The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. What Is A Slope Tent For? - Alternative View

The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. What Is A Slope Tent For? - Alternative View
The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. What Is A Slope Tent For? - Alternative View

Video: The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. What Is A Slope Tent For? - Alternative View

Video: The Death Of The Dyatlov Group. What Is A Slope Tent For? - Alternative View
Video: Explaining the icy mystery of the Dyatlov Pass deaths 2024, July

An unexpected decision.

I adhere to the version that tourists set up a tent near a cedar, and a tent on the slope is a fiction. Why is the tent on the slope a fiction? Because, firstly, the Dyatlov group had only one tent, it was larger than the one that stood on the slope. Secondly, Dyatlov's tent was two-color, and the one on the slope was one-color. And most importantly, Dyatlov's tent, when set up, must have been placed between two solid objects, trees, stones, etc.

Dyatlov's tent was installed only in this way
Dyatlov's tent was installed only in this way

Dyatlov's tent was installed only in this way.

As you can see, such a tent cannot be set up in an open field or between two skis. Moreover, a camping stove is also attached to the longitudinal rope, and this is additional weight.

Returning to the main question: then what is this fictitious tent on the slope for?

How it works? Very simple. The search for tourists began from the tent and this is quite logical, naturally the search engines diverged radially in different directions. And then the purpose of the scammers was that the search engines found the bodies, but did not find anything else. To do this, we need to make sure that the search engines, without knowing it, move to the corpses, and not somewhere else.


In the image above, you see that if you search, starting from the location of the tent on the slope, then a rocky slope, on which there is nothing and cannot be, a shed (which is most likely also a fiction) and all the corpses, falls into the search zone. But if the center of the search is a tent near a cedar, then a significant part of the forest also falls into the search zone.

Promotional video:

One more question remains, why did they change the tent? There were footprints on the tent that would clearly indicate the murder of tourists. I do not exclude that Dubinina, Zolotarev, Kolevatov and Thibault were "moved" closer to the rest of the bodies, so as not to expand the search area and not bring the search engines to the artifacts left by the murderers of tourists.

Unfortunately, we will never know what happened in the part of the forest that was behind the cedar. it makes no sense to look for something now, too much time has passed.