Encrypted Manuscripts - Alternative View

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Encrypted Manuscripts - Alternative View
Encrypted Manuscripts - Alternative View

Video: Encrypted Manuscripts - Alternative View

Video: Encrypted Manuscripts - Alternative View
Video: Lesser Known Encryptions that Defy Explanation 2024, October

The creators of these mysterious manuscripts were Magyars, Americans, Germans and they created mysterious works for devoted readers, not counting on literary fame. Who such authors could be - historians and specialists in the field of cryptology still argue about this.

Rohontsi Code

The Rohontsi Codex - a mysterious and still not deciphered manuscript from the collection of the princes of Battiani in Rehnitsa (Rohontsi) - now remains in the shadow of the notorious Voynich manuscript, which we have already told our readers about more than once.

Meanwhile, the aforementioned code, donated by Prince Gustav Battyani to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1838, is no less interesting.


448 (!) Pages of this document contain, for example, drawings of a religious nature using symbols belonging to a wide variety of confessions: Christian, Muslim and even Buddhist. The “alphabet”, through which the code was created, has over 150 unique characters.

The main sensation of the book is that its author adhered to the idea of equality and cooperation of all religions - and this could be considered a service to Satanism even in the enlightened 19th century, when Gustav Battiani made a gift to Hungarian scientists. Not to mention the deep antiquity, when someone created this artifact. But what a deep old age? And who is this creator of the code?

To quote Wikipedia: "Currently, most scholars share the opinion … that the code is a hoax carried out. By the Transylvanian antiquarian Samuel Literati Nemes."

Promotional video:

It is strange that the creators of Wikipedia seem to have forgotten the years of the life of a speculative hoaxer. The venerable Samuel Nemesh was born in 1796 and reposed in Bose in 1842. Thus, it turns out that "most scientists" regard the artifact as a "remake" of the 19th century.

Let me doubt the veracity of the statements of the Internet encyclopedia, or at least the obsolescence of the information provided. The fact is that now the material on which the letters of the codex and illustrations to them are applied has already been thoroughly and reliably studied: this is a type of paper common in Northern Italy - especially in Venice - at the beginning of the 16th century.

That is, "the majority of scientists" these days are simply forced to abandon the comfortable version of the "mystifier Nemesh". And suggest some other. But while the learned world is silent. Well, at the end of the story about this artifact, we will inform the readers of some interesting news.

The Rohontsi code is now being studied by … the US National Security Agency (NSA). In particular, it was discussed at the last NSA symposium called Crypto History ("Encrypted history"). Maybe the "scientists in civilian" will do what ordinary men of science have not been able to do so far? Who knows.

"Magic Tablets" from Kassel

Whereas Hungary seems to have resigned themselves to the impossibility of deciphering the Rohontsi code by indirectly delegating this right to the American intelligence service, their German colleagues from the manuscript department of the Hesse State Library are now celebrating their triumph. Dr. Brigitte Pfeil and her colleague Sabine Ludemann managed to finally decipher the "Magic Tablets" - letters acquired by the said library from a private collector.


Several months of hard work - and the "Magic Tablets", as Pfeil and Ludemann themselves say, "hacked." The code on which this artifact was created in the 18th century was subdued by modern scientists. 90 pages of text contain detailed, one might even say "step by step" instructions on how to summon various spirits.

But, probably, the Germans would not have been Germans, if even in the 18th century, creating the tablets, they were not guided by pragmatic motives. In particular, the spirits called by the owner of the "Magic Tablets" are charged with helping the name of the river find some treasures, hiding places and treasures. And here we are faced with another riddle of a seemingly already decrypted manuscript …

In the 18th century, Kassel was in Germany the unofficial capital of alchemists, masons, Rosicrucians, who, according to the chronicles, often buried treasures and treasures in the vicinity "for brothers of future times." Until now, however, neither local authorities nor ordinary treasure hunters have found a single map showing the location of such caches.


As German scientists now suggest, it is quite possible that "double bottom coding" is used in the "Magic Tablets". Under the first, already deciphered "layer" of the text about spirits and treasures, there is a secret second - allegorically indicating a very specific path to the caches in the vicinity of Kassel.

Probably, it is for this reason that everyone can see the original of the "Magic Tablets" in the manuscript department of the Kassel library, while their translation is still hidden from prying eyes.

The Book of the Seven Dispensations of Saint John

Even among other specialists in the field of cryptology, there is a misconception that almost all mysterious encrypted manuscripts are the brainchild of the Middle Ages and those that preceded them. This is not true. And here is a story to support what was said.

In 1950, a certain James Hampton, a failure artist who made his living as a gatekeeper, rented a garage in the suburbs of New York, informing the owner of this that he had to "finish one of his projects here."

This hidden project "project" became public only after Hampton passed away in 1964 and the garage owner regained access to his property. His astonished gaze was presented with an artifact, which the deceased himself called the "Throne", as well as an encrypted manuscript, which for some reason is now commonly called the "diaries" of James Hampton.

Page from the Hampton manuscript


Meanwhile, the artist himself, who can be considered the creator of a single masterpiece - the Throne, now exhibited at the Smithsonian Museum of American Art (Washington, DC) - called his notes "The Book of the Seven Dispensations of St. John" (for some unknown reason, this is rarely known even from specialized sources). Actually, the title of the records, which took up 104 pages, is the only thing that is not encrypted in them.

And here we are forced to ask the question: what exactly are "dispensations"? In short, a dispensation is an act that cancels the application of the law to a given person in this case, recognizing actions that are insignificant valid, and illegal actions that are permissible.

Initially, the doctrine of dispensation originated and developed in Catholic canon law, about which James Hampton, even if he was born into a Baptist family, hardly had an exhaustive idea.

And now we offer our readers an interactive mode. Refresh in your memory what you know about St. John the Theologian, and think about what exactly the author of the Gospel, Revelation, and the three letters included in the New Testament could deny (at least from the point of view of Hampton). Or, on the contrary: what, in a general opinion, insignificant, could he recognize (according to Hampton) deserving rehabilitation?

Apparently, on 104 pages of the self-taught artist's cipher, a certain prediction is hidden, moreover, concerning the near future. It is no coincidence, apparently, the full name of the only masterpiece he created sounds like "Throne of the third heaven of the nations of the millennium of the General Assembly." And it is quite possible to assume that the Throne itself, consisting of 180 elements, is the key to the cipher of the Book of Seven Dispensations.

As an example in confirmation: among the ornaments on the furniture and crowns of the Throne, English words and expressions are sometimes found. For example, one of them - Revelations - may indicate that researchers should pay attention to the book of the Revelation of St. John, and not to his other numerous works.

Instead of a conclusion, or "Where there is no vision, people die"

The quote we have put in the title of this chapter is one of the modern (unencrypted) English sayings that adorn the mysterious Throne created by Hampton. I would like to hope that the second part of this apocalyptic dictum-prophecy will not come true, but the first is worth talking a little about.

Throne of the Hampton


“Where there is no vision…” Is this not about some of the modern scholars who decipher the mysterious manuscripts? Doesn't the reader get the impression that the researchers seem to have resigned themselves to the "impossibility" to decode the mysterious letters?

In this regard, the story with the "Magic Tablets" is more the exception than the rule. But how many people told us about new supercomputers and programs that are ready to decipher any spy text. Don't you find it strange that by successfully breaking the spy codes of the 21st century, modern specialists are powerless against codes created decades and centuries ago?

Does this situation remind you of the state of affairs with early warning systems for natural disasters? Many states have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in these, as well as in decryption systems, but they have not demonstrated their effectiveness.

Now we can state that many encrypted works await a new generation of researchers - possessing the same “vision” of the problem, which James Hampton once wrote about and which, apparently, is lacking in modern “crackers” of book codes.