Europeans Began To Die From GMOs - Products - Alternative View

Europeans Began To Die From GMOs - Products - Alternative View
Europeans Began To Die From GMOs - Products - Alternative View

Video: Europeans Began To Die From GMOs - Products - Alternative View

Video: Europeans Began To Die From GMOs - Products - Alternative View
Video: The real problem with GMO Food 2024, June

This is not a newspaper duck. Reputable doctors of the city of Madrid have officially confirmed the first human death caused by the use of genetically modified food.

The tragedy took place at the end of October 2015. Juan Pedro Ramos, a 30-year-old Spaniard, ordered a tomato salad at a restaurant. After eating vegetables, his body became covered with a rash, a swelling of the throat appeared, and blood pressure dropped sharply. The man was taken to the hospital, but within an hour he died. An autopsy showed that the death was due to allergic shock.

It was triggered by eaten tomatoes that contained the fish gene. And the Spaniard was allergic to fish protein. Anyway, he considered himself a vegetarian. And he did not even suspect that, eating vegetables, he would become a victim of seafood intolerable to them. Doctors admitted that with such an allergic reaction, traditional medicines cannot save.

The alien genes of tomatoes are so resistant to any influence that even leukocytes cannot help the body. A month before the Spanish tragedy, namely in September 2015, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said that Russia would no longer produce products using GMOs. This decision was made by the government. However, according to Dvorkovich, "this is not an easy question." Russian scientists also believe that protecting society from "Frankenstein's food" in a short time is an extremely difficult task.

Not only soybeans, corn, wheat and rice seeds, but also animal feed imported from abroad can be transgenic. All over the world, entire institutes are creating GMO products. And their developers have been trying to convince us for several decades that gene crosses of cereals, vegetables and fruits are absolutely safe for health. But it turns out that this is a hoax! But today already one third of all agricultural land of the planet is given for the cultivation of GMO seeds !!!

In 2003, when the US defeated Iraq without any UN sanction, President George W. Bush declared:

“We are here in Iraq to sow the seeds of democracy so that they flourish and spread throughout the entire region of authoritarianism.”

Only a few guessed what kind of seeds, in fact, we are talking about. The occupation of Iraq also became a means of transferring the agriculture of this country under the control of American genetically modified agribusiness. Historically, Iraq was part of Mesopotamia: the cradle of civilization, where the ideal conditions for the cultivation of crops have been created for millennia in the fertile valley between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

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The first Iraqi farmers existed 10 thousand years ago. Before the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime, Iraq not only bred new resistant hybrid cereal varieties, but also carefully preserved their samples in a national fund in the city of Abu Ghraib. However, constant bombing and further destruction of the economy led to the destruction of the world's oldest seed bank.

By occupying Iraq, the US government made an offer to local farmers that could not be denied. Aggressive promotion of GMO products is not just a profitable business for multinational corporations. This is a classified section of the US government program. In fact, this is a deliberate food sabotage, a global special operation, the purpose of which is to control the population of the Earth with the help of transgenic food products, and therefore to rule the world.

And there is evidence of this. In April 2015, unknown hackers broke into the server of the US President, and also gained access to the materials of the State Department. It is curious that in some documents classified as "secret" food is considered as an element of biological warfare. It is not for nothing that Washington spares no money on sponsoring engineering and genetic laboratories on the territory of Eurasian countries, in particular, in the CIS republics.

Ordinary Americans have already experienced for themselves that GMO wheat completely alters liver function, and GMO corn provokes the development of cancerous tumors. Meat grown on transgenic feed impairs vision and memory, and genetically modified vegetables often cause allergies. American shoppers have recently become much more careful in their choice of products.

Consumer Reports surveyed more than 80 names of American convenience foods containing corn or soybeans. These are the two most common genetically modified crops. Experts have found that all products with the word "Natural" on their packaging contain the largest amount of genetically modified ingredients. Among these products are cornflakes, chips and even baby food.

In the United States, there are no laws governing which foods are natural. Therefore, this question remains on the conscience of the manufacturer. More than 20 states are in favor of mandatory labeling of GMO products. However, the multinational corporation Monsanto, a leading producer of transgenic grain, spends billions of dollars annually lobbying for its interests to prevent the labeling of genetically modified foods in the United States.

The same company supplies seeds to Russia. But in our country there is no criminal penalty for the sale of products that do not have GMO labeling. This means that such products continue to flow. And soon we will become like in America, where a third of the population is already hopelessly obese.

Before our eyes, a fundamentally new subculture of people who are addicted to lush hamburgers and sweet lemonades, popcorn, sausages with ketchup and mayonnaise, salted nuts, fried chips, crackers with smoked meats, cheese or onions flavors, and other "junk food" has emerged.

The term "trash food" appeared in the 70s of the last century. Then he referred to packages in which food was packed, intended for quick use. These packages quickly filled the trash cans, and gusts of wind, picking them up, littered the streets. This is how the name "trash food" appeared.

However, over time, eating on the run began to lead to the development of chronic stomach diseases, obesity and shortness of breath. And in 2005, the International Food Standards Bureau first published an official definition of "junk food" as vulgar, unhealthy and hazardous to health. How did it happen that literally over the past half century, the once-toned American nation has slipped to such an obscene physical condition? And why does US law officially prohibit calling its citizens fat, even face to face?

I'm not kidding. For a truthful description: "fat", and even more so "fat" - you can lose your job, become an outcast of society! Overweight Americans are usually called delicately, for example, "horizontally unbalanced individuals", or "vertically deprived individuals." But for what merits such tolerance? Shame for the unhealthy diet of domestic fast food? Nothing like this! Everything is much simpler.

According to statistics, one hundred and twenty million obese Americans bring more income to the state treasury, as well as to transnational corporations and private medical institutions, than the rest of the US population! Those who are hooked on junk food like drugs are very beneficial to the state.

Long-term experiments on its own people gave positive results, and America confidently launched a food war against the whole world. Food chemistry corporations, pharmaceutical companies have created tens of thousands of inventions that run counter to the laws of nature. And it is GMO products that are the peak of ingenuity in the mass enslavement of the population, and even its destruction.

Today, America is deliberately poisoning the population of 160 countries with hamburgers and desserts, opening more than 30 thousand branded fast food restaurants there. Half of the world eats hormone-grown beef, "Bush's legs" ripened on steroids, and "enjoys" sweet American drinks without thinking about the consequences …

By attracting children with clowns and toys, and putting them almost from birth on unhealthy, but such sweet food loved by a child, one can further manipulate the tastes of entire generations. In addition, the children are always accompanied by their parents, who will certainly eat something too. Fast food is the ideal platform for any kind of chemical and genetic nutritional experimentation.

Diet has changed markedly over the past decades. In modern stores, there is no such thing as the seasons. Fresh vegetables and fruits are always available. But the question is: do they have to do with real fruits, or is it some kind of image, trick, fake?

Take tomatoes, for example. They are grown all over the world, harvested while they are still green, and then forced to mature with ethylene, a chemical compound that is hormonal and even narcotic. With the help of ethylene, unripe cucumbers, berries, apples, pears, oranges, bananas, melons, and other fruits used for food are brought to condition.

What is the use of these foreign vegetables and fruits, given that they grew in the lands poisoned by pesticides ?! But besides this, a new problem has emerged in recent years. Unscrupulous foreign farmers, using chemical dyes, give unripe vegetables and fruits a beautiful, appetizing look.

After the imposition of the embargo and the devaluation of the ruble, fake food products flooded the Russian market. The import of palm oil, which is used for the manufacture of baby food, fake milk, cottage cheese and cheese, has grown by one third according to official data, and by unofficial figures it has doubled. But there was practically no growth in the production of raw milk, and milk is needed to produce cheese.

It turns out that a huge part of fermented milk products are made from palm oil. This situation primarily affects Russian farmers. The US elite still adheres to the strategy of deceiving Brzezinski. As soon as the world began to understand what, in fact, transgenic products would lead to, many countries began to create zones free from GMOs. Then a new threat to humanity was declared in America.

When the first GMO products entered the world market, biotechnologists said that growth hormones can be used not only in food design, but also in the production of drugs. And that GMO drugs can work wonders! For example, you can heal blind people by implanting genes in healthy eyes.

The main thrust of Russia's national security strategy has always been the preservation of territorial integrity. And for this, the health of the nation is of paramount importance. We must stop blindly trusting the product development of the “civilized West”. We have so much land and opportunities that it is time to start our own large-scale production of organic food. Otherwise, it will be too late. History has clearly shown that the world elite is not interested in the existence of a prosperous and prosperous Russia.