The Human Brain - Data Bank Storage Of The Universe - Alternative View

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The Human Brain - Data Bank Storage Of The Universe - Alternative View
The Human Brain - Data Bank Storage Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: The Human Brain - Data Bank Storage Of The Universe - Alternative View

Video: The Human Brain - Data Bank Storage Of The Universe - Alternative View
Video: Неделю готовился к рейду 10 человек онлайн Rust/Раст 2024, September

Single space of information

Creative people are characterized by states of enlightenment. This is how the most valuable discoveries are made, and there are enough confirmations of this in the history of mankind. Henri Poincaré wrote about this, trying to delve into the process of serious insights that raise civilization to a new level in the knowledge of the universe. In an instant, the brain of a scientist is visited by an original interesting idea, like a flash of lightning. Although before that, a long period of painful hours of meditation turned out to be completely fruitless.

Many of the famous scientists have claimed that great discoveries came to them during their night's rest. A well-known example of this is the periodic table. Niels Bohr unexpectedly proposed a planetary model, then still mysterious for everyone, the atom after he had a prophetic dream where the planets revolved around the Sun, then suddenly turned into a nucleus and electrons. Otto Levy dreamed of an experiment on a frog heart, which helped him prove the chemical nature of the transmission of a nerve impulse. In the same way, Kekule found the molecular structure of benzene.

Who gives revelation to a person? Believers call this Something - God. Many great personalities declared about the leadership of higher powers over them: philosophers, scientists, art workers. These included Newton, Copernicus, Einstein, Bulgakov, even, contrary to popular belief, Charles Darwin. But in modern society, where other concepts and canons are accepted, scientists call something that gives humanity reason and knowledge an informative field, the same for the entire Universe.

Unusual conditions

With regard to such mysterious phenomena associated with the mental processes of the brain, experts in the field of mysticism declare that creative thought is comparable to meditation. Yogis believe that a person in a state of deep sleep experiences the so-called theta state. It is at this time that people who are completely far from magic and do not have the abilities of psychics, in some cases, see prophetic dreams. The Bible and other esoteric and historical sources tell about such examples.

The alpha state is something intermediate between sleep and reality. Any of the people has come across the phenomenon when, as if awake, suddenly for a moment or a little more, it seems to turn off. And his spirit, being between reality and the other world, hovers far from reality. At such moments, a person may receive answers to unresolved questions, and difficult everyday situations are unexpectedly resolved, as his own actions and the behavior of others become clear. Attentive people probably noticed that their brain works most intensively during the period of nap, although official science cannot explain this phenomenon.

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A person stays in the beta state throughout the day, when he is awake, adequately evaluates and perceives everything that happens. Illumination visits a person spontaneously. Writers call it inspiration, the phenomenon of the Muses. And creative scientists at such a moment grab a pen and a piece of paper, begin to write complex formulas and numbers, making calculations. This does not happen often, but for famous scientists, this sometimes became a kind of starting point, giving an impetus to their thoughts for work for many years, sometimes changing their life, fate, destiny. René Descartes faced the extraordinary at twenty. This mathematician, physicist and philosopher claimed that a number of prophetic dreams served as the impetus for his research, and after that, throughout his life, he continued to dream of amazing discoveries in reality.

Knowledge from Space

Nikola Tesla is generally recognized as the genius founder of electrical engineering. In his life, he actively created various types of transformers, generators, motors, through which electricity was transformed and created. He also invented household appliances and factory machines, figured out how to transmit electricity over long distances using alternating current, and much more. This unusual person, without making notes, in his mind solved the most difficult mathematical problems. At a time when other scientists spent many years of hard work on discoveries, Tesla, literally one after another, generated technical and scientific ideas, while declaring that he himself did not invent anything, but simply literally draws knowledge, getting them from Space. Recognized scholars, in particular Rutherford, called him a prophet.

This man was indeed a seer, and there was evidence and evidence of this. He kept Morgan from buying a ticket to the Titanic and almost accurately predicted the dates of the World Wars. Many of his ideas - microscope, laser, solar engine, X-ray machine and mobile phone - were brought to life decades later. And others, transferred to planet Earth from the universal knowledge bank, are just waiting in the wings.

Z agadki savant

Many people are endowed with talents by nature. From birth they have extraordinary abilities, showing themselves in various fields of science, music, dance. They easily multiply three-four-digit numbers in their minds, immediately compose poems and do many other things, very surprising. But for some, their gift comes after the tragedies and accidents experienced, although the percentage of these people is not high.

It's amazing that individuals in the human race can gain unusual abilities after brain injury. Such unique ones are called savants. They suddenly begin to speak in previously unknown languages, often even linguists find it difficult to find out the origin of the words used by these amazing people. Sometimes savants become owners of unexpected information, drawing on a piece of paper in details of cities and countries that they have never been before. They can get, no matter where from, information the most unexpected in all respects.

A certain boy named Orlando Serrell was injured while playing basketball in 1979. Since then, he suffered from prolonged headaches. But since that time, for a whole year he memorized certain days in every detail in bright colors with details. For some reason, they turned out to be Mondays, the chronology of which he could recreate even in the little things that ordinary people ignore in everyday life. This is how Orlando's autobiographical memory manifested itself, and journalists called it calendar abilities.

After suffering a serious illness, one Vietnamese peasant did not sleep for 40 years, and at the same time felt quite tolerable. Having thoroughly examined him, the doctors concluded that the healthy state of the body in this person is provided by micro-sleep. That is, this patient received the ability to turn off for a few seconds when his brain gets tired, right during wakefulness, without noticing it.

The universe within itself

Space, as many scientists admit, is not as mysterious as the human brain. Its bark is built from billions of nerve cells, differing in shape and function. Between them, every second myriads of connections, impulses, signals are formed as a result of processing information coming from five, perhaps even six or more, sense organs. And it happens with almost instantaneous speed.

But the potential of the brain, as it turns out, far exceeds the real ability of humans. The reason, apparently, is the self-protection of this most important organ from dangerous overloads. But after severe stress caused by anxiety, illness, after electric shocks or clinical death, certain abilities, as if dormant inside the subconscious, sometimes begin to manifest themselves. All the mysteries of the brain are inexhaustible. Scientific works and articles, encyclopedias and dissertations have been written about the amazing phenomena associated with his work. But everything explored is only a grain of sand in the vast sea of obscurity.