And Yet It Is Flat - Alternative View

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And Yet It Is Flat - Alternative View
And Yet It Is Flat - Alternative View

Video: And Yet It Is Flat - Alternative View

Video: And Yet It Is Flat - Alternative View
Video: Response to Globebusters - The Earth Still Isn't Flat 2024, September

In our time, what kind of trends you will not see and what statements you will not be surprised at. Is it really to increase awareness in certain areas? All for the glory, albeit dubious?

People who claim that the earth is flat instantly become famous and recognizable. So, the earth is flat - and immediately we get maximum attention. Profit.

And we'll talk about this now.

The 2017 Flat Earth International Conference will be held on November 9-10, 2017 in Raleigh, the capital of North Carolina. This event, as the official website says, is "an educational endeavor of individuals and organizations united by the common goal of genuine scientific research on the created earth."

While science has firmly established many facts about the structure of the solar system in general and the Earth in particular, among the inhabitants (not only in the United States, but also in other countries), the current of "flat-earthers" is gaining popularity. These people believe that the Earth's surface is flat, they deny the generally accepted explanations for the change of day and night, seasons, the onset of eclipses and other astronomical events.


The organizers list the most "outrageous", in their opinion, facts. Among them are the linear velocity of the Earth's surface at the equator, associated with the daily rotation of the planet, the velocity of the Sun in the Milky Way estimated by astrometric methods based on galactic dynamics, and the general velocity of our Galaxy determined from the intensity of the dipole component of the relict radiation.

Promotional video:

The conference website states that "every experiment ever conducted to confirm even the simplest rotation of the Earth has failed to confirm it." They promise to unveil at the event "authentic evidence that shockingly points to the existence of a flat, immovable surface."

The 2017 Flat Earth International Conference is the first such annual event. Over a dozen speakers are scheduled to speak within its framework. Among the reports are: "NASA and Other Space Lies", "Flat Earth and the Bible", "Flat Earth with Scientific Method" and others.


The American rapper is raising money for a satellite to prove that the Earth is flat.

American rap artist Bobby Ray Simons - BoB - has begun raising money to launch a satellite to prove the Earth is flat.

Bobby Ray Simons believes that the information about the round shape of the Earth is just a conspiracy of space agencies, writes Nation News. The artist believes that from his satellite it will be possible to see the bend of the Earth's disk.


Fundraising is carried out on the GoFoundMe crowdfunding platform, notes 360. BoB is actively promoting its ideas on Twitter and even recorded the track Flatline, in which astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse criticized.

Earlier, the federal channel REN TV prepared a film about the theory of a flat earth. The premiere of the scientific picture was announced by one of the most famous adherents of this doctrine, Pavel Sviridov, on his page in VKontakte. Sviridov believes that our planet has never had the shape of a ball, this belief is the intrigues of scientists who rebelled against church teachings, and photographs from satellites are montage.

The image of a flat earth is often found in literature and cinema, especially in science fiction.


Terry Pratchett, an English author of humorous fiction, has created a voluminous cycle of works about the universe, which is called Discworld. This world, which is a huge disk, rests on the backs of four elephants, and they stand on the back of a gigantic turtle named A'Tuin. Pratchett borrowed the image of such a world from Indian mythology.

Flammarion's engraving depicting an astronomer reaching the edge of "Flat Earth", 1888

In the book by Clive Lewis "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, or Voyage to the End of the World" from the series "The Chronicles of Narnia," the heroes take a journey to the end of the world. According to the cosmology of Narnia, the world is flat, and beyond its edge is Aslan's country - a local paradise. Lewis sought in this way to emphasize the antiquity of Narnia, its closeness to the realities of medieval myth, and specifically asked his illustrator to make the map of Narnia resemble an old, distorted map of the world.

In the legendarium of J. R. R. Tolkien, especially in the book "The Silmarillion", it is repeatedly emphasized that the world of Arda was originally created flat, and only when the world of Eru Iluvatar changed during the fall of Numenor, the world, figuratively speaking, was "rolled up" and became round …


The story of the modern Russian writer Sergei Sinyakin "A Monk at the End of the Earth" (1999) describes the following situation: an expedition on the stratospheric balloon Osoaviakhim-1 proved the flat Earth theory, reaching the dome of heaven, and even mined a platinum star. All members of the expedition were repressed, since Comrade Stalin believed that materialistic science was more in line with the political situation. Thus, the launches of the first satellites, Yuri Gagarin, and flights to the Moon were a grandiose hoax of the special services that distorted the true picture of the world.

In Philip Farmer's science fiction novel Set Sails! Columbus, sailing to discover India, swims up to the waterfall at the edge of the Earth, where the horizon has broken off, and the caravel falls into it.

In the third film "Pirates of the Caribbean" the same plot is used: to get to the next world for Captain Jack Sparrow, his team swims on a sailing ship to the end of the earth and falls from it along with an ocean waterfall. A similar plot also appeared in the film "Time Bandits".

In realistic literature and cinema, there are satirical depictions of people who believe in a flat earth. These are some of the characters in the comedy of Ludwig Holberg "Erasmus the Highlander" (Erasmus Montanus, 1723), the story of Rudyard Kipling "How the Earth was Recognized by Voting as Flat" (1917), and others. In these books, "flat Earth" appears as a hyperbole of militant ignorance.

In the film "The Gods Probably Gone Mad" (South Africa, 1980), the main character, Bushman Hee, wants to throw the "damned" empty bottle of Cola from the edge of the Earth. At the end of the picture, he throws a bottle from a high cliff, below the edge of which clouds float, believing that he has reached his goal.

In the film "Dark City" (USA, 1998), alien wanderers who have taken over human corpses create a flat world as part of an experiment to study the human soul. At the end of the film, the main character manages to gain control of reality, and the Sun rises over the flat earth.

Modern flat-earth advocates:

Despite the fact that the theory of the sphericity of the Earth is generally accepted, there is a Flat Earth Society, which aims to prove that the Earth is flat. According to his supporters, all the governments of the Earth have entered into a world conspiracy to deceive people.

The cosmology of society is as follows:

1. The Earth is a flat disc 40,000 kilometers in diameter, centered at the North Pole

2. The sun and the moon revolve over the surface of the earth. The same thing happens with the stars.

3. The force of gravity arises due to the fact that the Earth is moving upward with an acceleration of 9.8 m / s².

4. The South Pole does not exist. What seems to us Antarctica is an ice wall encircling the world.

5. All photographs of the Earth from space are fakes.

6. Space also does not exist, all launches of satellites and people are fakes.


The distance between objects in the southern hemisphere is much greater. The fact that flights between them are faster than it should be according to the map of a flat earth is explained by the fact that the crew and passengers of airliners and ships are also involved in the conspiracy [not in source].

Some fundamentalist Islamic figures argue that the sphericity of the Earth is contrary to Muslim doctrine.

The last president of the Republic of Transvaal Paulus Kruger, in a conversation with the sailor Joshua Slokam, who sailed around the Earth alone on a sailing ship, repeated: "No, you probably do not mean around the Earth, it's impossible!"

In 2016, American rapper BoB, who defended his belief in the plane of the Earth in a series of tweets, entered into a public dispute with astrophysicist and renowned popularizer of science Neil DeGrass Tyson, which grew into an exchange of disses.

On September 25, 2017, in the program Most Shocking Hypotheses, the Russian TV presenter Igor Prokopenko presented the Flat Earth theory. Critical comments from experts were not presented in the program.

Famous people who suffered for the "round" earth. Who was burned at the stake for saying the earth is round?

Of the propagandists of the sphericity of the Earth, only Giordano Bruno was burned. But they did not burn him at all for that. In the current "liberal" times, he too would have gotten a pretty decent term.

Giordano Bruno, indeed, was executed - but not for the "round Earth", which in his time was no longer a sensation, but for the "ideologically harmful" propaganda of the idea of a plurality of worlds, including the heliocentric solar system (according to Copernicus). And also other, already purely religious statements.


Given that the official Vatican recognized the rounded (spherical) shape of the earth only in 1996, it could have been anyone. But in the roundness of the earth there is no disagreeable heresy, therefore, if they weren't, someone would be executed for this.

Giordano Bruno was executed at the stake, in Rome, on Campo di Fiori (in the Square of Flowers).

And Galileo Galilei, during interrogations in the Inquisition, renounced his views and brought public repentance.

Nicolao Copernicus died a natural death. Known for his words: "All the same, she turns" (this is about the Earth), when he left the church court.

In 1592, Bruno was tricked into going to Italy, where he was arrested. The eight years that he spent in dungeons, the inquisitors sought to renounce his philosophical views as heretical. However, Giordano Bruno remained uncompromising and the court sentenced him to death.

Bruno (Bruno) Giordano Philippe (1548, Nola, - 17.2.1600, Rome), Italian philosopher and poet, representative of pantheism. Persecuted by the churchmen for their views, he left Italy and lived in France, England, Germany. Upon his return to Italy (1592), he was accused of heresy and free-thinking, and after eight years in prison he was burned at the stake.

BRUNO Giordano Philippe (1548-1600) Italian philosopher and poet.

A pantheist and Pythagorean, a man who was looking not for nature in God, but for God in nature, Giordano Bruno, of course, did not fit into the framework of medieval theology. And since the inquisition was the applied expression of theology, the ending of the life of a free philosopher is natural. After exile and many years of wandering in France, England and Germany, his return to Italy (where he was lured by cunning) led to a charge of heresy and imprisonment. Eight years in the dungeons of the Inquisition, then the court.


At the trial, Bruno was persuaded in every possible way to renounce delusions, because, defending his views, he risks his life. Bruno's answers were simple and dignified: "There are people whose love for the Divine will is so great that they cannot be shaken by any threats or intimidation … Death in one century makes the thinker immortal for future centuries."

The sentence to the freethinker was as severe as possible: death at the stake. And again Bruno is calm and dignified: "You pronounce this sentence with more fear than I listen to it." And even after the verdict, Bruno had the opportunity to buy life at the price of renunciation. But he didn't bargain. "I am dying a martyr willingly …"

On February 17, 1600, in one of the squares of Rome, everything needed for a huge fire was prepared. To the ringing of bells and the cries of the rabble, a solemn procession entered the square. Ahead, the servant carried a blood-red banner, followed by the chanting of prayers were priests in ceremonial robes. In the center of the procession is the condemned man. He walks slowly, clinking with the chains that are bound to his arms and legs. It is impossible to penetrate into his thoughts now, but eyewitnesses note the pallor and calmness, unearthly detachment on his tired face.

Giordano Bruno steadily climbs the steps of the scaffold and looks up at the sky while the executioners tie him to the post with a chain. A gust of wind has stirred his brown hair, dropped a strand of hair over his eyes, but Bruno cannot raise his hands. He slightly tilts his head to still see the world in his last minutes …

It's spring in Rome. The scent of the awakened earth is wonderful and the gentle shine of the spring sky. Was it all worth it to be sure you were right? The inquisitors eagerly peer into the face of the condemned: will he not flinch at the last moment, will he ask for mercy, will he repent? Bruno is silent. No sound comes from his chest as the fire is kindled below. One of the executioners furiously strikes a spark, and finally, he manages to ignite the shavings. The billowing flame almost instantly engulfs the awkwardly put together platform and the pillar with the flesh chained to it.


Galileo Galilei died on January 8, 1642, at the age of 78, in his bed.

In one of his letters, he wrote: “In Rome, I was sentenced to imprisonment by the Holy Inquisition at the direction of His Holiness … this small town one mile from Florence became the place of imprisonment for me, with the strictest prohibition to go down into the city, meet and talk with friends and invite them…

When I returned from the monastery together with the doctor who visited my sick daughter before her death, and the doctor told me that the case was hopeless and that she would not survive the next day (as it happened), I found the vicar-inquisitor at home. He came to order me, by order of the Holy Inquisition in Rome, that I should not ask for permission to return to Florence, otherwise I would be put in a real prison of the Holy Inquisition …


This incident and others, about which it would take too long to write, shows that the rage of my very powerful pursuers is constantly growing. And they finally wished to reveal their face: when one of my dear friends in Rome, about two months ago, in a conversation with Padre Christopher Greenberg, a Jesuit, a mathematician of this college, touched upon my affairs, this Jesuit literally told my friend the following: “If Galileo managed to maintain the favor of the fathers of this collegium, he would live free, enjoying fame, he would not have any griefs and he could write at his discretion about anything - even about the movement of the Earth, " You see that they took up arms against me not because of this or that opinion of mine, but because I am out of favor with the Jesuits."

In 1531, 58-year-old Copernicus retired and focused on completing his book. At the same time, he was engaged in medical practice (free of charge). The faithful Rethik constantly fussed about an early publication of Copernicus's work, but it moved slowly. Fearing that the obstacles would be insurmountable, Copernicus circulated among his friends a short synopsis of his work, entitled Commentariolus. In 1542, the scientist's condition worsened significantly, paralysis of the right half of the body.

Copernicus died on May 24, 1543 at the age of 70 from a stroke. Some biographers (for example, Tiedemann Giese [7]) argue that the author managed to see his work published shortly before his death. But others prove [8] that this was impossible, since the last months of his life Copernicus was in a severe coma.


Copernicus' book remained as an outstanding monument of human thought. The beginning of the first scientific revolution dates from this moment.

Let's start with the most popular theory that the Earth is flat, let's go!

Let's refine it right away: flat-earthers are those who believe that the earth is flat.

Fact 1: Aircraft do not correct altitude on long-haul flights

As the flat-earthers whispered to me, the plane would fly into space or at least somewhere in the upper atmosphere without constant adjustment of altitude, but this does not happen. Why? Because the Earth is flat - they mean flat-earthers.

Fact 2: Rivers flow in any direction

Rivers cannot flow upwards, but they flow in completely different directions across the Earth.

Fact 3: Conspiracy of professionals

NEVER do the professionals consider this imaginary curvature of the planet - that's what flat-earthers say. Surveyors, pilots, drillers, architects - all make their calculations based on the fact that the Earth is flat! They know, but every one of them is in cahoots with the government, which in turn is under the hood of the Reptilians!

Fact 4: Flat land on the UN flag

They celebrate the fact that the UN flag depicts a flat earth. The Illuminati once again demonstrate their power over us. "I will show you what the Earth looks like, but I will make you believe in a ball!"

Fact 5: the sun is not millions of kilometers from the earth

Proponents of the Earth's shape conspiracy argue that the Sun is actually only 4,800 kilometers from the planet and is approximately 51 kilometers across. This is such an interdimensional light bulb that circles above the earth's disk and illuminates its parts like a beacon.


Fact 6: Influential People Confirm The Earth Is Flat

Many people prefer to believe that only illiterate and narrow-minded people can believe in the flat shape of the Earth. Nevertheless, many famous personalities held similar views. Among them are our contemporaries, whose names may be familiar to you. For example, the Nigerian terrorist Mohammed Yusuf, the founder of the Boko Haram organization, which vehemently hates the Western education system for its perverse worldview. And they say that one of the creators of the cartoon about "Scooby Doo" adhered to such views.

If Yusuf is not an authority for you, then the opinion of another prominent political figure of the twentieth century - Adolf Hitler, is suitable as an argument. He was the only one who not only knew about the true nature of the earth, but was also able to look beyond the icy edge (which NASA claims to be Antarctica).

Fact 7: Skyline

This conclusion comes from the fact that when people see the horizon line, it looks straight. Although it would be logical to assume that if the earth is a ball, then the horizon should be at least slightly curved, like an arc. However, it's all about the scale and position of the beholder. Since a person himself is on the surface of the planet and sees only a tiny part of it, his eyes simply do not catch this curvature.

Fact 8: Antarctica is an impenetrable ice wall

In the generally accepted flat-earth model, the world is a disc with the North Pole in its center. The outer rim of the circle is a continuous ice wall - Antarctica. According to supporters of the theory, this ice wall is needed so that the oceans do not spread. Nobody knows what is on the other side of the wall. Some say that there is endless ice, the end of which neither human eyes nor even the most powerful telescope can see. Others think that the ice still ends with a cliff leading to an endless abyss.


Fact 9: Lunar Eclipses Causes An Invisible Object

Lunar eclipses occur when the Earth, Sun and Moon line up and our planet casts a shadow that covers the surface of the Moon. But if the Earth is flat, this cannot happen. However, lunar eclipses do exist, and the flat earth model says that the cause is some celestial object hidden in the glare of the sun's rays. And sometimes it passes in front of the moon, leaving a shadow. But there is another version based on the presence of a dome and deception. According to this version, the Moon is an ordinary hologram created by influential people who rule the entire planet. Here I think no comments and explanations are needed.

Fact 10: NASA is founded by the Nazis

Proponents of the theory are sure that “if you mix in a blender Masons, Illuminati, the powers of Satan, lizards and a little magic powder, you get NASA (NASA). Only the people who control this organization are worse than NASA, but no one has seen them. Many assume that the Nazis are behind everything.

For confirmation, activists cite the following facts. Fast forward to the 1940s. The Second World War is in full swing. Young engineer Wernher von Braun builds rockets for the Nazis. It was he who designed the V-2 ballistic missile, which in 1944 rained down like hell on London. In 1945, the engineer was captured and handed over to the Allies. After that, he began working for the US Army and became one of the main people working on the American space program. Under his leadership, the Saturn 5 rocket was created. And then other technological breakthroughs followed and plans to study other worlds began to appear. As a result, NASA considers Brown to be one of the greatest scientists in history."


What do you think? Is it spinning or flat?
