Is Christ A Son Of God Or A Magician? - Alternative View

Is Christ A Son Of God Or A Magician? - Alternative View
Is Christ A Son Of God Or A Magician? - Alternative View

I do not want to offend anyone's feelings, but just try to figure out whether Christ was the son of God or an ordinary person. So, if you are a convinced Christian, please do not read this "nonsense", otherwise "faith in the divinity of Christ" will be shaken. Everything that I am writing about here is written in the Bible, as they say, “between the lines”, you just need to be able to read and argue. And so, if you continue to read, then you confirm that this publication will not in any way hurt your feelings. So, let's begin.

Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, XIII century
Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, XIII century

Icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, XIII century.

As you know, all Christian faith is based on the person of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Even a whole book has been written about him, the New Testament is called. According to the teachings of Christianity, he was the son of God, came to the sinful Earth in the flesh and gave his life on the cross to atone for the sins of all people. I think there is no need to argue about the existence of Christ. There is a lot of evidence of its existence. He is a historical person, about Christ is written not only in the New Testament, he is also mentioned by many sources of that time. Including the Roman historian Tacitus, the historian Josephus Flavius, who have nothing to do with the Christian faith. Even archaeologists have already found evidence of the real existence of Christ.

Mother of God of Smolensk, 18th century
Mother of God of Smolensk, 18th century

Mother of God of Smolensk, 18th century.

And so, Jesus Christ was a real person who lived in the 1st century AD and was crucified at the age of 33. But the question is, was he really the son of God? Or maybe he's just a deified person? Unfortunately, now there is no one to ask. All participants in the events described in the Bible died almost two thousand years ago. So let's try to figure it out ourselves. First of all, all the answers should be sought in the Bible, respectively, and we will rely on it.

I think let's start in order. The first riddle concerning the life of Christ is the mystery of his origin. The Bible clearly says - Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit by the Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem. The Virgin Mary was at that time married to the widower Joseph (author's note: Betrothed or Carpenter), who at that time was already in old age. After the betrothal, Joseph learned that his wife Mary was pregnant. An angel who appeared to him in a dream told him to accept his wife, "for what is born in her is of the Holy Spirit, she will give birth to a Son, and you will call Him the name Jesus." It seems that everything is clear and you don't need to chew anything. The named father of Jesus, Joseph took as his wife Mary, pregnant by the Holy Spirit.

Joseph Plotnik
Joseph Plotnik

Joseph Plotnik.

And if we consider from another, more human point of view, may Christians forgive me, "took a wife, honest, but a little pregnant"? In this case, the New Testament can be safely carried to the trash heap. Think nonsense? And where is the evidence that Mary was a virgin and not a "harlot"? Sleep is not enough here. Jeanne d'Arc, for example, was checked by a whole commission. And knowing all the debauchery that was in the Roman Empire, it is generally unrealistic that she is a virgin. By the way, Mary gave birth to Christ at the age of 12 to 15 years according to various sources !!! Pure pedophilism !!!

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We read the New Testament further, in particular the childhood and adolescence of Christ. Very little has been written about them, except for a family trip to church, then a couple of lines. He studied crafts, on a par with all children of that time, and nowhere is it written that he is preparing to become a Mission. Not logical. If his parents knew about his Divine origin, why would he need the craft of the same carpenter? The same oratory would be more useful to him. So the mystery of birth, in my opinion, outweighs the completely human nature. I read in due time that Jesus was the illegitimate son of the king, therefore you are all seething and happened. But the son of the king, although illegitimate, is still a man. So we do not deny this version, but we will not consider it now.


There is practically nothing in the New Testament about Jesus' childhood and adolescence. As written above, just a couple of lines. Only in the Gospel of Luke (2: 41-52) is it said about the visit of the Jerusalem temple by a divine family with twelve year old Jesus. All events described in the Bible take place after the Baptism of the Lord by John the Baptist. At that time Christ was about thirty years old. That is, nothing is known about the adventures of Jesus Christ for a long time.

Baptism of the Lord XIX century
Baptism of the Lord XIX century

Baptism of the Lord XIX century.

According to the Gospel of John, the ministry of Christ from baptism to crucifixion lasted 3.5 - 4 years. During this time, he worked miracles - he healed seriously ill patients, raised the dead, fed 5,000 people, and turned water into wine. Then the question is, if he was the Messiah everyone was waiting for, why were not almost 30 years of his life documented? Or did no one know about him? Then a logical question - who then described the birth of Christ and small episodes from his childhood, or was it done when he was in adulthood?

And so, he fed him, he performed miracles. Let's go further. A special place in the New Testament is occupied by the Last Supper, Holy Week and the Crucifixion. I don’t know as Christians, but I don’t find anything divine in these events - if, according to the modern day, they thumped, flew into a sobering-up station and went to places not so distant.

Descent into Hell. XVI century
Descent into Hell. XVI century

Descent into Hell. XVI century.

So it is not worth focusing on this. Further, the Descent into Hell (which, of course, no one saw, but someone described), from where the souls of all the righteous were liberated, including the first people of Adam and Eve, and, finally, the Resurrection.

Let's go directly to the main thing on which the faith of many people is based, to the Resurrection. Nobody saw the Moment of Resurrection (as well as practically everything concerning miracles !!! And in words there is a lot to say !!!) and it is not described anywhere. If you believe the liturgical book of Octoechus, then no one saw the moment of the Resurrection and the birth of Christ, not even the angels (Opachki, but what about the Nativity of Christ, described in the New Testament?). Jesus was resurrected, according to the scriptures, on the third day. If you believe Islam, then Jesus was not crucified at all, but ascended to heaven alive (Oops !!!). According to the New Testament, after the Resurrection, Jesus continued to work miracles, strengthening his faith, and on the fortieth day ascended into heaven.


This is where the stories about Jesus Christ in the New Testament end. As a result of his deeds in ancient Palestine, a new religious movement arose - Christianity.

Now let's see what other religions say about Christ. Indeed, logically, such events should have been reflected there, and some of the world's religions will be more ancient than Christianity.

The followers of the religion that Christ preached, Judaism, completely denies his divinity, calls Jesus a liar and an intruder. There is a version that the acts of Christ were rigged by the Jews in order to revive the ancient religion, and instead received a new one.

In Islam, Christ is one of the main prophets of Allah.

In Buddhism, Christ is also one of the prophets.

Crucifixion of Christ. XIX century
Crucifixion of Christ. XIX century

Crucifixion of Christ. XIX century.

Like about the story of Jesus Christ finished. Now think, can an ordinary person do everything described in the Bible? Christians will say NO !!! Most atheists will blame the "fabulous" scripture. And I will say, perhaps !!! But one person is not enough for this !!! All the miracles that Christ worked can be done with a group of accomplices! And if you believe the Bible, at that time he had 12 apostles and about 70 disciples. And how many more "unaccounted for"? That is, such a group can fool anyone! Even Copperfield did not have such a team.

Ascension of the Lord
Ascension of the Lord

Ascension of the Lord.

Start over.

1). Divine origin. It was recorded thirty years after the event itself, perhaps even later. You could think of anything here.

2). Almost thirty years of life have not been described. Something is not very similar that the Mission, which has been awaited for more than one hundred years, is not pursued by "paparazzi". Yes, and the Divine nature would have made itself felt long ago and there would have been queues of those suffering to him.

3). Appears immediately in adulthood, with followers and begins to work wonders. Something smacks of cheating. During this time it was possible to rehearse this …

4). The crucifixion itself. Personally, I tend to believe that it is rigged. The arguments are:

- The Romans never crucified on crosses !!! This is confirmed by both archaeological finds and written evidence of that time. A pillar was used for the crucifixion. That is, the execution on the cross was a show, or Christ was crucified on a stake. Alternatively, which is unlikely, a deviation from the rules. But then okay one cross, but what about two thieves?

- Pontius Pilate, who passed judgment on Jesus, later was his follower, or maybe he was from the very beginning. Another argument in favor of the performance.

Now let's think what all these ideas could give. Money, fame … but a lot!

So if the whole New Testament is a performance, then everything is done in the best spirit of circus performers and magicians.

I do not insist on my point of view and did not want to offend anyone. Everything described here is just one of the attempts to understand religion and try to "humanize" Christianity.

And at the expense of the veracity of what is written here - think for yourself. Maybe, who knows, Christ was actually the son of God. At least for the number of billions of people who have worshiped him over the past centuries and shed blood for him, he is already worthy of respect.
