Dead Sharks Can Lead To The Alien Base? - Alternative View

Dead Sharks Can Lead To The Alien Base? - Alternative View
Dead Sharks Can Lead To The Alien Base? - Alternative View

Video: Dead Sharks Can Lead To The Alien Base? - Alternative View

Video: Dead Sharks Can Lead To The Alien Base? - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: SECRET UNDERWATER ALIEN BASE FOUND (Season 6) | History 2024, September

In the American city of St. Augustine, located in northeastern Florida, in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart supermarket, a shark corpse about one and a half meters long was found in a shopping cart.

But the conscientious employees of the trade establishment could not just throw the dead fish into the trash can and forget about it. Therefore, they decided to figure out the origin of the remains, for which they contacted the St. John's County Sheriff's Office.

Arrived at the scene, the sheriff's deputy questioned the owner of the camper parked next to the cart. As it turned out, he spent the night in a mobile home and, waking up in the morning, found a shark on the hood of his car. To get rid of the unexpected trophy, the man, according to him, put the shark in the cart. Later, a second dead shark was found near the supermarket.

Where both sharks came from remains a mystery. As a result, representatives of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission were then called to the supermarket and disposed of the carcasses.

It should be noted that representatives of the region's ufological community immediately became interested in the finds. They also arrived at the scene and interviewed witnesses. However, they did not manage to find the owner of the camper - the man immediately after talking with the police hurriedly packed up and left the city.

One of the enthusiasts involved in the investigation shared his version of events with reporters.

The man who wished to remain anonymous said something like the following: “In my opinion, this case deserves a study by ufologists, since we have already accumulated very interesting statistics. In recent years, cases of detection of large marine life on land, away from the coast, have become more frequent all over the world. The record was set in Great Britain a couple of years ago - a ten-meter whale was found there, fifty kilometers from the coastline. There were no signs of being transported, so most likely he flew this distance. Therefore, flying one and a half meter sharks do not surprise me

The crux of the problem is why this is happening. And here, it seems to me, one cannot do without mentioning the aliens. Only they can possess such technologies. I don't think humanoids are deliberately throwing fish. Most likely, when their "plates" fly up from under the water, they accidentally grab some kind of living creature, which then falls to the ground. I think that these findings can be used to trace the trajectory of the alien shuttles and eventually establish the place where they are based …"

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