Lake Monsters Can Walk On Land To This Day - Alternative View

Lake Monsters Can Walk On Land To This Day - Alternative View
Lake Monsters Can Walk On Land To This Day - Alternative View

In May 2017, writer Nick Redfern gave a radio interview on the topic "Cryptozoology". "Can monsters that live in lakes migrate overland to other places?" - asked him one of the listeners of the program.

An interesting and controversial issue made the writer think. “First,” he said, “I have serious doubts that monsters like Nessie are creatures of flesh and blood. And secondly, if they really live in lakes, then they can hardly travel long distances on land, although … there are many unexplained cases, documented in the 20th century, when huge animals similar to dinosaurs came out of the water."


On July 22, 1933, at approximately 4 pm, Mr. George Spicer and his wife were driving around the Scottish Loch Ness on the road between Foyers and Dora. Suddenly Mrs. Spicer screamed loudly in terror. Ahead, at a distance of about 200 meters, a huge animal appeared from the bushes on the side of the road, "disgusting in appearance - a monstrous mistake of nature." Spicer was particularly struck by the monster's movements. The creature did not look like any normal animal. It crossed the road in jerks - as if it were a huge worm - and quickly disappeared from view.

Six months later, Arthur Grant witnessed Nessie's appearance on land. Of course, the fact that the student was a future veterinarian added weight and reliability to his story. An avid motorcyclist, 21-year-old Grant drove on the roads until one in the morning. On one of these trips, the young man almost crashed into the Loch Ness monster. Fortunately, the collision was avoided and both were not injured.

The book “Welcome to Ireland” contains information about another monster: “Despite the fact that the legends of Irish folklore often mention disgusting inhabitants of water, few of them are as terrible as Dobhar-Chu … Literally this name translates as“water (or deep-sea) dog. Dobhar-Chu is a cross between a dog and a giant otter.

The length of the creature is more than two meters, which corresponds to a normal-sized crocodile. Because of this, the monster is also called the Irish crocodile. Dobhar-Chu is a bloodthirsty beast that lives deep under water in lakes, rivers and seas. He is able to travel long distances both in water and on land. According to one of the legends, Dobhar-Chu moves so fast that he is able to catch up with a galloping horse. By the way, an approximate analogue of Dobhar-Chu can be found in the myths of the Indians, where the beast is called Auisotl.

Perhaps one of these animals has disturbed the tranquil life of the town of Ryader in Wales. It happened at the end of 1988, when something strange and terrible killed many animals in one night - mostly sheep - through their chest with one strong bite. The Bodalog farm suffered the most. Its owners have lost over 30 sheep.

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The inhabitants were very scared, especially since they failed to catch the predator. The most fantastic versions were put forward about the large representatives of the feline family, chupacabras, etc. However, near the place where the sheep were killed, people discovered large patches of crumpled grass that led to the Wye River. Probably, the mysterious predator lived in the water and went out on land to hunt at night. Soon the killing of animals stopped, and the mystery remained unsolved.

By the way, in 1898, a huge turtle lived in Indiana - 4.5 meters long and weighing more than 200 kg. She lived near a farm in a lake and killed livestock at night. When the turtle was caught, it broke the chains and fled. As eyewitnesses said, the animal ran very quickly, not at all at a snail's speed …

How likely is it that giant turtles, plesiosaurs and ambulocetes (three-meter-long creatures, a transitional form between cetaceans and mammals) were able to survive to our time? What to consider all these stories - a fact or a fiction, a hoax? One thing is clear: the fauna of our planet is still not fully understood, and who knows what discoveries await zoologists in the future.

Elena Muravyova for