Suicidal Content. What Parents Need To Know? - Alternative View

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Suicidal Content. What Parents Need To Know? - Alternative View
Suicidal Content. What Parents Need To Know? - Alternative View

Video: Suicidal Content. What Parents Need To Know? - Alternative View

Video: Suicidal Content. What Parents Need To Know? - Alternative View
Video: Do All Suicide Survivors Think The Same? | Spectrum 2024, July

When using the phrase suicidal content, everyone usually thinks of blue whales and death groups, but in reality it is not so simple. The purpose of this article is not to tell once again about blue whales, but to explain to parents the essence of the phenomenon itself.

There is a group of parents on social media who lost their children as a result of suicide provoked by such content. This article is the result of their joint work. This article collects the data they have accumulated over the years, and draws many conclusions from the study of suicidal content and death groups. In the course of the article, quotes from many parents will be in italics, I would like to draw special attention to them, since the main message of this article is to warn other parents about the dangers that are now real, but are not obvious to most parents. There is a lot of information, and it will not be possible to tell briefly about this phenomenon, so those who want to really understand this issue will have to be patient, the article will be long.


The article is not about blue whales. The blue whales that everyone now knows about were not actually death groups, but suicidal quests. We'll talk about whales later, first you need to understand the main issue, the very essence of the phenomenon, in order to understand how this is possible, in principle. After all, remotely driving a person to suicide is extremely difficult, because this is not at all the same as forcing him to buy something that he does not need. The instinct of self-preservation is the strongest in humans, and it is very difficult to destroy it. But we know that this happened on a massive scale, both before and after the whales, and it is happening now. How does this happen.

For a person to commit suicide, he must initially be immersed in the appropriate state, and only in this way. But this state does not necessarily arise only due to some life circumstances. In this state, even very cheerful adolescents are quickly drawn into communities containing depressive-suicidal content. These are not blue whales, these are fairly massive and public communities that are in the public domain, and unlike blue whales, they are still not closed.

First of all, we must understand the main thing in what mass media reality children and adolescents now live. It must be understood that children and adolescents have a slightly different perception of the world, purely physiologically, this is due to the peculiarities of the development of the brain, and for them everything they see is reality, regardless of whether something is happening on the screen or in real life. And this is a very important point, and it must be remembered throughout the article, and in order to fully understand the children, we must first understand the media reality (which is simply reality for them) in which they live, what are the main trends there.


Promotional video:

First, and many people notice this, nowadays young people in most publics have a very developed kind of strange fashion for whining, for any reason and without it. Moreover, this thing is absolutely artificial, cultivated by the media and the Internet environment. It's just some kind of depressing cult, well, in fact, look at the main content that teenagers are now consuming, and not only they, frankly, what is it about? Everything is bad, everything is not the same, no prospects, no need to study, the country is bad, people are bad, everything in that spirit. And there is plenty of such content everywhere, in all groups, and even in humorous communities.

Secondly, now it is still considered very fashionable to be a sociopath, although sociopathy is actually a serious mental disorder, but it is now presented not just as a norm, but even as a sign of some kind of elitism. And in the media environment, especially in the cinema, sociopathy is generally the main message. Watch any modern movie, especially one about superheroes, because now every hero is a sociopath.

Third. Propaganda of violence, and devaluation of someone else's and own life. This is what any child now sees everywhere and every day. On TV, in movies, in games, on social media. You can give a lot of examples, but there is no point in this, you all know all of them perfectly, because you live in exactly the same media reality. Plus the cult of money, which has permeated all spheres of media for a long time, and which is based on an inverted pyramid of the human value system, where money and success are at the top, and life and health are at the bottom.

You see, we have not even begun to analyze dangerous and suicidal content, but have already found out, by default, in which, to put it mildly, not a healthy world modern children have to live.

Suicidal communities

VK communities today are the main platform for the distribution of suicidal content. How it happens in life.

Any teenager has some kind of problems, usual, peculiar to his age, and he quite naturally falls from them into a kind of melancholy or sadness, which is absolutely normal. And then this is what happens, and this is the key!

Modern adolescents are already so used to the fact that what state you are in, you consume such media content. It's fun, you watch humor, it's sad, something appropriate. And now he felt bad, and he already subscribes to something like depression melancholy, social anxiety, sadness-sadness, something relatively light, so far no suicidal content. As a result, they wind him up there, and he naturally becomes even worse from such content, because these groups are not at all about helping. Now, having withdrawn even more into himself, he acquires a new state, and this content no longer corresponds to him, something tougher is needed there, and so along the funnel he is drawn into other groups, already into specifically suicidal content. This is called the engagement funnel, and this video explains this in detail.

Now let's take a closer look at how this happens. It all starts out relatively harmless. In the beginning, these are the pictures:


It can even be about humorous publics. There is no depression or sadness in the band names. This is the top of the funnel, a very broad group. While such content just brings sadness.

Then the second stage of the funnel. The child gets used to such pictures and subscribes to some groups like a sociopath, or sadness, sadness, loneliness, depression, something that now corresponds to his state, which has arisen thanks to this kind of content described above, this is the second stage of the funnel. There is already less humor, and more often than not at all, and the content is slightly harsher, while this is not yet suicidal, but already specifically depressing content.


And in these groups, in comments and in posts, he already begins to see ads of the next level, groups with sharper content, but in the same spirit. And sooner or later, he goes down even lower, and further, there he is already waiting for such, already specifically suicidal content.


This is the third step of the funnel. And already there, seeing such pictures in the tape every day, the child no longer has a chance to keep his psyche the way it was before. Well, look at it yourself, I took it all from VK, everything is in the public domain.


And at this stage, in these communities, he begins to see advertisements for already closed suicidal groups, and even “good people” may start inviting him there. And then he descends to the last step, into closed groups, and what he sees there, I will not show you, because it is better for a normal person never to see this at all. Plus there he may already have a “curator” who is already competently pushing him to suicide.

So, through depressive-suicidal content, children are driven first into depression, then into depression, and then into apathy. And it all starts very harmless, sometimes it's just humor. Moreover, a child can go down this funnel for a year or two, five years, or maybe in a month to be at the very bottom, or maybe not at all interested in such things, everything is very individual and depends on many other circumstances. And the division into 3 stages is also, of course, conditional, now there are already a lot of open public communities containing content that used to be only in closed groups. Many people go straight to the very bottom of the funnel, bypassing the previous steps, everything is very situational.

Of all types of suicidal content, it is communities on social networks that pose the greatest threat, since after subscribing once to something like this, a teenager unnoticed for himself subscribes over time to several other, exactly the same thematic groups, and they gradually fill all of it with their news the feed is imperceptible for him, displacing other, positive content, which previously could have been in his feed. Once, once in such groups, the child begins to receive advertising for such groups, that is, VK itself begins to offer such content, and the child is involuntarily drawn deeper and deeper.

Thus, the child gradually plunges into such a depressive-informational cocoon, where positive content no longer penetrates, and it is encapsulated in it. These communities now create his reality for him, and critical thinking is now very late in the formation of children, and for them very often everything they see is reality, however, like for many adults.

But the matter is not limited to social networks alone, because in addition to them there are still a lot of instant messengers, which often pose a much greater threat than social networks.

Another very important point regarding antiviruses, instant messengers, and technical means of protection that is important to know.

This does not mean that an antivirus is not needed, it is needed, but it is not a panacea, it has a different purpose. No antivirus can protect a child from threats, blackmail and manipulation, as well as from being drawn into dangerous subcultures if instant messengers are installed on the phone and access to social networks is allowed.

Blue whales

All that we have now analyzed, that at the bottom of the funnel, all this content, these are real death groups. And blue whales, it was a technology, how to bring a child through play, not in a year or two, but in a month, to the same state as death groups are brought over a longer period.

There was everything the same, the first tasks were relatively speaking from the upper stage of the funnel, and the last ones from the bottom, only the difference was that earlier the child could, for example, once a day or a week see such content, but these games had tasks, and he was forced to look at all this out of duty.


It was a technology from the system of tasks, the child himself published a tag with an application for participation, he was found, and then he was led by a curator who gave tasks, and naturally they went on an increasing scale, and the last task was clear which one. Then these groups were closed, but from this situation it is necessary to draw some conclusions over time, and analyze who and how distributed this content in order to prevent this in the future. How did the children learn about these death groups and suicidal quests, who disseminated this information?

This was done by the media, schools, and sometimes even the parents themselves. After all, it all started en masse with an article in Novaya Gazeta, where this problem was somewhat exaggerated, although everything that was described there really took place. But the mass panic began only after, and largely as a result of this article, and it all started with it.

Although the question is, of course, twofold, because on the other hand, if it were not for the noise raised by this article, then with a high degree of probability no one would ever begin to study these groups, and they have existed for a very long time. A simple example, our walls of all cities are now covered with advertisements of online drug sellers, now it is much easier for any schoolchild to buy a dose of any drug than to buy alcohol and cigarettes in a store. But there are no resonant articles, or public outrage on this matter, there is no such article that would also force legislators to somehow start to change the situation, and the situation does not change, but only worsens every day.

These are the sad realities of our time. Now, only when the problem is gaining widespread publicity, it begins to somehow be solved. Although, in the situation with blue whales, such widespread publicity inevitably created an opposite, negative effect, as it was.

The media fanned panic, and the parents naturally ran to the child, and began to question him about blue whales. And he most often did not even know what it was. It got to the point that in schools they gave out notes to parents through the children against signature, so that they had a conversation with the child, and explained to him what blue whales are, and that in no case should they be searched on the Internet under such tags, and attached list of these tags! Thus, the schools allegedly disclaimed responsibility.


What the child learned from all this hype: There is some new topic that everyone is talking about, but I don't know. And this theme also contains 3 sacred words for each child, this is a mystery, danger, and even a game! After such enlightenment, the children went to play in these groups in whole classes. Moreover, one must understand that they did not go there to die, but to play. And then the curators entered the business, the tasks became tougher every day, the children were forced every day to watch a terrible video, then something else, and then the child at some stage refused to play further, and then threats began to come into play … And yet, as a rule, the child no longer remembers those first tasks, but they included those in which he provided his personal data, and very so unobtrusively, and the curator already knew where he lives, where his parents work. Then they wrote to the children, stop playing,we know where you live, our person works next to your house, we follow you and say the address that he gave them himself, or downloaded a program on the instructions of the curator that collected all the data about him, but he himself had already forgotten about it … Imagine what happened to the child after that. Played a game. By the way, many victims were gambling addicts, they were so used from childhood to constantly play something, but they still need to constantly raise the bar, and here is just such and such a new quest, but one that even adults are afraid of, this then you must play. Played a game. By the way, many victims were gambling addicts, they were so used from childhood to constantly play something, but they still need to constantly raise the bar, and here is just such and such a new quest, but one that even adults are afraid of, this is then you must play. Played a game. By the way, many victims were gambling addicts, they were so used from childhood to constantly play something, but they still need to constantly raise the bar, and here is just such and such a new quest, but one that even adults are afraid of, this is then you must play.

In general, it must be said that the passion from childhood with computer games leads to the fact that the child gets used to perceive the virtual world in the same way as the real one. In the future, having fallen under the influence of such groups, he becomes easily manipulated in performing other people's tasks (this is the essence and basis of any game). Having got used to living in two realities from childhood, the child easily accepts a new version of reality, this is especially dangerous in cases with dangerous subcultures, which will be discussed later, such a child easily accepts the world drawn to him by someone.

They went there to play, for many of them it was just to show their "not weak". Someone went there out of interest, someone to prove that he would pass all this and nothing would happen, someone went to save others like them there. But all of them did not understand the main thing, that they were children, and on the other end of the line people are several orders of magnitude smarter and more experienced than them …

I say this to the fact that you do not need to come home today to immediately interrogate the child. Ask him questions if he knows what suicidal content, death groups, and other phenomena we will talk about later. All this information is not for children, it is for parents so that they can recognize dangerous content at a stage before it is too late.

After all, suicidal quests, blue whales, they seem to have been legally overcome, in part, but there is no depressive-suicidal content, believe me, it has not gone anywhere. And the closed groups have not gone anywhere. Moreover, this content does not fall under any law, and it cannot be blocked.

There are statistics on how many adolescents have died from blue whales, and how many as a result of the treatment of these groups with depressively suicidal content? There is no such statistics and there never will be, because it is almost impossible to prove it.

Moreover, one must understand the main thing that all these teenagers did not actually commit suicide, in fact they were killed. The curators led them to the end, and forced them to take the last step. After death, very often someone was next to the teenager who took pictures of him after death, and posted the photo on the network.

Until now, in all these stories, there is a lot of incomprehensible and inexplicable, how much the death was voluntary, it is still not clear.


And even in those cases when there was no curator, and the teenager was only subscribed to these publics for a long time, it is still a murder, albeit not according to the law, but in fact! After all, how it happens in life.

A teenager has a real problem that naturally causes him anxiety. This is normal, and all worries and problems will pass over time, but only if they are not warmed up by constant depressive stuffing from the news feed, which only aggravates these conditions.

And what are these groups doing, because in fact it is like a person standing on the edge of a roof, he feels bad, and they yell at him from behind, let's jump, boldly. These groups do just that. He could have ended up on the roof not because of them, because of his own problems, but these groups are doing everything to persuade him to exactly this way of solving the problem. And for such cases, of course, there can be no statistics in principle, as well as for all the following examples of suicidal content.

Shock content

According to many experts in information security, the main goal of the "blue whales" was actually to deconstruct the topic of death in the eyes of children. After all, what were the children actually doing there? They played death. The very fact of this is no longer normal, but another thing is scary, because after that they began to perceive death as a game. Those children who played, they also performed tasks during the game. Most of these assignments consisted of seeing what the curator had to say. These were pictures, photographs and videos that I will not post on them here, because it is better for no one to look at this once again, but take my word for it, not like for a child, for an adult, viewing such materials will not remain without consequences for the psyche..

Such tasks were given for a reason, but in order to lower the child's threshold of sensitivity, to make him indifferent to the sight of blood, death, and other things. Such content morally prepared the child for the last step.

And now the main question, what do you think, all these horrible pictures, videos, all this curated content, how does it differ from the dehumanizing content that a child sees in modern films, in computer games, in clips, and in everything else modern media content ? Do you know what is its fundamental difference from it?

Yes, nothing! He's gone! And this is the main problem in fact, because the vast majority of children now consume exactly the same content every day that they were fed by the curators of death groups! Voluntarily, and often with parental approval.

And if we talk about social networks, then such content is distributed there without any restrictions. Now the mass of communities in which maniacs and murderers are heroized, the group "world of maniacs and serial killers", for example, has 340,000 people. Children are happy to go headlong into such genres as, for example, "creepypasta", there is a great article about it, if in a nutshell these are fictional (not always) stories of brutal murders with all the details. The main audience is primary school children, only in VK there are 12,000 communities on this topic with an audience of 2,410,586 people!


Nowadays this word is not associated with something dangerous among young people, and is often perceived as just some interesting feature that makes you “unique”. Meanwhile, it is a very serious mental disorder that is difficult to treat. If you do not begin to treat it in time, it is guaranteed to end in death from exhaustion, and there are many such cases.

Girls in early adolescence often have natural anxiety about their appearance for their age. These communities are actively using this, instilling in children unnatural, perverted ideas about what beauty is. There are a lot of these groups now, and they are not necessarily called "anorexia", the names can be anything. As a rule, a child cannot distinguish them from communities of people who just want to lose weight, and they very often mimic them.

Anorexia nervosa is one of the most dangerous and life-threatening eating disorders. Anorexic people may consider themselves fat, and it seems to them that they are much fuller than they really are. At the same time, there is a very strong fear of gaining weight and the wrong attitude towards food. Such beliefs are implanted in children’s heads by numerous anorexic communities. This is what their content looks like.


The impact of anorexia on human health can be very severe. Even before the onset of the physical symptoms of this disorder, it affects virtually every system in the human body. It is like an aggressive form of cancer that will not stop until it wins. Anorexia nervosa is one of the most dangerous and life-threatening eating disorders. It is known that 5-20 percent of people with anorexia die, most often due to complications associated with fasting, such as multiple organ failure or diseases such as pneumonia due to the body's inability to fight infections.

Sometimes it is possible to determine that a child is addicted to this subculture by his profile in social networks. See a picture of a fragile butterfly, find statuses or groups about crystal girls? Pay attention to whether the child's diet has changed, since these images are actively used by groups promoting anorexia.

Anime subculture. Anime communities

Here many will be surprised, an article like about suicidal groups, what does Japanese animation have to do with it? But here you need to return to the beginning of the article, and recall the main thing that it is impossible to consider clearly suicidal content outside the context of that informational reality, the world in which children now live. This is firstly, and secondly, the main distribution of suicidal content is now going through the anime communities, and the anime communities themselves, in terms of their content, are very often not very different from death groups. In fact, the anime subculture is now the very funnel of involvement in suicidal content, which was mentioned earlier. Above there are mass groups of general coverage, relatively harmless, then thematic genre groups, and then a descent into frankly suicidal and satanic themes.


Why anime? Why did those distributing suicidal content choose this particular subculture as the basis for engagement? The fact is that anime fully reflects the modern Japanese anime subculture, and that, in turn, the Japanese mentality.

The Japanese have a completely different attitude towards death, because in Japanese culture there are no moral prohibitions on suicide, the Japanese are world leaders in the number of suicides, this is part of their culture, and the spirit of death permeates every anime series. A number of anime cartoons carry the idea that suicide is not the result of madness or depression, but the end of a logical chain of reasoning, this is very characteristic of Japanese culture. Hence, by the way, such a frenzied popularity of anime in the depressive emo subculture. And it is no coincidence that many death groups use exactly the anime surroundings, anime people are easy prey for them, because they already have a perverted attitude towards death.

Of course, there are good anime, but modern children do not watch them, they watch what is popular and what is popularly defined for them by the anime community. Japanese anime itself is not as scary as the Russian anime communities. After all, they are engaged in popularizing the most vile, bloody, and perverted anime series, where, in addition to suicide, believe me, there is a lot of things, in this article about it in detail.

Here is the VK of the anime group, they are not all directly suicidal, but there is such a thin line between them that the difference is not particularly visible, and as you understand, all these pictures fully reflect the plots of modern anime series. Precisely modern, because anime was not always like this.


Just so that you understand the scope and popularity of this phenomenon among children, there are so many anime communities in VK now.


In the context of death groups, I would like to especially say about the most popular anime series. There is no anime man in the world who does not see him. This is the "death note".

A whole cult was built around this anime, such notebooks were sold in our bookstores. But this is not the main thing. When suicidal quests raged a few years ago, in addition to the problem that many children came to play there, there was another problem that they do not like to talk about. Many children came there and wanted to become curators, but why? Where could such an unhealthy desire to control a person come from and lead him to death? Where could such an unhealthy pattern of behavior come from?

And now we recall the plot of the death note: the best student of Japan kills criminals, and at the same time the police agents who hunt him, and just random people, and this is served as the norm, the series is built in such a way that you sympathize with him, because he is the main character. How does he do it?

He accidentally gets the notebook of the death demon Ryuk. Now, having entered any name there, he can kill any person, if he wants to write down the circumstances of death in the notebook, and this is how everything will happen, and this is how everything happens throughout 11 episodes. And this series is considered an absolute bestseller among anime people.

Now let's drop the plot and details, and analyze what actually happens on the screen.

Nobody knows about his occupation, he is at a distance from his victims, they do not see him, and he controls the circumstances of their death sitting at his desk in his room, making notes. Above him is a mentor, the demon Ryuk, who gives good advice, but does not participate himself. Doesn't this remind you of anything? In fact, this is the work of the curator of death groups, only in a veiled form.

By the way, I watched the plot, where they interviewed the girl-curator of the death group, so she said that she had a pseudonym Kira, and this character's name was Kira Light, and in the plot his pseudonym Kira was from the word killer, which is essentially true, he and was a killer, like all the curators.

I do not want to say that all the curators were fans of the Death Note, but the model of behavior there is broadcast just like that. Compare what the character Kira Light says, and what Philip Lees says, a man for some reason appointed as the main organizer of death groups (he would not be smart enough for this).


Another important point, anime groups tend to be strongly associated with LGBT communities, simply because these themes are so popular in anime that they are even brought into separate large genres. This means that anime groups serve as the very funnel of involvement in this topic, agitators know where to look.

Also, anime groups are the top of the funnel for perverted subcultures such as furries, bronies, slash, and they are spread most often through anime groups, for the reason that they are visually close, and those groups, in turn, repost anime content. This is called cross-pollination. Such a direction as creepypasta is also very closely associated with these communities, they are just close in spirit. Thus, a child, having fallen into one thing, inevitably plunges into everything else, and this was done of course not by accident.

LGBT propaganda

In my opinion, the most dynamically developing direction of destructiveness. On average, about 4 million people now participate in such communities, about 70,000 VK groups are functioning on this topic. This is in the presence of a law to protect children from gay propaganda. I will not attach pictures from these groups, but believe me, they look even more disgusting than all the previous ones.


What does the LGBT (Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender) movement have to do with suicidal content? The most direct. Only this suicidal content looks completely different from all the previous ones. To make it clear what this is about, at the beginning it is necessary to immediately voice the statistics, most of the information is taken from this article.

In 2017, the University of Connecticut conducted a massive online survey of self-identified gay and lesbian students with shocking results. 75% of them indicated that they are in constant depression, 95% cannot sleep well at night. In 2018, the American Journal of Pediatricians published an article on the problem of suicide among transgender adolescents - according to their research, from 30 to 50% of people who identify with the opposite sex tried to commit suicide. The statistics of attempted suicide in the population is 4.6%, among LGBT people - 20%, and among transgender people - 41%.

There is only one category of people where the percentage of suicide attempts is 20-40%, like among LGBT people, they are schizophrenics, and this is not a coincidence, because the fact is that all LGBT propaganda, which is now almost everywhere, is doing just that. schizophrenia of consciousness, and destruction of personality.

Let's look at the example of a community, children 404, how this is done. The main content of these communities consists of stereotyped stories that are allegedly sent by subscribers, allegedly children themselves send an average of 5 of their LGBT stories a day. And they write, as they say, children of 12-14 years old, but if you read these stories, then you will not find a single grammatical error there! Well, have you seen how children write now at 12-14? And there the texts are such that you can't dig in, it is obvious to any person that the author of these stories is one and the same. This is very reminiscent of the stories "from life" in groups of children, which were also like two peas in a pod. Only if there was a goal to inflame hatred in motherhood and children, then here the goal is to convince the child, firstly, that perversion is normal, and secondly, that he, too, is really like that, he just does not understand this yet.

This is done very competently, all the texts are composed in such a way that the reader is forced to be imbued with sympathy for the perverts, and if you sympathize with someone, then you involuntarily begin to associate yourself with him, put yourself in his place, now you understand how it works.

These stories are very stereotyped, they are built in such a way that in the first part they draw the image of a child with classic problems for his age, so that the child reading this will feel empathy for the character, that he is exactly the same as him. And then the plot of the story leads to the idea that it turns out that all those problems that unite the hero of the story and the child, they actually have him simply because he actually turns out to be of the wrong orientation, or gender, and in this - then the whole point! This is where the real cause of all his problems ends up! At the end of the story, he naturally understands this, changes in the direction necessary for the authors, all problems are immediately solved and everything ends with a happy end. Can you imagine what effect such stories can have on a fragile child's head at the time of some adolescent crisis,and during the formation of the personality? And the entire Internet is littered with such stereotyped stories.

Now there is an even worse phenomenon, but it works on the same principle. Children's YouTube channels of animated stories, where children are inclined to perversion in the same way, all one to one, only in a drawn format. Each video has an average of 1 million views, these videos are always trending on YouTube, and schoolchildren watch them avidly. There is an article on this topic, and here the materials are collected, you can look. Here are the screensavers of these videos, the plot is not difficult to guess..


Using the confusion and feeling of loneliness inherent in adolescence, homo activists tidy up bewildered children under their wing, providing them with a "refuge" in the LGBT community, which gives them a sense of belonging and unity (manifested mainly in hatred of all those who with I do not agree with them). The destruction and grief inflicted on families whose children have been cut off from them by these groups is immeasurable.

As mentioned at the beginning, drawing children into LGBT people has dire consequences. 75% of them are in constant depression, the statistics of suicide attempts among LGBT people - 20%, and among transgender people - 41% … But why is this happening?

The fact is that in addition to the destruction of personality and schizophrenization of consciousness, which inevitably occurs under the influence of such propaganda, this lifestyle also leads to terrible health problems, which LGBT propagandists “for some reason” do not talk about. And the consequences are monstrous, it is not surprising that after this many suicidal thoughts begin to come. In this article, everything is collected in detail, but I do not advise you to read it before eating.

A few numbers regarding health. In America in 1999, 85% of syphilis cases were reported among homosexual men (CDC 1999). At the national level in America, the incidence of primary and secondary syphilis among homosexual men is more than 46 times higher. The risk of cancer is higher. The incidence of AIDS among this population group is 50 times higher than the frequency in other groups.

Another quote from the article, and in it the essence! “Almost all former homosexuals say that suicidal thoughts arose not from the hostility of others, but from their disgust for themselves and what they do with their bodies, as well as from feelings of frustration and despair, since they were convinced that there was no opportunities to change."

In fact, we have a situation where groups of perverts persuade children to adopt a homosexual lifestyle, which in the future will lead them to early death from disease, or suicide. Involving adolescents in a homosexual lifestyle increases their risk of committing suicide by 5 times. If someone thinks that it is only "with them", then it is not so. Only during the preparation of this article, in a month there were 2 cases: the first and the second. And this trend will only grow, along with the growth of LGBT propaganda. It is for this reason that all LGBT propaganda should be viewed as dangerous, depressive-suicidal content.

Separation from parents

Another very important detail, and it is key in fact, because it is present directly or indirectly in all types of content, and not only suicidal. Read what parents write about this.


Children were forcibly torn away from their parents, and this was done through certain content, which we will talk about later. Here are the messages, instructions on how to behave with parents, were laid out then, and now they are laid out on the net.


But is it only in suicidal communities that children are turned against their parents? Anti-family and anti-parental propaganda, this is what absolutely everything is now filled with, the entire Internet and television, it is now everywhere, wherever you stick.

All YouTube is littered with such stories now, these channels fall into trends every day, these are the same channels about which were in the previous chapter. Look at the image of their parents. I don't need to explain the plot of the stories, everything is clear from the titles.


But such an advertisement for a “helpline” was shown on TV, on one of the federal children's channels, in between cartoons. What is the image of parents drawn there, but exactly the same as in these YouTube videos?

It's even worse in the anime. No matter what anime you include, no matter how many genres, plots, intrigues you revise, you will not find a single (except for Hayao Miyazaki) paintings where the characters would have normal, healthy, living parents who would help the characters, and not destroy them. In most cases, they are completely absent there, which, perhaps, is even for the better, since if the parents of the main character do appear in the frame or in the plot, then all they do is drink, mock his psyche and behave immorally, even worse than the main antiheroes. Almost every anime series is a world of smart teenagers who know and understand everything, and stupid adults who don't know and don't understand anything. Children addicted to anime, for these reasons, begin to perceive their parents differently.


Here many will be surprised to say what other Satanism is in the 21st century. But do not believe it, the most ordinary one, here are the results of the research of the Kribrum laboratory. Look at these numbers. In 2018, Satanism was already among the main movements, now, in 2020, it is already, with a high degree of probability, ahead of other directions.


These are mostly children and adolescents. Moreover, if earlier adolescents went to the Goths, or other subcultures of near-Satanic themes, now we are talking about specific communities of Satanists in their purest form. In the article "How can you not see hell around" you can see what content is there, and what it leads to.

A quote from this article: “Satanic publics, memes, songs and groups are increasingly appearing on the pages of young people and adolescents who are keen on the subject of“school shootings”and“Columbine”. The subscriptions of one of the fans of the Kerch shooter Vladislav Roslyakov: Satanism, atheism, maniacs and serial killers, and such groups, as well as such subscribers, are now hundreds of thousands.


The theme of suicide is key among Satanists, especially if it is also associated with murder. In this regard, the topic of school is the most revealing, Columbine groups have always contained near-Satanic content. Please note that all school shooters always committed suicide after what they did. This is fully consistent with the main principles and beliefs of Satanism.

What else can a child's infatuation with Satanism lead to? Satanists encourage all perversions of human nature. It is proclaimed that no matter how many crimes the devil worshiper commits, he does not bear responsibility, since all sins are “allowed” to him. Satanic morality is very simple - no morality! To put it simply, Satanism is the complete opposite of Christianity, hence, by the way, the massiveness of anti-religious content, it is now in almost all public places. Have you noticed how many fasts are now against the church? Their growth coincides exactly with the growth of Satanic communities.

Here is a short extract from the diary of a modern girl, a former Satanist sectarian: “COMMANDMENTS: 1. Do not love. 2. The complete idea of the cult of Satan. 3. Revenge. 4. Do harm to others. 5. Have a conscience steeped in evil. 6. Make sacrifices. 7. Kill. 8. Blaspheme.

Let's add to this the bloody sacrifices that are obligatory in Satanism, and the cult of death.


Moreover, one must understand that these are not just interest groups, this is not cosplay, everything is very serious there. The problem of the spread of this phenomenon is now very acute. The Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev announced that the ideas of Satanism are spreading among the youth.

How does this relate to suicidal content? Well, if you saw him, you would not ask such questions, here in a nutshell, in a nutshell, satanic content, this is suicidal content, flesh of flesh, it is impossible to compare them, or look for differences in them, this is just one thing and also. Just look at the commentary on the picture. Highlighted in red, this comment from a Satanic public subscriber fully reflects the essence and beliefs of Satanists.


“The child is offered play in various ways. She can go in a parallel chat. It happens that it is in the same chat with the curator. From that time on, all communication turns into nighttime, which helps to reduce the critical perception of reality. Children have a close friend or girlfriend (love is nearby) from a very different time zone, which requires communication from the child at this very second, and it happens so that the child is at night. Thus, it prevents sleep.

Satanic content is now very widespread not only in social networks, if you carefully look and listen to what children are now listening to, for example, you will understand that even in the musical environment there is enough of it, here in the video in detail about it. Suicide, Satanism, and perversion are inseparable themes.

Speaking of music. According to adolescents who participated in suicidal quests, the most unpleasant tasks were those where you had to listen to music for a long time. It was she who most strongly drove them into depression.

The ideology of Satanism, it creates in the child's head its own alternative reality, an alternative world, with different values, and with a different attitude to life and death. It is especially dangerous when it happens in a beautifully artistic form, as, for example, in anime, in such TV series as "Death Note" or "Dark Butler". At the same time, any anime guy will tell you that there is a hidden spiritual meaning in Japanese animation and that “anime” is better than cinematography and animation of other countries. There is indeed a "spiritual meaning" in modern anime, but only the one described above. Just look at the names of the top anime. "New Testament of the Lord of Darkness, my sister", "murder in the classroom", "school of the dead", "death note", "sinner's crown", "devil's beloved", "death row wonderland", "demon against demons", " Satan on a side job "," Dante's Hell:Animated Epic”, and stuff like that.

Skulls, bones, blood, these are all images of evil, violence and death, and they are present everywhere, and not only in anime. It is worth recalling here that children perceive the world mostly in the form of images, they have very highly developed imaginative thinking, which is why they change so quickly, getting hooked on such content.

To explain how the ideology of Satanism affects children, I will simply quote from one mother who lost her child, and who studied similar cases for several years:

What to do for parents

The impact of such content on a person cannot be underestimated. I read a lot about what people write who have lost their children as a result of suicide, provoked by this kind of content, and talked to some of them personally. If someone thinks that these are some "wrong" parents who simply did not keep track of their child, or did not take care of them, then I immediately want to say that this is not true. They were normal parents, more normal than many of us, and they had the same normal children.

I am writing this because now all speeches, articles and programs are in the context of the fact that parents are always to blame for everything. I constantly began to see such a position in the comments, although this was not the case before. People have lost compassion. The media have trained people to react to any incident with children in this way, and that only parents are always to blame for everything, and this is a purely juvenile approach, and it is very convenient for those who are really to blame.

Many of these parents realized the problem long before it happened. Children were taken to doctors, psychologists, disconnected from the Internet, parents read literature, tried to help the child, but very often this did not help, and the child still took the last step.

How such content works has not yet been fully studied, there are a lot of strange and inexplicable in all these stories. There was something in those tasks that did inexplicable things to the children that did not fit into the classical ideas about human psychology. A lot of strange things. And it is obvious that this will continue to be used.

Obviously, on the side who is promoting this, there are people who are much more experienced, and more professionally trained than those who oppose it.

With this list, one girl went to the roof. Just imagine how much the kids were processed into doing it with a to-do list.


And this is all some kind of common system. Just pay attention to such a moment, in all these groups it is the jumping from the roof that is promoted as a method of suicide, and practically nothing else. Why is that so, where does all the groups have such consistency? The fact is that poisoning can be pumped out, hanged or opened veins is not so easy, it may not work, not everyone has a weapon, and jumping from the roof is the only 100 percent way. And if you start looking for news about teen suicides, you will find this method in the first place, and it is there precisely because this is the way all these communities are promoting.

There were cases when a teenager, in whom everything in life was well brought to complete apathy and suicide in 2 weeks. The instinct of self-preservation is the strongest in a person, and it is most difficult to break it, but life shows that they somehow do it.

If a child breaks an arm or a leg, or gets sick with something, then everything can be cured, and everything will eventually pass and be forgotten, but with mental illnesses everything is not so. This content breaks the child mentally, it changes his personality, and life shows that it can be very difficult to fix it with pills or procedures, and sometimes it is simply impossible.

Therefore, the sooner you notice any changes in behavior, the more chances you have to fix something. Do not rely on any antiviruses, they will not help with this, although of course they should be, and should be configured, but they are not a panacea. Do not think that if you know which groups your child is subscribed to, then this is enough to be calm, this is not true. Your child's phone shouldn't have a telegram, and other messengers, don't ask why, it just shouldn't. I would like to give parents some magic advice that will one hundred percent protect their children from all the destructive in the network, but I will not deceive anyone, because this is simply impossible. At any time a child is online, he is only a couple of clicks away from getting anywhere, into any kind of destructive. Distance is one second and you won't see it,and he will not understand it. This is our reality today, it happens every second, even where you do not expect it at all.

Now in the information field we have complete chaos and permissiveness. It was not by chance that I indicated the number of groups or subscribers everywhere. Understand the main thing, if your child is registered in social networks, it means that he already consumes some kind of destructive agent on a regular basis, and believe me, there simply cannot be any other way now. Those directions of destructiveness that we have analyzed are a drop in the ocean, besides there is a lot of everything, and each direction has its own manipulators, experienced and trained, against which the child, if they are interested, has no chance. And the retraction directions themselves are not always frankly destructive, it can be anything, everything where there is at least some kind of Internet communication, and do not forget that now any online game is a mini-social network.

Controlling what a child is doing online now is no longer a question of his personal freedom or communication, but a question of his safety and elementary survival. The Internet has long become not only a worldwide library, but also a murder weapon, and these are not only suicidal groups.

Send in the forest everyone who tells you that there is such a program that will protect you from everything, this is not possible in principle! The only sure way to avoid all these problems now is to live a real life, not a virtual one. There is no other reliable way now. Perhaps someday other times will come, but now like this, now there is a war.

Take your child to music, skating, bicycles, judo, drawing, fishing, gymnastics, cross stitching, whatever! A child's life should be filled with real life, and real, valuable hobbies for him. Then he simply will not have time for gadgets and social networks, and he will be able to grow to a conscious age with a strong psyche and an understanding of what is good and what is bad, what is important and what is not important. In the future, such a child will no longer be an easy prey for manipulators of all stripes, which are now abundant in adult life. This is now the only way to protect the child from the influence of all the destructive, there is simply no other way.