The Most Mysterious Technologies Of Our Ancestors That We Have Irretrievably Lost - Alternative View

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The Most Mysterious Technologies Of Our Ancestors That We Have Irretrievably Lost - Alternative View
The Most Mysterious Technologies Of Our Ancestors That We Have Irretrievably Lost - Alternative View

Video: The Most Mysterious Technologies Of Our Ancestors That We Have Irretrievably Lost - Alternative View

Video: The Most Mysterious Technologies Of Our Ancestors That We Have Irretrievably Lost - Alternative View
Video: Proof a Mysterious Lost Ancient GLOBAL Civilization Spanned Virtually the Entire Planet… 2024, September

Let's fast forward 100 years, abandon the usual stereotypes that we received from the Ministry of Education, and look at the facts that you could not even think of. Well, welcome.

One-wheeled ground transport

Today, there are mainly four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles around us, but our ancestors quite successfully moved around on one wheel. In the frames of films, this fact is considered as fiction or technology of the future, but stubborn facts indicate the opposite: such technical solutions from the not distant past, or rather from the 18th - 19th centuries.


A great variety of devices, unusual from our point of view, can be found on old images. Monowheel units are evident in many aspects of the transportation industry, from horse carriages, bicycles and motorcycles. These mechanisms could move at speeds up to 150 kilometers per hour. These technologies gradually, but inadvertently, disappeared and eventually came under an unspoken ban. An excellent example is the engineer Eduard Melnikov, who assembled a unicycle with his own hands in 1970. The traffic police officers simply did not allow him to move on the roads. Preserved documentary evidence of the existence of vehicles on a one-wheeled base, as well as unicycle on air traction. Here is a parking lot more than a hundred years old, which is now presented to us as the most disruptive and high-tech future,unattainable high-tech for cities.

Walking transport

Promotional video:

It may shock you, but there is a motorcycle horse, which, according to some experts, is a training simulator for riding an ordinary motorcycle. Really, such a complex structure was designed and then assembled to just sit like on a motorcycle.


The network is full of funny videos in which Boston Dynamics workers mock robots, which they collected in order to test their fault tolerance and performance. But literally a hundred years ago, there were already similar inventions, which apparently were in no way inferior to their modern counterparts.

Underground transport from the past

Our recent ancestors used not only the unique wheeled transport, but also underground. These are stills from the Kingsman Secret Service movie. An episode in which the heroes of the film travel by underground pneumatic transport. Perhaps this is not a fantasy of the screenwriter and similar units were used in reality about a hundred years ago. Huge tunnels have been laid under the old and fairly large city. Their size and shape are remarkably similar to that shown in the film.


We are told that we are faced with an ordinary medieval sewage system, but is that so? What enormous means and efforts did this miracle of architectural thought cost? Not hundreds, but tens of thousands of kilometers. The quality level is stunning, even by modern standards. The service life, as time has shown, is almost unlimited. Even if such a careful approach was used for sewerage, then why at the same time they lived in dilapidated shacks, and sometimes in dugouts. Even according to the most approximate calculations, the volume of investments in the construction of such tunnels is simply enormous, and the builders who erected such tunnels had to have the highest qualifications.

Eternal brick

Well, now is the time to talk about building materials, namely brick. All the tunnels I talked about in the previous article are made from it. The qualitative characteristics of modern bricks, despite the complex production technology and scientific progress, are in many ways inferior to the quality of past centuries. This is obvious to everyone who watched the ancient masonry alive. The quality and scale of these structures is shocking. Fortresses, tunnels, any vaulted structures. In Spain, 18 kilometers from Alicante, there is a very old reservoir in a narrow mountain canyon. Dozens of tons of water are held back by a dam called "Tibi".


This building would not have caused any surprise if not for the grandiose scale and date of construction. The first foundation stone of the dam was laid in 1589, and 14 years later, in 1594, the construction was completed. The height of the dam reaches 41 meters, width - 33 meters, the sluice system functions properly to this day. After four centuries, even an inexperienced observer notices the grace of the ancient dam. For comparison, we can cite a huge number of modern structures that cannot withstand even 100 years without major repairs or reconstruction. The Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, built in the era of Soviet electrification, comes to mind.


Unfortunately, she did not even live to see her fiftieth birthday. This despite the fact that the construction lasted for about 20 years. Experts unanimously say that the main weak point of all modern dams is the low quality of masonry. In simple terms: dams crack, sag and fall apart. What kind of knowledge did our recent ancestors possess, who knew how to build for centuries. Why today we have entire scientific and technical institutes, design bureaus and government funding, and at the same time we are clearly losing to them. Where did the engineers disappear, whose names we do not even remember today, and who was in the hands of erasing the knowledge that allowed building so efficiently and grandiosely. Here are some more amazing photos of facts confirming the fantastic quality of medieval buildings. The Swedish fortress Pillau, located on the island,hand-built and surrounded by man-made canals.


Tens of kilometers of brickwork, made without a single error. The thickness of the walls in some places reaches two meters. They could not be destroyed by either the First World War or the Second World War. Construction began in 1626. It is surprising that until 1999, access to the fort was closed to civilians. Who and what is hiding in such structures? What explanations do we hear from representatives of official science, except, of course, ridiculous stories about adding egg yolks to cement mortar. Architectural cascades and complex shapes have been verified with precision. Now we are doing something similar using laser technology and satellite terrain planning. How did our ancestors do? Have you pulled the rope?

Mysterious super-strong steel of the past

It's not just the brick. There is a bridge in Kiev, which was built back in 1855.


Amazingly, academic sources authoritatively state that only a year later, in 1856, high-quality steel technologies were discovered. How did the Kiev bridge across the Dnieper withstand its own weight, not to mention the multi-ton traffic through it? There are no answers to the questions. Were people so primitive in the 16-18 centuries, as we are trying to imagine today.

Atmospheric electricity

Here is a photo from an industrial exhibition that was regularly held from the beginning of the 19th century until 1917. The abundance of architectural forms not typical of the technical world is striking. Many domed towers against the backdrop of pragmatic mechanisms. What is it?


Excessive religiosity of inventors or a device providing a demonstration of a particular exhibit. If you remember that the explosion of technological progress in the 19th century is completely tied to the receipt of electricity. It becomes very likely that the domed structures are nothing more than sources of electricity from the surrounding space.

Perhaps, in the comments, my readers will object: they say they built at that time this was the fashion, but fashion does not just arise. Why build a complex structure when you can build an ordinary brick box with a gable roof, especially since the exhibition was located in a covered pavilion. Indeed, if we assume that literally 100 years ago they knew how to extract electric current from the ubiquitous ether, a lot becomes clear. The rapid development of industry did not arise out of nowhere. With access to an inexhaustible source of driving force, it remains only to understand how it was possible to connect to the energy Klondike and why such a promising direction so unexpectedly slammed.


This photo shows the building of the All-Russian Industrial Exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod. They were destroyed in the early years of the country of the Soviets. Take a close look at this miracle of construction machinery. Why and who would benefit from destroying such high-tech evidence.


Here are footage from the 1900s. In the foreground, a moving electric sidewalk. The same was recorded in Chicago in 1893. The sidewalk ran throughout the exhibition and was three and a half kilometers long. It had nine stations. The columns that we see in the photo are clearly not for beauty. According to researchers of atmospheric electricity of the recent past, it is thanks to them that this road moves.

These are the technologies of the recent past. Do you think they stand out from the technological annals, which, according to generally accepted ideas, should develop from simple to complex. Can you admit that there are forces that control the technological level of our planet, or is all this just delirium of illiterate amateurs who have nothing to do. write in the comments what you think about this.