An Unusual Find Was Discovered In The Mountain Systems Of The Caucasus - Alternative View

An Unusual Find Was Discovered In The Mountain Systems Of The Caucasus - Alternative View
An Unusual Find Was Discovered In The Mountain Systems Of The Caucasus - Alternative View

Video: An Unusual Find Was Discovered In The Mountain Systems Of The Caucasus - Alternative View

Video: An Unusual Find Was Discovered In The Mountain Systems Of The Caucasus - Alternative View
Video: Baffling Ancient Artefacts Found In Coal...Incredible, They Are Far Older Than We Thought 2024, September

Today I will tell you about a very unusual find discovered by people in the mountain ranges of the North Caucasus.

There is very little information on the find, so I will be brief.

The find is an old box with anenerbe symbols on its lid. Since the Anenerbe was actively engaged in the study of real ancient history and paranormal phenomena, many interesting artifacts could be stored in the box.

Soon after the discovery, the box was opened, and its contents amazed all researchers. It contained a strange object, wrapped in black cloth. What was the mysterious find?


The find turned out to be a skull with an interesting shape. The researchers threw up their hands when they first saw it, because it looks more like the skull of some extraterrestrial being than a person or animal.


Promotional video:

In addition to the skull, several old papers were found in the box.

Unfortunately, I have not found their normal translation anywhere.


Further information about the skull and chest is shrouded in a veil of secrecy. It is not known who exactly and when found them (they write about archaeologists, then about hunters for military artifacts), where they are now and whether someone was researching them or not.

I was also very surprised that most of the information and photographs on this story are stored on foreign sites, although the find was made in the mountain systems of the Caucasus.

But judging by the paucity of information, then probably the find was discovered by black diggers and left as a keepsake.