What Does The Real History Of St. Petersburg Hide? Ruins Of An Ancient City In The Foundations Of Buildings - Alternative View

What Does The Real History Of St. Petersburg Hide? Ruins Of An Ancient City In The Foundations Of Buildings - Alternative View
What Does The Real History Of St. Petersburg Hide? Ruins Of An Ancient City In The Foundations Of Buildings - Alternative View

Video: What Does The Real History Of St. Petersburg Hide? Ruins Of An Ancient City In The Foundations Of Buildings - Alternative View

Video: What Does The Real History Of St. Petersburg Hide? Ruins Of An Ancient City In The Foundations Of Buildings - Alternative View
Video: The Building of St Petersburg (In Our Time) 2024, September

A sensational discovery that baffled the world's scientists. On the Okhta Cape, at the confluence of two rivers, archaeologists unexpectedly unearthed new cultural layers: structures of the 17th century, buildings of the 14th century, the remains of a fortress from the times of Alexander Nevsky, and that's not all! The work stopped at the traces of a Neolithic settlement, which was 5 thousand years old. What does it mean? Can St. Petersburg now be considered the center of Russian civilization?


On May 27, 1703, the Peter and Paul Fortress was built according to the design of Peter 1. Initially, its structure consisted of embankments and wooden walls; much later, the entire facade was reinforced with granite. It seems that there is nothing strange in this! But not so long ago, scientists discovered curious things on the territory of the fortress that overturn the generally accepted version.

If you take the same part of the fortress, for example, a window, then outside the ground level near it will be about 30-50 cm. And if you stand on the other side of the same window, a person 180 cm tall will not even reach it. What could have caused such a difference, if even in the very first paintings the fortress looks exactly as it is today? There is no data on this in any archive!


Obviously, we do not know the main thing: either the Peter and Paul Fortress is much older than the declared age, or there was already something at the place of its construction. The latter option also confirms the fact that during later excavations, archaeologists discovered granite baths there. For what purpose were they installed underground? The answer is obvious: once this layer simply did not exist.


Scientists unanimously declare that there are many such finds in St. Petersburg. And all this suggests that under the feet of the townspeople there is an even more ancient settlement. You can verify this by walking along one of the central parts of the metropolis - Nevsky Prospect. Here, in order to get to any store or cafe, people will need to go down to the minus floor, which is located one level lower than the avenue itself. To put it mildly, in a city where floods often occur, such buildings raise questions.

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Even more confusion arises about the old buildings, which were built on an old foundation of white stone.

And there are thousands of such structures in the megalopolis! They are the clues to "what is modern Petersburg like?"


These artifacts appear even more clearly outside the city. For example, in Montreaux Park, scientists, and just passers-by, cannot help but be surprised by the ideal proportions of stone blocks that are scattered throughout the natural area. Their appearance suggests that they were not created under the influence of the elements. This is the same as with the history of the pyramids in Egypt: today we do not fully understand how people could build them, but there is no doubt that such splendor was created by our ancient ancestors.


But the unexplained facts do not end there! For example, the coastline in Kronshtat near Ford Constantin is strewn with granite blocks. Researchers believe that these are elements of the fortress, which is now flooded. Moreover, the islands themselves, on which the Kronstatt forts are built, are made of pure granite, although for the 18th century it was an unrealistic task to deliver such material there! Unless the islands were initially flooded.

And in general in St. Petersburg there are other ancient buildings made of granite, which have been partially preserved to this day. This indicates that the first settlers of the city were familiar with such material for a long time. Many bas-reliefs and columns there are also made of this rock. And the more often researchers think about it, the more questions they have.

For example, the famous axonometric plan of the city, drawn up by order of Tsarina Catherine in the period 1765-1777. also confirms that St. Petersburg is hiding some kind of secret. Already today, inexplicable inconsistencies have been found in the drawings. Archaeologists claim that many buildings on the plan are depicted in a state of ruins, but next to them are quite modern buildings for that time. Although both are painted, recessed underground on the floor of the floor.

This is exactly how St. Petersburgers today see the old houses, which turned out to be already sagging then. The structures of buildings, the quality of which Peter 1 carefully monitored, could not deform in this way for 5 decades. Therefore, many researchers are sure that this ruler did not build the city, but restored it. But after whom? So we were wrong all the time about the history of St. Petersburg?

Who built this amazing city? There is still no clear answer to this question. However, it is obvious that the history of the city goes back much more centuries than is commonly thought. Perhaps the settlement appeared even before the birth of Christ … Only new archaeological research, which has recently been actively begun, will help to find out. We can only wait for new finds and their explanations.