The Six Most Mysterious Encrypted Messages - Alternative View

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The Six Most Mysterious Encrypted Messages - Alternative View
The Six Most Mysterious Encrypted Messages - Alternative View

Video: The Six Most Mysterious Encrypted Messages - Alternative View

Video: The Six Most Mysterious Encrypted Messages - Alternative View
Video: The world’s most mysterious book - Stephen Bax 2024, October

6. Signal Wow

On August 15, 1977, a 72-second signal from space rocked the SETI workers searching for extraterrestrial life. Astronomer Jerry Eiman looked at the computer printout of the signal and wrote the word Wow !, hence the name of the signal by which it is known to this day. The signal was received from the constellation Sagittarius, located near the center of the galaxy.


Eiman recalls: "It was the most significant thing we have seen in life."

The signal had no specific meaning. It was received by the Big Ear radio telescope at Ohio State University. This caused a lot of excitement, but since then similar signals have not been repeated. As a result, many have lost faith that this was an alien attempt to establish contact.

5. The Voynich manuscript

The time of creation and other information about the Voynich manuscript became the subject of discussions. Some say it was written in Central Europe between the 15th and 16th centuries. The manuscript is written in an unknown language, which scientists have never been able to decipher.

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The manuscript contains a large number of mysterious drawings depicting a variety of scenes, from star maps to "small images of naked women with swollen bellies, who are immersed in liquid or wander in water and perform incomprehensible actions with a system of combined pipes and capsules," says the description of the Yale library. university.

The manuscript also contains a large number of images of medicinal plants. Some say that this is a magic book or a scientific work. The manuscript is named after Wilffried M. Voynich, an antiques dealer who acquired it in 1912.

Recently there have been perhaps the first real advances in the deciphering of the manuscript. American botanist Arthur O. Tucker of the University of Delaware and IT specialist Rexford H. Talbert believe that the Voynich manuscript contains a description of the flora and fauna of the New World and is at least partially written in one of the Aztec languages.

The conclusions of the researchers are based on a comparison of plant drawings in the Voynich manuscript with drawings in several floristic codes of the New World, created in the middle of the 16th and beginning of the 17th centuries. Scientists were able, for example, to match the drawing of a plant with a flat rhizome, which is found on page 1v of the Voynich manuscript, with the drawing on page 9r of the Cruz-Badianus code (the oldest medical document from the New World, created in 1552).

The drawings show a similarly styled plant that resembles the bindweed Ipomoea murucoides - both show a rhizome with claw-like processes and white flowers with a tubular corolla.

One of the first in the manuscript was able to find a drawing, which, according to the authors, "no doubt depicts a leaf or fruit of a cactus, most likely Opuntia ficus-indica." The caption under the picture is "quite easily transliterated" in "nashtli", a variant of the word "nochtli" from the Aztec Nahuatl language.


4. Kryptos

Outside the CIA headquarters is a brass sculpture covered in code. It was created by Jim Sanborn in 1990; decades later, most of the code remains undeciphered. Three of the four sections have been deciphered, and Sanborn is anxiously waiting for the fourth to be deciphered.


“I assumed the code would be cracked in a short time,” he told the New York Times in 2010. To help, he gave a hint: characters 64 through 69 (NYPVTT) read BERLIN when decoded.

Fragment still to be deciphered:





The deciphered third paragraph recounts the memories of the Egyptologist Howard Carter about the discovery of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. To complicate the decryption process, some words contained typos.

3. Encryption at the Shepherd's Monument

Could this be the key to finding the Holy Grail? Similar rumors circulate around the mysterious inscription on the Shepherd's Monument.


The monument has stood at the Shackborough estate in Staffordshire, England since about 1750. Its creators are Thomas Wright and James Stewart. Peter Schiemaker created a relief on the monument based on a painting by the Baroque artist Nicolas Poussin.

The most mysterious part is the inscription on the pedestal: OUOSVAVV; D and M are located on the sides below the rest of the letters. It is believed that Poussin knew about the location of the Holy Grail, so the use of his painting gives the monument even more mystery.

The inscription on the Shepherd's monument.


2. Tamam Shud

In 1948, an athletic man dressed in a suit and patent leather shoes was found dead in Somerton Beach in Adelaide, Australia. In a secret pocket sewn into the man's trousers, a tiny piece of paper was found with a phrase from the end of the collection of Persian poetry "Rubayat" by Omar Khayyam. It read "Tamam Shud", which means "completed."


The man did not have his identity documents with him, to this day his death and this strange little note remains a mystery.

The cause of his death has also not been established. Witnesses saw him lying on the beach several hours before he was found dead. They thought he was just drunk because he was making some movements. Investigators speculated that he might have been poisoned, but no trace of the poison was found in his body. There is a version that a very rare type of poison was used, which, after action, decomposes into its constituent parts in the body.

The book, from which a sheet of paper was torn, was found, and under ultraviolet rays, a code was found in it, written inside. Navy intelligence, professional decoders, and individual enthusiasts tried to decipher it, but to no avail.

1. Georgia Tablets

The six granite slabs, towering high in the countryside of the southern United States, contain inscriptions in four ancient languages (Babylonian cuneiform, classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphic writing), as well as eight modern ones, including Russian. The plates have a modern design, the identity of the person who installed them is deliberately kept secret, and there have been many discussions about the meaning of the inscriptions.


The inscription on the plates urges: "Leave these tablets to a reasonable age."

The principles in Russian are set out as follows:

1. Let the earthly population never exceed 500,000,000, being in constant balance with nature.

2. Manage fertility wisely, adding value to human diversity.

3. Find a new living language that can unite humanity.

4. Be tolerant in matters of feelings, faith, traditions, etc.

5. Let just laws and an impartial court stand up for the protection of peoples and nations.

6. Let each nation decide its own internal affairs by submitting national problems to the world court.

7. Avoid petty litigation and useless officials.

8. Maintain a balance between personal rights and social responsibilities.

9. Above all, value truth, beauty, love, striving for harmony with infinity.

10. Don't be a cancer for the earth, leave a place for nature too!

Only the name of the person who installed the plates in 1979 is known. This is R. K. Christian (RC Christian). Only one living person knows who that person was, but he will not speak.

Banker Wyatt Martin, 82 when he was interviewed by Discovery Magazine last September, promised to keep R. K. Christiane: “They can put a weapon to my head and kill me, but I will never give his real name. At this age and profession, you remain true to the promise of confidentiality."

Martin said of Christian: "He always said that if you want to keep people interested, you can only let them know so much."

It was at the height of the Cold War, Martin said, and the principles engraved on the stones were meant to provide an alternative path.


Arkansas-based Van Smith shared his thoughts on the stones with Discovery Magazine: "The purpose of the Monument's Ten Principles is to establish the foundation for a global totalitarian government."

He also noted: “The proportions of the stones are exactly the size of Dubai's Burj Khalifa, currently the tallest building in the world. Both the stone tablets and the Burj allude to the Tower of Babel."

Some have noted that the letters RC in the name RC Christian may indicate that it belonged to the European secret society of the Rosicrucians. The Rosicrucian text states: "The word RC should be their seal, sign and sign." The title of the book "The Age of Reason" by the writer Thomas Paine echoes the inscriptions on the slabs, and he was a famous Rosicrucian.