Visit Of Three Translucent Creatures - Alternative View

Visit Of Three Translucent Creatures - Alternative View
Visit Of Three Translucent Creatures - Alternative View

Video: Visit Of Three Translucent Creatures - Alternative View

Video: Visit Of Three Translucent Creatures - Alternative View
Video: Strange Stories of Encounters with Translucent Humanoids | Predator Like Creatures in the Woods | #2 2024, July

This story was recently sent to the American website National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), which collects a database of UFO and alien sightings in the United States. The date of the incident is November 15, 2016, the city of Peoria, Illinois.

“I woke up in the middle of the night at about 3 o'clock and saw three unusual creatures standing near the door to my bedroom. They were translucent, the walls of the room could be seen through them, and a soft, indistinct light emanated from their bodies. Surprised at the sight of such a sight, I immediately sat up in bed.

I got a good look at these creatures. The first two looked to me like a mother and her child. “She” was very tall and thin with dark oval eyes and very thin and long arms. She was not wearing any clothes, but it was very difficult to make out what was in her groin area, there was nothing like human genitals.

She had an elongated oval face and a thin mouth. The body was completely naked with no hair even on the head. Next to the “mother” was her “child”. He barely reached the height of her thigh and held his hand on the leg of the “mother”. He was also naked and with incomprehensible genitals, but I had a strong feeling that it was a boy.

In its form, he was almost a copy of the figure of the "mother", only his head was much smaller, and his arms and legs were much denser and not thin. His eyes were also large and it seemed to me that he was looking at me with great surprise, as if he was seeing a human being for the first time.

Now about the third being. It stood behind the two and a soft light was coming from it too. All three figures looked like they were a hologram. In the third creature, the head was different in its shape. He had something like antennae above the oval eyes, there were eight of them and they seemed to be part of his head.

It seemed to me that this creature was something like an operator and his task was to record everything using his antennas.

When I examined them, I decided to get closer to them. I got out of bed and went to them, but then the creatures left my bedroom and quickly swam down the corridor. and then they just disappeared. I was left standing there and thinking that it was something incredible.

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But that was not the end of the story.

The next night, I woke up again at about the same time, about 3 o'clock and saw one creature, the same one with antennas on its head. It was in my bedroom next to a clothes hanger. This time I did not get out of bed, but simply raised my hand and waved to this creature.

And at that moment an amazing smile appeared on his face, similar to the smile of Gioconda.

Then I again broke down and got out of bed and this creature disappeared like last time. They never came to me again.

Now, as time has passed, I can better describe how these creatures moved. It was like seaweed swaying in water, very smooth and elegant. The bodies of these creatures themselves were not transparent (in the sense that the internal organs were not visible), but the walls of the room and the furnishings were visible through them.

And during their visits, I was filled with an overwhelming feeling of joy and amazement. It was an incredible experience for me. Unfortunately, I do not give my name, as even my own family would not believe my story. I told only two of my friends about these visits. I felt that I had to share this with at least someone.

It seems to me that these creatures have been among us for a long time and are watching us. I don't know why they are here. Maybe to help us, or maybe they are just waiting for something."