A Strange Organism Was Found In The Stratosphere Of The Earth - Alternative View

A Strange Organism Was Found In The Stratosphere Of The Earth - Alternative View
A Strange Organism Was Found In The Stratosphere Of The Earth - Alternative View

Scientists at the University of Sheffield and the Buckingham Center announced the discovery of an organism of extraterrestrial origin in the stratosphere of the Earth, reports The Independent. Astrobiologists have published a photo of an "alien organism", according to them, this is evidence of the extraterrestrial origin of life on our planet.

The mysterious organism was contained in dust particles that were delivered to Earth by a space probe. As noted, the samples were taken at an altitude of 27 km. According to the assurances of the researchers, the organism vaguely resembling a dragon is not a particle of cosmic or volcanic dust.

Researchers believe that the "dragon", which is 10 microns in size, could have got into the stratosphere only with a meteor shower. They explain their point of view by the fact that in recent years there have been no volcanic eruptions on Earth, the power of which would be enough to "throw" microbes of terrestrial origin so high. In the meantime, it is specified that the balloon-probe was launched into the stratosphere exactly at the moment when our planet was passing the Perseid meteor shower.

Russian scientists were skeptical about the find of British colleagues. According to the Russian astronomer Artur Gimadeev, British researchers told their colleagues about their find back in February, and then "their theory was smashed to smithereens." According to him, the British collected a number of particles in the upper atmosphere, including a fragment of a diatom shell. These algae formed the "dragon".

It should be noted that the dubious results of British scientists do not at all call into question the existence of alien life in principle. Modern science does not exclude the possibility of the existence of other forms of life in the vastness of the Universe. In June, researchers put forward a hypothesis according to which, in addition to earthlings, there are at least nine more civilizations.

Three of them, as scientists believe, are at the same level of development with earthlings, three more are ahead of humanity in development, and the last three are at least one step behind people. Scientists decided to limit the number of civilizations to nine due to the restrictions imposed by the combination of DNA.

Note that a month later, the former astronaut and one of the leaders of NASA Charles Bolden said that the meeting of the inhabitants of planet Earth with representatives of alien civilizations will take place no later than 20 years later. The fact that aliens have not yet been discovered, Bolden explained by the imperfection of technologies used by humans.