The Principle Of Movement And Control Of UFOs - Alternative View

The Principle Of Movement And Control Of UFOs - Alternative View
The Principle Of Movement And Control Of UFOs - Alternative View

Video: The Principle Of Movement And Control Of UFOs - Alternative View

Video: The Principle Of Movement And Control Of UFOs - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

In the Large Space, there are billions of universes that create spatial closed systems of various scales and composition. In these systems, there are billions and billions of civilizations that create their associations. Highly developed civilizations move in space on ships of the zero transition, which fold and unfold space according to a given program. These ships have recently begun to appear quite often within the solar system and on Earth.

They allow you to travel great distances, unthinkable for earthlings. But, nevertheless, the range of movement and they have a limit … This limit is dictated by the characteristics of the materials from which the ships are created and the limits of the operators' capabilities.

For a better understanding of the problem, you need to understand the principle of movement and control of UFOs. The principle of their work is based on the curvature of space, which also occurs in natural conditions. Any mass affects the space in which it is located. The star bends space, including our Sun, as a result of which the light waves near the star change rectilinear motion to curvilinear, which allows astronomers to see what is behind the Sun.

Stars of the class of our Sun slightly warp the space around them. Neutron stars, which have a small volume and huge mass (3-5 solar masses), bend space much more strongly. "Black holes", which have a diameter of about ten kilometers and a mass of 8-10 Suns, bend space so that in this place parallel universes are connected, and through this connection, matter from our Universe begins to flow into the parallel …

This is in the Macrocosm. The same thing happens in the Microcosm. The nucleus of each atom bends the space around itself, but only on a micro scale, of the order of 10 ^ (- 15) … 10 ^ (- 13) m. The heavier the nucleus, the greater the degree of this curvature. But with an atomic weight of over 200 atomic units, the nucleus becomes unstable and begins to decay into simpler, more stable nuclei. Therefore, there are radioactive elements (see Chapters 1 and 2).

Organic compounds, due to the special structure of molecules (carbon chains), significantly distort space at the level of the microcosm. This leads to the disappearance of the qualitative barrier in the field of heavy organic compounds between the physical and etheric levels of our planet, which, in principle, is the qualitative difference between organic compounds of atoms and inorganic compounds.

With the disintegration of simple compounds, the substances that form them begin to flow from the physical level to the etheric level, which leads to a qualitatively new organization of matter - to living matter. If in the macrocosm around the "black holes" there is a zone of matter overflow from our Universe into a parallel one, then in the microcosm around large organic molecules (DNA, RNA) a zone of matter overflow from the physical level of our planet to the etheric one appears.

Laws and mechanisms both in the microcosm and in the macrocosm are the same, only have their own characteristics. When in the course of the evolution of organic life a cell arose and the mechanisms of cell division developed, a qualitative phenomenon arose that cannot be observed in the macrocosm. During division, the old cell is completely destroyed and disappears, its constituent matter flows onto the etheric plane and creates a duplicate of the etheric cell. And only after a while the etheric cells begin to collect physical cells.

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The process of cell division was filmed using a tunneling microscope, and the videotape recorded how the old cell completely disappears during the division, and after a while two new cells begin to appear - exact copies of the old cell. At the level of a living cell, in the process of division, a complete overflow of matter from one level to another occurs, and then back. This happens to every living cell, every living organism, millions and millions of times …

Having understood the mechanism of matter flow between parallel levels in the course of cell division, the civilizations of the Cosmos have found the key to solving the problem of movement in space. When technologies arose that made it possible to technically carry out such an overflow, ships of the zero transition appeared, the so-called. UFO.

Zero crossing ships have a biometallic structure. In other words, they consist of huge organic molecules, similar to DNA and RNA molecules, in which heavy metals are located on free bonds. This allows the microcosm to bend not only between the parallel levels of the planet, but even at the macro level of parallel universes. Now you just need to start a process similar to cell division, and a large mass of matter will flow from one universe to another, where the laws are completely different. It remains only to set the problem of overflowing back not at the same point, but at the desired point in the universe, and the ship will be at this point.

Such a ship is controlled by psi-fields, which are created by the pilots of the zero transition ship. The further the distance of movement, the more power of the psi-field is needed for this. One pilot cannot create such power, therefore several pilots are required, which must work absolutely synchronously, and each must give its part of the power of the psi-field required for movement.

If something goes wrong in this work, the zero transition ship may not leave the parallel universe and materialize at the desired point, which leads to the annihilation explosion of the ship. Such an explosion was observed on Earth. The famous Tunguska meteorite is a ship zero of the transition of civilization from the constellation Cygnus, which could not leave the parallel universe, and an annihilation explosion occurred. And that is why no debris or suspected radioactive contamination was found in the explosion zone.

It should be noted that the cyborg of this ship minimized the consequences of the disaster. The ship's crew left it in life-saving capsules in the northern zone of Western Siberia, from where they were later taken away, and the ship on autopilot continued to fly for some time, moreover, changing its trajectory by ninety degrees, which no comet or meteorite could have done …

How did scientists explain this phenomenon ?! It's very simple: a meteorite entered the Earth's atmosphere, which burned up in it, and during the combustion a plasma explosion occurred … Such disasters are not so rare in Space. And the greater the distance that the zero transition ship must move, the greater the likelihood of such a disaster. After all, the more pilots take part in creating the required power of the psi-field, the greater the likelihood of their inharmonious and asynchronous work.

Therefore, the size of the crew cannot be large; at medium distances, the number of the crew is four pilots, at long distances - six. In the latter case, the probability of catastrophe is the greatest. Thus, the range of penetration into the depths of the Cosmos by each highly developed civilization is determined by the ultimate strength of ships at zero transition and by the power of the psi-field, which can be created by an intelligent creature of this civilization.

Unfortunately, both have limits. This hinders the development of all civilizations in Space. The hierarchs of the large association of "white" civilizations, which includes many billions of civilizations, decided to try to find a way out of this impasse …

Nikolay Levashov "The last appeal to humanity"
