Who Are Zombies - Alternative View

Who Are Zombies - Alternative View
Who Are Zombies - Alternative View

Video: Who Are Zombies - Alternative View

Video: Who Are Zombies - Alternative View
Video: Откуда к нам пришли зомби 2024, September

The term "zombie" has arisen a long time ago. The exact designation of a mystical creature for each nation is its own. Experts figured out the meaning of the concept of zombies and presented the classic definition of a mystical creature.

As you know, a zombie is a person who rebelled after death. It is noted that the creature is not able to think and understand logical things. In the classical sense, a zombie is a creature that carries out other people's orders. As a rule, a zombie obeys only its master - the one who revived the person.

The very same word "zombie" is of Afro-Caribbean origin. Literally translated from their language, zombies means "living corpse." The concept was used in voodoo rituals. The rituals of reviving the dead are based on the religion of African tribes, as well as elements of Catholicism.

The first mentions of zombies were provided by Caribbean priests. In their manuscripts and published books, they described the process of burying an already dead person. Later, records of the uprising of the dead after the funeral were found in the materials of the priests.

For the Voodoo tribes, which were also located in the Caribbean, a whole ritual was used. Voodoo religious rituals were performed by shamans. It was believed that a man who rebelled after death - a zombie - steals a human soul.

Shamans performed rituals mainly at night. They pressed the dead with their lips to the door of the deceased's house - in this way the soul was sucked out, which was placed in a special vessel.

After the person lost his soul, a funeral was held. A few hours later, the shaman, along with his assistants, was digging up the grave. The shaman held a vessel with a human soul in his hands. The sorcerer began to read prayers and call the name of the deceased, holding in his hands a bottle filled with soul. It was believed that the dead had to rise, ostensibly in order to get to his soul and get it back.

As soon as the dead man got up, the shaman helped him to reach his house, and then he said another prayer. It was believed that after that the person turned into a zombie and forgot everything about his past life.

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There is another way of performing rituals. The shaman places an empty vessel with certain items under the pillow.

The Voodoo tribes are credited with the term zombie dark magic. Usually such rituals are done out of revenge. The zombie loses all senses and becomes a slave. Usually, the walking dead were used to work in the fields, as they could work without fatigue.

Science does not recognize the process of creating a zombie, because after the death of a person, all cells are already considered inactive, organs and the brain do not work. An alternative version, which interested scientists, was tested by an American scientist.

The American, together with the Voodoo shaman, prepared the so-called "zombie powder". It was made from the elements contained in the puffer fish. Recall that fish contains tetrodoxin, a poison that can kill a person.

Also in the "powder" is used the meat of the poisonous toad "bapho marinus". In addition to the poisons, the list of ingredients included the gallbladder of sacred animals. Other organs can sometimes be applied. Having sprinkled powder on a dead person, it is believed that it can be revived in this way.

There is another version of the way to create zombies. It is believed that the astrological way can unite body and soul. As a result, this will lead to the uprising of the dead with the help of a special ritual.