Why Were The Templars Actually Destroyed? - Alternative View

Why Were The Templars Actually Destroyed? - Alternative View
Why Were The Templars Actually Destroyed? - Alternative View

Video: Why Were The Templars Actually Destroyed? - Alternative View

Video: Why Were The Templars Actually Destroyed? - Alternative View
Video: [Alt.] The Templar State Alternate History 2024, July

Philip the Fair finally won the loyalty of the church, placing his Pope to rule the Catholic world from French Avignon, ended the status quo war with King Edward I of England over Guyenne and achieved a victory, not complete of course, in Flanders over the rebellious townspeople. Against the background of these events, Philip's undoubted success was a little lost when he tore the Archbishopric of Lyons from the HRE and the Papacy, but even here the conflict was already settled. Now France could again return to a peaceful life. But it wasn't easy to do. The debts collected by the king worsened relations with the population, since a significant part of them was taken from the estates. Abundant damage to the coin in the previous decade - the livre had lost almost two times its silver content, which had already been noticed by everyone and brought about the corresponding changes in prices - was now unnecessary and even harmful. A strong state in a period of peace needed a strong coin, and therefore in 1306 Philip IV announced the return to the minting of a full-weight coin.

On this occasion, solemn prayers began to be served in the country, the heralds carried the good news to the cities and villages, but instead of joy the people only clenched their fists and quietly showered curses. Why? Oh, so in fact human greed knows no boundaries, you all know this perfectly well. Immediately after the announcement of the news, amusing details begin to emerge - taxes must now be paid with a new, full-weight coin; landlords immediately begin to demand rent in full-fledged coin, since they pay taxes to it; shopkeepers also demand a full-fledged coin, since they also have to pay taxes. And there might not have been any problems if tax rates and prices had been adjusted, but no: I paid 10 livres of tax in an incomplete coin - now pay the same amount in a full-weight one. And then the people began to burn, so muchthat a series of uprisings swept across the country, and when the king was bombed in Paris, he found himself in a rather piquant situation. It all started quite casually - the king loved to wander around the city in commoner's attire, so that, like the Caliph Harun al Rashid from the tales of a thousand and one nights, walk around and listen to what the people say about him. But this time he did not hear any good, and when, finding himself in the square near the castle of the Templars, he was recognized by someone from the crowd, after which all sorts of objects flew to the monarch, the situation completely got out of control. The knights-templars saved the situation - they took the king into the ring and took him to the castle, where he waited for the end of the unrest. These performances were not yet a full-fledged riot, such as the Jacquerie that unfolded 50 years later, but action was required quickly. Moreover, when the bombing in Paris, the king found himself in a rather piquant situation. It all started quite casually - the king loved to wander around the city in commoner's attire, so that, like the Caliph Harun al Rashid from the tales of a thousand and one nights, walk around and listen to what the people say about him. But this time he did not hear any good, and when, finding himself in the square near the castle of the Templars, he was recognized by someone from the crowd, after which all sorts of objects flew to the monarch, the situation completely got out of control. The knights-templars saved the situation - they took the king into the ring and took him to the castle, where he waited for the end of the unrest. These performances were not yet a full-fledged riot, such as the Jacquerie that unfolded 50 years later, but action was required quickly. Moreover, when the bombing in Paris, the king found himself in a rather piquant situation. It all started quite casually - the king liked to wander around the city in commoner's attire, so that, like the caliph Harun al Rashid from the tales of a thousand and one nights, walk around and listen to what the people say about him. But this time he did not hear any good, and when, finding himself in the square near the castle of the Templars, he was recognized by someone from the crowd, after which all sorts of objects flew to the monarch, the situation completely got out of control. The knights-templars saved the situation - they took the king into the ring and took him to the castle, where he waited for the end of the unrest. These performances were not yet a full-fledged riot, such as the Jacquerie that unfolded 50 years later, but action was required quickly.so that, like the caliph Harun al Rashid from the tales of a thousand and one nights, walk around and listen to what the people say about him. But this time he did not hear any good, and when, finding himself in the square near the castle of the Templars, he was recognized by someone from the crowd, after which all sorts of objects flew to the monarch, the situation completely got out of control. The knights-templars saved the situation - they took the king into the ring and took him to the castle, where he waited for the end of the unrest. These performances were not yet a full-fledged riot, such as the Jacquerie that unfolded 50 years later, but action was required quickly.so that, like the caliph Harun al Rashid from the tales of a thousand and one nights, walk around and listen to what the people say about him. But this time he did not hear any good, and when, finding himself in the square near the castle of the Templars, he was recognized by someone from the crowd, after which all sorts of objects flew to the monarch, the situation completely got out of control. The knights-templars saved the situation - they took the king into the ring and took him to the castle, where he waited for the end of the unrest. These performances were not yet a full-fledged riot, such as the Jacquerie that unfolded 50 years later, but action was required quickly.after which all sorts of objects flew to the monarch, the situation completely got out of control. The knights-templars saved the situation - they took the king into the ring and took him to the castle, where he waited for the end of the unrest. These performances were not yet a full-fledged riot, such as the Jacquerie that unfolded 50 years later, but action was required quickly.after which all sorts of objects flew to the monarch, the situation completely got out of control. The knights-templars saved the situation - they took the king into the ring and took him to the castle, where he waited for the end of the unrest. These performances were not yet a full-fledged riot, such as the Jacquerie that unfolded 50 years later, but action was required quickly.

The idea of how to relieve tension among the people and slightly reduce the intensity of passions is often attributed to Chancellor Nogare, although there was nothing new in this move. A heated people might not have noticed certain indulgences in tax collection while the financial situation was settling, and therefore it was necessary to find a scapegoat, such that everyone would immediately believe in the evilness of which and which would be directly related to the reform. You have probably already guessed who we are talking about. Another category that "hit" the reform was the usurers, who preferred to repay debts in full-value coins, without adjusting the amount of debt. And because of certain religious prohibitions, this area was most developed among the Jews. The king's legists are rather contentious in carrying out several trials against usurers who tried to cash in on the suffering of the people (by a strange coincidence, they were all Jews),and on the Jewish island of the Seine, bonfires were burned on which infidels were burned. But not only that, by decree of the king it was ordered to expel the Jews from France, allowing them to take only a minimum of clothes - all the rest of the property was transferred to the treasury, as well as promissory notes. Italian and French bankers began to massively buy up debt obligations from Jews, took their money for safekeeping, bought houses in exchange for vague guarantees, taking advantage of their dire situation. But the people of Israel had nowhere to go - on the one hand, the king's decree, on the other, pogroms raging across the country, organized by the mob, hiding many crimes.as well as debt obligations. Italian and French bankers began to massively buy up debt obligations from Jews, took their money for safekeeping, bought houses in exchange for vague guarantees, taking advantage of their dire situation. But the people of Israel had nowhere to go - on the one hand, the king's decree, on the other, pogroms raging across the country, organized by the mob, hiding many crimes.as well as debt obligations. Italian and French bankers began to massively buy up debt obligations from Jews, took their money for safekeeping, bought houses in exchange for vague guarantees, taking advantage of their dire situation. But the people of Israel had nowhere to go - on the one hand, the king's decree, on the other, pogroms raging across the country, organized by the mob, hiding many crimes.

The result of this operation was only 200 thousand livres of treasury income, which was commensurate with the amounts that during the war it was possible to withdraw from the Jews almost every year. That is, the scale of the crown profits that have slipped through your fingers should be clear to you. Philip received a quarter of the annual budget in a couple of weeks, in exchange for rather vague prospects for higher tax collections in the future. But once you start expropriation, it is difficult to stop. And Philip was still eager to fill the treasury with a full-weight minted coin. He defeated the church in the struggle for money, robbed the usurers to the thread, but there was one organization that combined these two qualities in itself - yes, yes - these are the Templars. Order of knights-warriors, who took upon themselves during the crusades the safety of the finances of pilgrims, as on the road,and those left at home - the papal bull about protecting the property of the crusaders is good, but the foul devil's beginning in a person is still too strong. The Knights Templar were not usurers in the full sense - they only took a commission for maintaining a personal account, as they would say today, and not margin. But, it was not so important, much more important, that subsequent events created such a bizarrely perverse image of the Templars that many ordinary people, being in his captivity, cannot realize the full depth of the order's tragedy. The Templars were neither servants of Satan, nor adherents of the ideology of absolutism and totalitarianism, as the Assasin's Creed series of games tells us, they were not omnipotent usurers who held the monarchs of Europe by the throats, just as they were not innocent sheep. The Knights Templar were not usurers in the full sense - they only took a commission for maintaining a personal account, as they would say today, and not margin. But, it was not so important, much more important, that subsequent events created such a bizarrely perverse image of the Templars that many ordinary people, being in his captivity, cannot realize the full depth of the order's tragedy. The Templars were neither servants of Satan, nor adherents of the ideology of absolutism and totalitarianism, as the Assasin's Creed series of games tells us, they were not omnipotent usurers who held the monarchs of Europe by the throats, just as they were not innocent sheep. The Knights Templar were not usurers in the full sense - they only took a commission for maintaining a personal account, as they would say today, and not margin. But, it was not so important, much more important, that subsequent events created such a bizarrely perverse image of the Templars that many ordinary people, being in his captivity, cannot realize the full depth of the order's tragedy. The Templars were neither servants of Satan, nor adherents of the ideology of absolutism and totalitarianism, as the Assasin's Creed series of games tells us, they were not omnipotent usurers who held the monarchs of Europe by the throats, just as they were not innocent sheep.that subsequent events created such a bizarrely perverse image of the Templars that many ordinary people, being in his captivity, cannot realize the full depth of the order's tragedy. The Templars were neither servants of Satan, nor adherents of the ideology of absolutism and totalitarianism, as the Assasin's Creed series of games tells us, they were not omnipotent usurers who held the monarchs of Europe by the throats, just as they were not innocent sheep.that subsequent events created such a bizarrely perverse image of the Templars that many ordinary people, being in his captivity, cannot realize the full depth of the order's tragedy. The Templars were neither servants of Satan, nor adherents of the ideology of absolutism and totalitarianism, as the Assasin's Creed series of games tells us, they were not omnipotent usurers who held the monarchs of Europe by the throats, just as they were not innocent sheep.

The position of the Templars in the economic and political system of Europe was very different. With the beginning of the Crusades, they quickly spread their commanders throughout Europe, as the demand for their services was extremely high. It suddenly turned out that the services of the Templars for storing cash, transporting and transferring it, are in demand in Europe itself - you must agree that it is much better to entrust the safety of your funds to armed knights, who, if they are lost, will also reimburse you for everything. Therefore, shackled by obligations to preserve the riches entrusted to them, the templars began to invest in businesses of varying degrees of "permission." Yes, they became a financial and military corporation, but it raised finances not for the sake of their accumulation or the process itself, but for the sake of the highest goal for which the order was created - the conquest of the Holy Land. At least,the leadership of the order sought to convey this idea to its rank-and-file members.

But, at the same time, although the order was needed, its position was rather shaky - on the one hand, the military monastic orders acted with the blessing and assistance of the Papacy, on the other hand, without the good will of the rulers of the lands, their rights in Europe were just as small, as great in the Holy Land, although even there the knights-templars often faced boorish violation of their rights and holy mission. It was quite common that the worldly ruler, in need, could get into the treasury of the Templars - first voluntarily, and then by force. The German principalities suffered especially from legal nihilism in relation to the templars, where some princes took the land from the knights in favor of other orders (for example, in Barndenburg in favor of the Teutons), others completely confiscated their property to their treasury for imaginary and not very misdeeds. So,that what happened to them later in France was not something out of the ordinary, if not for the very position of the order in the state of the French.

From its very appearance in the lands of France, the Order of the Templars occupied a significant position in its financial system, since it was from France that most of the crusaders were sent to reclaim the Holy Land, and the services of the templars were used primarily in the lands of France. Numerous commanders opened in the kingdom under the patronage of the monarch and his vassals, since each of them was forced to use the services of warrior monks. The close and fruitful activity of the secular authorities of France and the Templars led to the fact that the order was built into the system of government of the state - it was in their Paris Temple that the most valuable treasures of the crown, for example, international treaties, were kept for a long time. The Templars took on high positions at the court, acted as messengers and guarantors. And by the beginning of the XIV century, this rapprochement,which strengthened the position of the order within the country, turned from its strength to weakness. The order lent to the crown, acted as a donor of personnel and a source of information, and at the same time was completely unaccountable to the king. Double loyalty - the Pope and the crown were fraught with a threat, and even the fact that, in opposition to the Papacy, the order sided with Philip did not add confidence to the knights - they were too powerful inside France, their financial interests were too closely intertwined with the royal ones. And Philip, whose main goal was - the centralization of the state, throwing off the yoke of conflicts decided to get rid of the last major problem.and even the fact that, in opposition to the Papacy, the order sided with Philip did not add confidence to the knights - they were too powerful inside France, their financial interests were too closely intertwined with the royal ones. And Philip, whose main goal was - the centralization of the state, throwing off the yoke of conflicts decided to get rid of the last major problem.and even the fact that, in opposition to the Papacy, the order sided with Philip did not add confidence to the knights - they were too powerful inside France, their financial interests were too closely intertwined with the royal ones. And Philip, whose main goal was - the centralization of the state, throwing off the yoke of conflicts decided to get rid of the last major problem.

The relationship between the Knights of the Temple and the French king was never smooth. The order did not fit into the monarch's picture of the world, especially given the fact that due to the loss of the Holy Land, he ceased to fulfill its main function. But, Philip first tried to negotiate with the order and offered to make it an honorary member, probably believing that in the future he could become its head. But the High Master of the Templars, Jacques de Molay, refuses the monarch, arguing that the kings have nothing to do among the "poor" brother knights. And then the indefatigable Nogare enters the stage again. Christendom has long been controversial about what to do about the fall of Jerusalem. Christian monarchs, leaders of knightly orders and simply not indifferent citizens sent their projects to Rome on how to reconquer the east. So in 1306 Dubois's plan appears,assuming the unification of the spiritual-knightly orders into a single secular structure, which will become the army of the new Kingdom of Jerusalem, to finance which funds will be used from the secularization of the property of the order. This plan was not the fruit of Nogare's creativity, moreover, it may have appeared even without the participation of any of the king's entourage, but how well it fell into the aspirations of the French monarchy. Even if Nogaret and Philippe did not know about Dubois's treatise, which is very doubtful, their next actions corresponded so well to him that it can be argued that Dubois did not personally express his ideas, but the moods of the entire political elite of France. This plan was not the fruit of Nogare's creativity, moreover, it may have appeared even without the participation of any of the king's entourage, but how well it fell into the aspirations of the French monarchy. Even if Nogaret and Philippe did not know about Dubois's treatise, which is very doubtful, their next actions corresponded so well to him that it can be argued that Dubois did not personally express his ideas, but the moods of the entire political elite of France. This plan was not the fruit of Nogare's creativity, moreover, it may have appeared even without the participation of any of the king's entourage, but how well it fell into the aspirations of the French monarchy. Even if Nogaret and Philippe did not know about Dubois's treatise, which is very doubtful, their next actions corresponded so well to him that it can be argued that Dubois did not personally express his ideas, but the moods of the entire political elite of France.

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"You see, they do not want to invest in a common cause, they do not want to stand under the banner of the most Christian Crusader King Flipp, but only profit from the grief and suffering of people, like the Jews" - approximately the content of the propaganda against the order was conducted in those days. Finally, in 1307, Nogare had everything ready - denunciations were collected showing that the order was mired in heresy, professing either devil worship, or, O God Almighty, Islam, and it was the Templars who were guilty of surrendering Jerusalem to the Saracens. It is this evidence that will become the key to the charge brought against de Molay by Nogare. Pope Clement V, elected with the direct participation of the French, agreed to the arrest of the Templars and the trial of their leaders. The subsequent events are known to all - a secret order sent out throughout the country, and ordering to arrest the knights at the same hour,torture and unholy judgment, and then the burning of Jacques de Molay and the curse pronounced by him that would destroy the king. But behind all this there was a specific calculation, which again was not fully realized.

Although it is generally accepted that all the Templars in France were arrested, this is far from the truth: basically, only members of the Paris branch of the order and the captains of the commanders were arrested, while ordinary members of the order were promised leniency when joining other knightly orders or local church structures. Philip hoped to get from Clement V the bull to create a new purely French order on the basis of the Templars, of which he himself would become the head, but this idea met with considerable resistance in the still fairly independent Papacy, so the idea was temporarily shelved and if not for the death of Philip, perhaps in a few years he would have returned to this idea. Moreover, Pope Clement was able, using the laws of France and the ancient rights of the church, to withdraw much of the property of the Templars into the possession of the Church and the Order of the Hospitallers. Thus, the French treasury was replenished with only a third million livres from this action, which again was much less than the expected income and served as the basis for the myth of the tons of gold hidden by the Templars.

Burning of Jacques de Molay
Burning of Jacques de Molay

Burning of Jacques de Molay.

What did this lead to? Together with de Molay, not only the Order of the Templars perished, but also the hope of reconquering Jerusalem - the forces and means of the remaining orders would not have been enough to organize a serious campaign, and the European kings were more and more involved in wars with each other than with the Saracens. Philip was able to temporarily improve the financial situation in the country, but already 4 years later, expenses will again cease to converge with incomes and the process of damage to the coin will begin again, which will not be stopped in the next decades - on the threshold of France, a strong internal crisis and the most difficult external crisis loomed Hundred Years War.