Places Where Witchcraft Is Considered The Norm Of Life - Alternative View

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Places Where Witchcraft Is Considered The Norm Of Life - Alternative View
Places Where Witchcraft Is Considered The Norm Of Life - Alternative View

Video: Places Where Witchcraft Is Considered The Norm Of Life - Alternative View

Video: Places Where Witchcraft Is Considered The Norm Of Life - Alternative View
Video: 19 Signs You’d Be Called a Witch in the Middle Ages 2024, July

In civilized countries when the word "witchcraft" people most often recall the Harry Potter books and the movie "The Exorcist". However, there are countries in the world where witchcraft is still considered the norm of life, is regulated by law, and people recognized as sorcerers or witches have every chance of being left without a roof over their heads, without a family, and sometimes behind bars. Want to know where this is possible?


Congolese people tend to explain many childhood illnesses or inconsistencies in behavior by witchcraft, possessed by an evil spirit, and even more often - by the fact that the child himself is a witch or sorcerer. Caring parents take such children to an exorcist, where he makes them drink a whole bowl of steep saline solution, pokes his fingers in their eyes and stomach, and performs other unpleasant procedures. Those who do not have the desire, strength and money to tinker with this unpleasant procedure, simply kick the children - "sorcerers" into the street. Today, there are about 50,000 homeless children in the Congo who were kicked out of their homes by their parents for being considered witches and sorcerers.



In 2016, Cameroon President Paul Biya called on the country's citizens to fight against the armed groups representing the Islamic organization Boko Haram using their witchcraft. He even decided to forget for a while that witchcraft is prohibited by law in the country - all the more, everyone knows that Cameroonians still go for treatment, consolation, talismans for good luck and damage to the villain-neighbor to the sorcerers - "marabuts". True, they have not yet demonstrated much success in the fight against Boko Haram.

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In rural India, the belief in witchcraft is still very strong. The Hindus divide sorcerers into two categories. The first is the witches, or "dayyan," who cause fear and disgust in people. If the village ranks some woman among the "dayan", she will no longer live there. Such women are beaten, raped, burned with a red-hot iron and may even be killed. There are also black sorcerers - "tantrikas". The Hindus are also afraid of them, but they believe that they have nothing to oppose to the forces of the Tantrik. People come to them for the cure of any disease - from malaria to epilepsy, and they pay regularly, believing that otherwise the tantrik will inflict mortal damage on them.



The activity of witches in Swaziland is a highly respected craft that is regulated by law. So, witches have every right to brew and sell potions and even fly on a broomstick - but at a height of no more than 150 meters from the ground. By the way, this law applies to all small aircraft - from drones to kites. But, although local residents are periodically punished for violating this law with their air toys, not a single witch has yet been punished.


Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, the accusation of witchcraft is taken quite seriously, and it poses a significant danger to someone who is suspected of practicing magic. The accused immediately falls into the hands of the religious police - Mutawa - and his case is sent to court. If the judge finds the evidence sufficient, then the alleged sorcerer or witch is executed by beheading. And no Harry Potter here!



Becoming a widow is the worst thing that can happen to a woman in a Nepalese village. If her husband died, then it is her fault, the Nepalese believe, and immediately rank the newly-made widow as a boksha - witches. Further, all the troubles that can hit the village, be it a drought, someone's death, or chickens that have stopped rushing, are blamed for this on the boksha. She is threatened, beaten, burned with hot metal, stoned, and sometimes even burned alive. In the harsh conditions of Nepal, a widow is an extra mouth, she is not able to feed herself, and no one intends to stand on ceremony with her.



In Uganda, witches are feared and hated, but the fear of them is so strong that no one, not even the official authorities, dares to stand in their way. The richest and most influential people in the country turn to them for treatment and talismans for good luck. Using official cover, people who call themselves witches and sorcerers do truly terrible things. For example, they periodically steal and kill children, since they need child flesh and blood for potions and conspiracies. But even for these terrible crimes, witches and sorcerers are not punished.



In 2011, a number of aides and advisers to then Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad were removed from their posts due to accusations of witchcraft and summoning jinn. In the latter, I must say, even more people believe in the Arab world than in the existence of witches and sorcerers. One of them, in his own defense, said that the president himself persuaded him to communicate with the genies in order to find out if they were working for Israeli or American intelligence. Some of the ill-wishers immediately said that, perhaps, the president himself fell under the spell. Thus, the belief in witchcraft almost completely changed the political landscape of Iran in a few days.


Papua New Guinea

Until 2013, in Papua New Guinea, it was possible to kill a person and avoid punishment by claiming that he was a sorcerer. In 2013, it was forbidden to kill sorcerers freely - but in the countryside, no one is going to give up this good tradition. If someone in the village did not die of old age, especially if it is a young man or a child, the inhabitants immediately call "the voice of Mary" - a good wizard who can figure out a witch or witcher among the inhabitants. There will be no mercy to the one to whom the “voice of Mary” pointed out - he will be tortured until he confesses everything, and then they will burn him.



Colombians don't like turkey. Why? Because this bird is considered the embodiment of a witch. That is, any turkey can turn out to be a woman with a devilish gift to conjure and change her appearance, turning into a bird. According to Colombian beliefs, witches are almost exclusively women. And although the country's laws do not support these beliefs in any way, reports from rural areas of Colombia still periodically come in that another woman was killed by her fellow villagers due to suspicions of witchcraft.



In the Gambia, witchcraft is considered the worst crime, and the president of the country himself leads the witch-hunt. Those suspected of witchcraft are taken (sometimes by entire villages) to remote places, trying to treat them with strange potions, from which many go mad or die. The government even ordered sorcerers from neighboring Papua New Guinea to cast their spells out of witches. They go on tours around the country, looking for witches and applying their own methods of treatment to them, among which beating a potential witch to death is considered the most effective.



Kenya is perhaps the most Europeanized country in Sub-Saharan Africa, and its leadership is striving to bring the country's laws in line with modern Western standards. Therefore, witchcraft is removed from the sphere of official, legal medicine. But, by the way, it is not punishable, just like turning to the services of a sorcerer for health or good luck. Therefore, advertisements from local waganga - sorcerers, are pasted over all the pillars in Nairobi, and every decent Kenyan has his own whaanga, whose witchcraft he considers the most powerful.



Tanzania has never been a western colony, which is why the ancient dark arts flourish here. Even Christians and Muslims in Tanzania turn to witches and sorcerers when all other ways to deal with the problem have proved useless. Tanzanian witches pose a great danger to local albinos who are regularly born in Tanzania. Their blood and flesh is considered a potent potion ingredient, so hunting albinos is a kind of national sport here. Albinos themselves are considered cursed, they are expelled from the villages, and even from their relatives they cannot always find protection.



The belief in witchcraft is ubiquitous in Indonesia. Even the former president of the country, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, in his memoirs describes not so much the political intricacies of the country as his meetings with the unknown - like the case when he, with a prayer to Allah, drove out of the house a black cloud, undoubtedly sent by sorcerers. For decades, the Indonesian government has been trying to pass a bill that would put sorcerers outside the law, but so far it has not been successful: the elite's resistance is too great.



In Romania, according to statistics, every tenth inhabitant of the country turns to fortunetellers and sorcerers. It is not surprising that this profession is considered very profitable. However, when the government imposed a 16% tax on their income in 2011, the sorcerers announced that they would poison the water of the Danube with the mandrake root, so much so that only the greedy authors of the law would suffer. However, for some reason, in six years not a single complaint has been received from the government.