Zombietecture. What Is It And Why? - Alternative View

Zombietecture. What Is It And Why? - Alternative View
Zombietecture. What Is It And Why? - Alternative View

Video: Zombietecture. What Is It And Why? - Alternative View

Video: Zombietecture. What Is It And Why? - Alternative View
Video: #11 Уроки SDL 2. Отрисовка спрайтов. 2024, September

As you know, zombies are corpses of people who rebelled after death. In modern medicine, there are many opinions that are devoted to the formation and nature of the existence of zombies. These mystical creatures are still questioned by the scientific community and many scientists.

Experiments were conducted where people tried to revive the dead in order to check the reality of the existence of zombies. However, not only scientists are interested in this topic. The fact is that the walking dead have a special nature of behavior, which is perfectly reflected by writers and filmmakers in their films.

First of all, zombies are not just rebellious people, but a whole biological organism. Scientists have tried to find an explanation for the fact that zombies do not need food and some kind of purpose - they can wander endlessly in any conditions - under water and in the snowy tundra.

The technology of animating people first gave birth to the term "zombie". The first truly recognized activity was zombietecture - the art of creating the walking dead. Some sources confirm that the tribes of the island of Haiti were doing this.

Residents chose shamans who understood the customs and traditions of the people. Naturally, shamans were fascinated by the study of the mystical sciences, which are often not recognized by scientists. Nevertheless, it was on the island of Haiti that the first technologies of transforming people into walking corpses were studied.

Some sources say that shamans from the Haitian tribe used the walkers as watchmen or workers in agriculture. The fact is that zombies do not feel tired and can move endlessly. However, they are not strong enough to do hard physical work alone, so they were used in agriculture.

There is also speculation that zombietecture originated in the Amazon. An entire expedition was prepared, which went from Europe to archaeological research devoted to the art of creating the dead.

The expedition members found the tribe. Most of the inhabitants died, but many inscriptions could be found about the existing science of creating zombies.

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In the course of research, it was possible to find out the true way to revive the dead. The shamans of the tribe caught conger eels. As you know, eels tend to produce electricity.

The caught sea eels were applied to the chest of the deceased. First, it was necessary to fix the acne in the upper chest, and then on the lower one from the side of the liver.

The shaman's assistants took out wooden sticks specially prepared for the ritual. They started tapping on blackheads in order to create a fibrillation effect. As a result, after the current hit through the body, the person came to life, turning into a zombie.

At the end of the expedition, it was found out that the probability of reviving the corpse is practically zero. Therefore, at the conferences held on these topics, the topic of zombies and the reality of their existence remained unrecognized phenomena.

