3 Facts In Favor Of The Version Of The Ancient Civilization Of Giants - Alternative View

3 Facts In Favor Of The Version Of The Ancient Civilization Of Giants - Alternative View
3 Facts In Favor Of The Version Of The Ancient Civilization Of Giants - Alternative View

Video: 3 Facts In Favor Of The Version Of The Ancient Civilization Of Giants - Alternative View

Video: 3 Facts In Favor Of The Version Of The Ancient Civilization Of Giants - Alternative View
Video: You Need To Hear This! Our History Is NOT What We Are Told! Ancient Civilizations | Graham Hancock 2024, September

I must say right away that giants in my view are not some fantastic or fake pictures with skeletons 10-20 meters high. These are people on average 2.5-3 meters tall. And even if such a civilization may seem amazing, in fact, even in our time there were people about 2.5-2.8 meters tall, although it was a disease, but still.

This I mean that if you change some natural conditions, atmospheric pressure and move back thousands of years, it no longer seems nonsense, but a very real civilization.

But I will not delay again with my "may" and move on to some facts. One of the most important facts in my opinion is the Cyclopean buildings.


And we can say that in the past there was such a style, but the fact is that in some ancient buildings, "temples", cities, etc., there are even huge steps, which for a person of average height in our time will be knee-deep, and then and above.

In the same Baalbek, as far as I remember, the steps are not so big, but the width of the staircase itself is incredible. If I am not mistaken, in width it is generally one of the largest staircases in the world.


In addition, as I said, the very dimensions of some objects are huge, for example, the same Baalbek, these are columns, ceilings, the same base of structures, huge in size, in comparison with which a person seems very small.

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And although I give all the examples on Baalbek, it's easier, in fact, I have already written about many objects on Earth that are made in the Cyclopean style with gigantic elements of architecture.


Yes, we can say that people also build giant houses, various cathedrals, sights and everything of the same huge size, but this is a little different, at least because the materials are different, the purpose is mostly, and the same houses are large just because of the need for it.

We go further and now there will be one of the most controversial facts - these are large skeletons. There are a huge number of fakes with pictures of giant skeletons, I would even say, almost all of them are fakes, but there are exceptions.


I may not know everything, but several examples of large skeletons I know have been found in Asia. Some were found in some of the cave systems, about 3 meters tall, but as far as I remember, the official research was closed almost immediately.

There was also information about a fairly large excavated skeleton and rather dubious information from the Orion project, which I will write about later. There was also information that many large skeletons were found in Asia.


Unfortunately, in our time, fake pictures of giant skeletons have flooded the entire Internet and it is difficult to understand where is fake and where not, in some cases, but still, at least about 95% of fakes, there is also true information, which, as a rule, is not particularly willing goes out to the media and other sources for the public.

And the last of the main facts in my opinion, which is partly connected with cyclopean structures, is the megaliths.


In fact, the Earth is so amazing and huge that in different places you can see different levels of technology and capabilities of previous civilizations.

One of these "opportunities" is the complete absence of any processing, and for the most part, the megaliths were not even given a shape, but at the same time they threw them into a heap, like some branches.


The most vivid example that I remember for all time is Malta. Not all, but most of the Maltese "temples" on the island are just a bunch of raw megaliths, weighing from several to tens of tons, which were simply stacked on top of each other.

Accordingly, I draw the obvious conclusion that civilization did not really possess any technologies, but at the same time it could raise large megaliths for construction, with the help of physical strength, not the same as that of modern people.


I am sure that they will write, supposedly ordinary people lifted them with primitive ancient technologies and devices, but the fact is that nothing was really found there, except for ordinary household items, and even then not very many of them were found.

I do not claim that these facts are one hundred percent proof of the existence of a civilization of giants, but in the totality of all the facts, such an ancient civilization does not seem to be fiction, given the fact that officially the largest man in the world was 2.7 meters tall, if I am not I am wrong.


In any case, until many large skeletons are found and officially recognized, such a version of civilization will only be a possible version, nothing more. And apparently, no one is going to officially recognize this, even if such finds are found during some excavations.