Bermuda Triangle: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

Bermuda Triangle: Myths And Reality - Alternative View
Bermuda Triangle: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

Video: Bermuda Triangle: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

Video: Bermuda Triangle: Myths And Reality - Alternative View
Video: Bermuda Triangle Facts for Kids! 2024, September

In the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, off the southeastern coasts of America, there is an area that roughly resembles a triangle in shape. Its sides stretch from the point north of Bermuda to the south of Florida, then along the Bahamas to the island of Puerto Rico, where they again turn north and return to Bermuda about 40 ° west longitude.

This is one of the most amazing and mysterious places on our planet. In this area, usually referred to as the Bermuda Triangle, more than 100 aircraft and ships (including submarines) and more than 1000 people disappeared without a trace (after 1945).

1909 Captain Joshua Slokum, the most famous and skilled sailor of those times, disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. He was the first on the planet to sail around the globe. 1909, November 14 - he sailed from Martha's Vineyard and headed for South America; from that moment on, there was no news from him or about him.

Theories that explain the continued disappearance of people, ships and planes have been proposed many.

For example, among them are: a sudden tsunami wave as a consequence of earthquakes; fireballs blowing up airplanes; attack of sea monsters; the curvature of space-time, capturing another dimension; a funnel of electromagnetic waves and gravitational forces, which makes ships wander and planes fall; collection of samples of living beings on Earth, which is carried out by underwater or aerial UFOs, controlled by representatives of ancient civilizations, or space beings, or people from the future, etc.

Of course, every year, many planes fly over the Bermuda Triangle, a large number of ships cross it, and they remain safe and sound.

In addition, in all the seas and oceans of the world, ships and airplanes suffer disasters for various reasons (here it should be noted that “disaster” and “disappearance” are different concepts. In the first case, debris and corpses remain in the water; in the second, nothing remains) … But there is no other place where, under extremely unusual circumstances, there would be so many inexplicable, unexpected disappearances.

Librarian Lawrence D. Kouche (Arizona), in his book The Bermuda Triangle: Myths and Reality, "exposes" the mystery of the area. He believes that this is a sensation, overgrown with legends. In doing so, he only selectively rejects some of the cases, leaving behind most of the mysterious disappearances, to which he could not find the keys.

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And it is absolutely impossible to squeeze into the framework of Kusche's concept, which explains all cases of disappearance of ships and aircraft by "usual" reasons, strange ghost ships left by the crews. Indeed, from 1940 to 1955, about 50 such ships were encountered there! French ship "Rosana" near the Bahamas (1840). The schooner Carroll A. Deering with sails raised, food cooked in the galley, with two live cats (1921). The ship "Rubicon" with one dog (1949) …

But such a case of 1948 L. Kushe refuses to interpret.

January 30, early morning - Captain Macmillan, the commander of the British South American Airways (BSAA) Tudor IV-class Star Tiger, requested controllers in Bermuda and provided their whereabouts. Confirmed that everything was in order on board and that he was following exactly on schedule.

This was the last thing they heard about Star Tiger. The search began. 10 ships and about 30 aircraft combed the entire ocean area along the route. They found nothing: no oil stains on the surface of the water, no debris, no bodies of the dead. The commission's conclusion stated that the investigation had never faced a more difficult task.

“This is really an unsolved mystery of the sky,” L. Kushe is forced to admit.

Among the pilots and sailors there are many who believe that "in an area with such heavy traffic, it is quite natural to imagine an airplane, ship or yacht that was lost due to a combination of circumstances - an unexpected squall, haze, breakdown."

They assure that the triangle does not exist, that the name itself is a mistake or an idle fiction for people who are too keen on science fiction. Airlines serving the area agree with their opinion. Over the existence of the Bermuda Triangle itself and its borders, controversy continues to this day. What is its real form, how were the legends of disappearances born among the crews of ships, yachts, submarines? Perhaps because of the popularity of these legends, any unexplained accident is immediately interpreted as extinction? Is this the reason?

Radio and television bombarded with questions from eyewitnesses who flew in the area, driving them to nervousness and psychosis. As a rule, with such a tense exchange of questions and answers, in the end it followed: “I flew through the triangle many times, and nothing happened. There is no danger."

Despite this, the mysterious accidents and disasters in the triangle and surrounding areas do not stop.

1970s - In the immediate vicinity of Miami airport, over land, several aircraft crashed with no explanation. One of them, Flight 401 to Easton (Lockheed L-102), which carried more than 100 people, disappeared on December 29, 1972. The investigation into the disappearance of Flight 401 may shed some light on many previous unexpected disappearances. over the ocean.

It is known that this aircraft in the last 7-8 seconds. the flight was descending at such a speed that neither the dispatchers in Miami nor the pilots could keep track of it. Since all altimeters were working, with a normal descent, the pilots would have had enough time to level the plane. But the decline was so fast that dispatchers in Miami were able to record only one reflection per radar turn (40 seconds). By the next turn, the plane dropped from 300 meters below 100, and possibly already crashed into the water.

Such a rate of descent cannot be explained by the failure of the automatic control system, nor by the loss of speed, nor by the inexperience of the pilots or by the flutter that occurs at half power. For this, of course, there had to be some reason related to the atmosphere. Maybe some kind of magnetic field anomaly.

The first known eyewitness to record his observations of the glow in this area was Columbus. 1492, October 11 - two hours before sunset, from the board of the Santa Maria, he observed how in the western part of the Sargasso Sea the surface of the water near the Bahamas began to glow with white light. The same luminescence of stripes in water (or currents) was observed 500 years later by American astronauts.

This mysterious phenomenon is explained by various reasons, such as: the raising of peat flour by a school of fish; by the school of fish itself; other organisms. Whatever the reasons, still unconfirmed, this mysterious light continues to be observed from the surface of the sea, and it is especially beautiful from the sky.

Another amazing phenomenon in the triangle, also noticed for the first time by Columbus during the first expedition, to this day remains the object of controversy and causes surprise. 1492, September 5 - in the western part of the Sargasso Sea, Columbus, together with the crew, watched as a huge fiery arrow swept across the sky and either fell into the sea, or simply disappeared.

A few days later, they noticed that the compass showed something incomprehensible, and this frightened everyone. Maybe in the area of the triangle - in the sky and at sea - electromagnetic anomalies affect the movement of ships and aircraft.

Another version, the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, suggests the existence of a connection between the disappearances of ships and aircraft with other phenomena. They are called differently - "air anomalies", "hole in space", "splitting by unknown forces", "celestial trap", "gravity pit", "capture of aircraft and ships by living beings", etc. But for now it is only an attempt to explain the incomprehensible to the incomprehensible.

In most cases of disappearances, not a single living person remained in the triangle and not a single body was found. However, in recent years, some of the pilots and sailors broke the silence that had been kept before and began to talk about how they were able to escape from some forces in the area. Studying their experience, even the way they managed to escape, may help to find an explanation for at least something in this secret.

Often in disputes about the essence of the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle, the following argument is given: ships and planes die everywhere in the world, and if a large enough triangle is superimposed on a map of any area of heavy traffic of ships and aircraft, it turns out that it is in this area that many crashes and disasters have occurred. So there is no mystery?

And they also add: the ocean is large, the ship or the plane in it is a grain, different currents move on the surface and in the depths, and therefore it is not surprising that searches do not give results. In the Gulf of Mexico, the speed of the north current is 4 knots per hour. An airplane or ship in disaster between the Bahamas and Florida may end up in a completely different location since the last message, which may very well look like disappearing.

However, we must not forget that these currents are known to the coast guard and in the organization of searches, both the current and the wind in the area of the loss must be taken into account. Large vessels are searched within a 5-mile radius, aircraft within a 10-mile radius, and small vessels within a 15-mile radius. Searches are carried out in the "track-movement" strip, that is, the direction of movement of the object, the speed of currents and winds are taken into account.

Moreover, sunken parts of ships and airplanes are easily sucked in by silt, they can be hidden by a storm, and then thrown out again, they can be discovered by submarines and swimmers.

Mel Fisher, a scuba diver who worked for SABA (a ship and cargo rescue organization), once conducted underwater searches on the continental shelf of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea in the Bermuda Triangle. At the time when the "neo-adventurers" developed a frenzied activity in search of Spanish galleons with gold, of which quite a few went to the bottom, he found other amazing trophies at the bottom.

At one time, they were probably intensively sought, but later they were forgotten. Such accumulations of metal are usually detected using magnetometers, which are a thousand times more sensitive than a compass that reacts to the accumulation of metals under water. It was with the help of these devices that Fischer often found other objects - instead of the coveted Spanish treasures, divers, who descended to the bottom of the ocean according to the readings of magnetometers, often found old fighters, private planes, a variety of ships …

Once a steam locomotive was found at the bottom a few miles from the shore. Fischer left it untouched for historians and oceanographers.

In his opinion, the reason for the disappearance of some ships in the Florida - Bahamas region could be unexploded bombs dropped during the last war, as well as torpedoes and floating mines used in modern exercises.

Fischer found many pieces of debris that could not be identified. He concluded that hundreds of ships hit the reefs during storms, many of them swallowed up in silt. In fact, the current in the Gulf of Mexico near the tip of the Florida Peninsula carries a lot of silt that can swallow even large ships lying on the bottom.

Perhaps the sea currents are the culprit in the unsuccessful search for the dead ships and aircraft. But there is another secret of the Bermuda Triangle, so to speak, its peculiarity. These are the so-called "blue" caves, scattered throughout the shallow area of the Bahamas, bottomless chasms in limestone cliffs. Several millennia ago, these caves were stalactite grottoes on land, but after another ice age about 12-15,000 years ago, the sea level rose and the "blue caves" became a dwelling for fish.

These limestone caves go all the way to the edge of the continental shelf, penetrate the entire limestone layer, some caves reach a depth of 450 m, others stretch to underground caves in the Bahamas and are connected with lakes and swamps.

The Blue Caves are located at various distances from the sea surface. The scuba divers who dived into these underwater caves noticed that their halls and corridors are as complex as the halls and corridors of earthly caves. In addition, in some "blue caves" the currents are so strong that they pose a danger to divers. Due to the ebb and flow, a large mass of water simultaneously begins to be absorbed, forming eddies on the surface. It is possible that such eddies suck in small vessels with the crew.

This hypothesis was confirmed by the find in one of the caves at a depth of 25 meters of a fishing vessel. It was found by oceanographer Jim Son during underwater research. Lifeboats and small boats were also found in other caves at a depth of more than 20 meters.

But the reason for the loss of large ships in this area, as you can see, should be considered unexpected tornadoes and tsunamis. Sweeping grandiose tornadoes originate in a certain season of the year and raise huge masses of water in the form of a funnel. Countless tornadoes, like tornadoes sweeping over the land, raising roofs, fences, cars, people into the air, completely destroy small ships and low-flying aircraft.

In the daytime, tornadoes are visible and it is possible to avoid them, but at night and in poor visibility it is very difficult for aircraft to evade them.

But the main suspect in the sudden sinking of ships at sea is tsunamis, born during ordinary underwater earthquakes. It happens that tsunamis reach a height of 60 meters. They appear suddenly, and upon meeting with them the ships sink or overturn in the blink of an eye.

The so-called "landslide" waves have a similar tremendous destructive power. They are the result of displacement at the bottom of the masses of soil, occurring due to the separation of deposits. Landslide waves do not reach such heights as tsunamis, but they are more energetic and cause powerful tidal currents. They are especially dangerous for seafarers because they are poorly distinguished by the eye. If such a wave comes unexpectedly, the ship can be instantly shattered, and the debris is scattered over a very long distance.

Could something similar happen to an airplane in the air?

In general, tsunami-like deformations also arise in the air. They are especially common when the plane is moving at high speed. At altitude, the wind changes, and it is often the case that aircraft taking off or descending collide with winds blowing in a completely different direction, as indicated by the airport.

The phenomenon of "changed wind" is an important factor in disasters in the air, and the intensified phenomenon - "clean air turbulence" (CAP) - can be compared to landslide waves occurring in a calm sea. With a rapid change of upward and downward currents at a high speed, a collision of an aircraft with them is almost equivalent to a collision with a stone wall.

As a rule, this kind of phenomenon is unpredictable. Many aircraft are in distress at the edge of an air current of about 200 knots (100 m / s) above the ground. This phenomenon, apparently, can to some extent explain the disappearance of light aircraft in the triangle. In this case, a light aircraft is either burst by unusual pressure, or, due to a sudden discharge, it is pressed to the surface and thrown into the sea.

Another hypothesis links the disappearance of aircraft with the breakdown of their electrical equipment under the influence of electromagnetic phenomena. For example, electrical engineer Hugh Brown is of the opinion: “The connection between these phenomena and the earth's magnetic field is quite probable. The earth has undergone menacing magnetic field changes many times. Now, as you can see, another change is approaching, and magnetic "earthquakes" occur as its precursors.

An explanation for the disappearance of planes and their fall due to anomalies of magnetic forces comes to mind. Although it is not possible to explain the disappearance of ships using this hypothesis.

1950 - Wilbert B. Smith, who participated in the program of research of magnetic and gravitational forces, organized at the direction of the Canadian government, discovered special, relatively small, areas (about 300 meters in diameter), extending to enormous heights. He called them areas of concentrated connections.

“In these areas, the magnetic and gravitational forces are so disturbed that they can easily rupture the plane. Consequently, when entering these invisible and uncharted areas of anomalies of magnetic-gravitational forces, without knowing it, the planes come to a fatal outcome. " And then: "… whether these areas of concentrated connections are moving or simply disappear - it is not known … 3-4 months later we tried to find some of them again, but no traces …"

Ivan Sanderson investigated the triangle and other suspicious areas in more detail. As a result, he put forward a hypothesis about "12 devilish tombs in the world." Having mapped the locations of the most frequent disappearances of planes and ships, he and his assistants first noticed that most of them were concentrated in six regions of the world.

They were all roughly diamond-shaped and located between 30 and 40 parallels north and south of the equator.

According to Sanderson, "strange regions" are located 72 ° in longitude, their centers are located at a distance of 66 ° in latitude from each other - five to the north and five to the south of the equator. Including both poles, they form a network that spans the entire earth. There is more intense traffic, in other regions it is less, but there are definitely facts confirming magnetic field anomalies, and maybe space-time anomalies.

Most of these "strange regions" are located in the eastern part of the continental plates, where the warm northern and cold southern currents collide. These areas coincide with places where the directions of deep and surface tidal currents are different. Changing powerful underwater currents under the influence of different temperatures form magnetic, and perhaps gravitational forces, disrupting radio communications - "magnetic funnels", which under certain conditions at sea can transport objects in the air or space to points located in a different time.

As an indirect confirmation of this kind of processes in these areas, Sanderson cites the amazing phenomenon of "untimely arrival of aircraft." As you know, the arrival of aircraft to a large extent earlier than the scheduled time under normal conditions, if there is no strong wind, is impossible. Such cases, although they can be explained by an unrecorded strong wind, for some reason more often occur in the area of the Bermuda Triangle and other "funnels", as if these planes met with a "funnel" and passed it, safely passing the "heavenly hole" that swallowed up so many lives …

N. Nepomniachtchi
