7 Most Interesting Theories To Explain The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle - Alternative View

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7 Most Interesting Theories To Explain The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle - Alternative View
7 Most Interesting Theories To Explain The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle - Alternative View

Video: 7 Most Interesting Theories To Explain The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle - Alternative View

Video: 7 Most Interesting Theories To Explain The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle - Alternative View
Video: Survivor Says Something New About the Bermuda Triangle Mystery 2024, September

1. Comet

According to this version, 11,000 years ago, a comet fell to the ocean floor - exactly in the place where the notorious Bermuda Triangle is now. The celestial body could well possess unusual electromagnetic properties capable of disabling navigation instruments and aircraft engines.

2. Methane hydrate

Deep below the surface of the Bermuda Triangle, huge bubbles filled with methane hydrate form. When such a bubble "ripens" and rises, a giant hill forms on the surface of the water, from which the ship "slides". Then the bubble bursts, forming a funnel, into which the vessel is drawn. It is even easier with airplanes - the gas from the bubble rises into the air, contacts the hot engine and an explosion occurs.

3. Secret tests of the government

The base on which the proponents of this theory sin is called the Atlantic Underwater Testing and Evaluation Center (AUTEC). According to the official version, this company is engaged in testing submarines, weapons and sonars. But there is also a version according to which it is there that the government contacts extraterrestrial civilizations and is testing all sorts of alien technologies.

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4. Flying saucers or aliens

According to this theory, an alien ship is hiding in the depths of the sea, which, unlike the previous version, is studying us and our technologies. Or, at worst, there are “gates” to another dimension unknown to earthlings. At a certain time, the gates open, ships enter it and planes fly into it.

5. The compass points to true, not magnetic north

The Bermuda Triangle is one of two places on Earth where the magnetic compass points to true (geographic), not magnetic north. In a normal situation, sailors take this difference into account when plotting the course of a ship. And in areas where the compass works differently, it costs nothing to get lost and bump into the reef.

6. Difficult weather conditions

The sky over the Bermuda Triangle is indeed quite turbulent - warm and cold air masses constantly collide, leading to storms and hurricanes. Plus the fast flow of the Gulf Stream. All together, of course, creates a certain risk for any type of transport.

7. Human factor

The Bermuda Triangle area is quite lively. The tropical climate and crystal clear blue waters attract both experienced pilots and sailors and amateurs alike. With changeable weather, fast currents and the large number of twin islands scattered throughout the region, it is easy to get off course, run aground, or far from where you can refuel.