Adoption Due To Threat To Human Health - Alternative View

Video: Our People Are Not Animals: EU Stops 5G Adoption Due To Threat To Human Health - Alternative View
Video: Proof That 5G Is Going To Make Us All Sick? 2024, September

Amid the hysteria of fighters for digital slavery, which erupted after the military refused to transfer frequencies to cellular companies under the 5G standard, the authorities of the EU countries that care about their population are abandoning 5G. According to the Belgian edition of the Brussels Times, Brussels has suspended plans to implement a pilot project to provide high-speed 5G wireless Internet in the EU capital, as their people are "not animals for experiments."

According to the Belgian newspaper, the government has entered into an agreement with three telecom operators, which implied relaxation of strict radiation safety standards adopted in Brussels. But as it turned out, today it is not possible to estimate the radiation from the antennas required for 5G. “I cannot approve of any technology, 5G or not, if the radiation safety standards that are designed to protect citizens are not followed. The people of Brussels are not experimental animals whose health can be traded for profit. We have to sort things out carefully,”said Environment Minister Celine Fremaux, adding that she does not intend to make exceptions.

Yes, Celine Fremot is right - humans shouldn't be experimental animals. There is also an understandable explanation why the EU suddenly got in the way of "progress". As noted by the tech1and.ru technical portal, 5G operates at higher frequencies. While networks of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and even 4th generations operate in the range from 700 megahertz to 6 gigahertz, 5G operates at ultra-high frequencies from 28 to 100 gigahertz. However, these higher frequency waves cannot travel long distances and penetrate massive objects. Therefore, 5G radio towers should be installed at an average distance of 150-200 (maximum 500) meters from each other for reliable signal transmission. This means that the exposure to radio frequency radiation will be much higher than it is now. There are studies related to the study of 4th generation networks,in which there is some association between the development of tumors of the dura mater, auditory nerve and salivary glands and exposure to 4G radio waves. True, the studies were carried out on animals and they were exposed to radiation for a very long time, almost very close to the source of radio waves. In the real world, in order to receive such a dose of radio frequency radiation, one literally needs to live near the tower for a very long time. But the towers of 5G format will be "poked" much more densely than installations for the current communication formats, which means that their impact on human health will be much stronger. And, by the way, not only a person: for example, in many regions of Russia, rural residents sound the alarm about the mass death of bees.studies were carried out on animals and they were exposed to radiation for a very long time, almost very close to the source of radio waves. In the real world, in order to receive such a dose of radio frequency radiation, one literally needs to live near the tower for a very long time. But the towers of 5G format will be "poked" much more densely than installations for the current communication formats, which means that their impact on human health will be much stronger. And, by the way, not only a person: for example, in many regions of Russia, rural residents sound the alarm about the mass death of bees.studies were carried out on animals and they were exposed to radiation for a very long time, almost very close to the source of radio waves. In the real world, in order to receive such a dose of radio frequency radiation, one literally needs to live near the tower for a very long time. But the towers of 5G format will be "poked" much more densely than installations for the current communication formats, which means that their impact on human health will be much stronger. And, by the way, not only a person: for example, in many regions of Russia, rural residents sound the alarm about the mass death of bees.to receive such a dose of radio frequency radiation, you literally have to live near the tower for a very long time. But the towers of 5G format will be "poked" much more densely than installations for the current communication formats, which means that their impact on human health will be much stronger. And, by the way, not only a person: for example, in many regions of Russia, rural residents sound the alarm about the mass death of bees.to receive such a dose of radio frequency radiation, you literally have to live near the tower for a very long time. But the towers of 5G format will be "poked" much more densely than installations for the current communication formats, which means that their impact on human health will be much stronger. And, by the way, not only a person: for example, in many regions of Russia, rural residents sound the alarm about the mass death of bees.

Writer and activist Arthur Robert Firstenberg recently launched an online petition calling on various global organizations such as the UN, WHO and the European Union to "urgently stop" the development of 5G because it is "harmful to humans."

Speaking to The Daily Star Online, Firstenberg called the 5G deployment "deadly." “Up to 20 thousand satellites should be placed in the atmosphere. In mid-November, the Federal Communications Commission approved Elon Musk's project for 12 thousand satellites, which he is going to launch in mid-2019. I am receiving reports from all over the world that 5G antennas are being installed everywhere and people are already getting sick from what is happening there now,”Firstenberg said.

But this is there, but our officials and the “big four” of Russian cellular operators are not going to particularly conduct any research on the topic of diseases of some Russians there and expect to start massively introducing 5G in our country from 2020. The same mantras are heard from the camp of digitalizers: they say, bad security officials hinder the development of the communications market and prevent the implementation of the state program “digital economy”. They refer, among other things, to the President's message to the Federal Assembly in February this year, which spoke of the need to quickly introduce the fifth generation of communications. According to the roadmap of the Digital Economy project, radio frequencies for 5G were supposed to be determined in the fourth quarter of 2018, and in the third quarter of 2019 it is necessary to implement a pilot project in two cities. At the same time, by 2024, the 5G network should appear in all Russian cities with a population of more than 1 million people. However, with a shortage of frequencies in Russia, there will be only a name from 5G, and all its real functions will not be implemented, digitalizers complain.

Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov, responsible for the digitization of the Russian Federation, is ready to allocate tens of billions of rubles from the budget for clearing the frequency spectrum. The main thing for him is to quickly start up private traders who will pay the state for access to new frequencies. Their approach is purely commercial; global marketers do not care about national security and public health.

Among the lobbyists for depriving the defense industry of a well-functioning satellite communication at the indicated frequencies was also noted the head of Rostelecom, Mikhail Oseevsky, who actually called on the Government to ignore the position of the law enforcement agencies. “The easiest way is to say: everything is busy there, we work there, so nothing can be done. This is not true. We will not get away from solving this problem. It seems to me that this is an attempt to move somewhere to the right. The longer we try to move, the less time will remain in the future,”said Oseevsky.

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And commercial companies, without hesitation, openly talk about the development of 5G in Moscow and St. Petersburg as a settled matter: see, for example, the agreement recently signed between MTS and Chinese Huawei

Earlier, representatives of the Ministry of Digital Industry have already stated to the media that without using the 3.4-3.8 GHz range, Russia's lag in 5G is inevitable. “Unfortunately, Russia does not have its own operator and subscriber equipment yet. Manufacturers promise that it will appear in three to five years, but it will be too late. By then, 5G networks will be deployed even in the least developed countries in Tropical Africa.” Here the representative of the Ministry of Digital Science hit the mark. It is more than likely that digitals in the form of "humanitarian aid" will deliver 5G to one of the countries of Tropical Africa to move from experiments on mice to experiments in an environment close to real, just like they did with vaccinations against cervical cancer. (causing, as it turned out, infertility) and others. They will look at 5-10 years old, and then draw a conclusion as to whether it is worth putting such towers at home,how safe they are and generally needed. The Belgian minister clearly said that people in Europe are not animals, but Africans, it is certainly a pity, but not particularly.

And maybe Africa will not be needed - the Russians will be enough, especially since the "civilized" are even less sorry for us than the blacks from Africa. There will remain a trifle - to bend the military, "squeezing" their frequencies. At the same time, it will be possible to spy on these same Russians. Well done, what can I say - so many birds with one stone, but in one shot …