"Arctic Henge" - A Structure, The Creation Of Which Raises Many Questions - Alternative View

"Arctic Henge" - A Structure, The Creation Of Which Raises Many Questions - Alternative View
"Arctic Henge" - A Structure, The Creation Of Which Raises Many Questions - Alternative View

Video: "Arctic Henge" - A Structure, The Creation Of Which Raises Many Questions - Alternative View

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In this article I will briefly talk about an interesting object in Iceland, after learning about which, I had some questions. As I said, Arctic Henge is located in Iceland, in a small village called Raufarhöfn. Everything is fine, of course, until I saw that they began to build the facility allegedly in 1996.

But before discussing the time of creation, it is worth talking about the structure itself. It is known that the Arctic Henge is a sundial, or an ancient observatory, in general the purpose is unknown, but how the exact purpose is unknown if it was built in 1996. Indeed, in fact, it was quite recently, but there are still a lot of questions.

In this case, if the object was being built recently, I was interested in pictures of the creation process, but they obviously are not. Not to say that this is very strange, but usually it is enough to simply find pictures of the construction or reconstruction of something. The structure itself is built from medium-sized basalt blocks. However, experts note that the architecture of the facility and the installation of all blocks is a complex system.


I have reviewed more than 5 sources (although there are not many of them) and the date of creation 1996 is written everywhere. But if this is so, why does everyone write inaccuracies in the true purpose of the object, and why did people even need to make something out of stones in 1996? In general, after all these inconsistencies, I have only one version that the object is ancient, like many others on Earth. To be more precise, it must be compared, of course, with Stonehenge in England.

Plus, just recently I wrote an article about Stonehenge. Then I also found some information that a structure similar to Stonehenge had already been found more than once. I don't remember exactly where similar objects are located, but 3-4 of them are known, plus there is information about such a structure, supposedly at the bottom of some sea.

After that, the thought already arises that such objects were of some special purpose. Perhaps these were observatories, the only fact is that there are not a few such objects, like the pyramids in the world. But what is their purpose and what kind of civilization built the objects, one can only guess. Perhaps it is too early for us to understand the purpose of many ancient structures.
