Named "favorite" Temperature Of The Coronavirus - Alternative View

Named "favorite" Temperature Of The Coronavirus - Alternative View
Named "favorite" Temperature Of The Coronavirus - Alternative View

Video: Named "favorite" Temperature Of The Coronavirus - Alternative View

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Scientists from the University of Hong Kong have named the temperature at which the coronavirus is especially active. The research results are published on the medRxiv portal.

According to researchers, the "favorite" for the coronavirus was a temperature of about four degrees above zero. If you do not disinfect, then in such conditions it will remain active for 14 days.

At the same time, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus cannot tolerate high temperatures - at 70 degrees, it is deactivated within five minutes.

In addition, Hong Kong scientists have found out on which surfaces the coronavirus can remain active for the longest. It turned out that on paper it is deactivated after three hours, on clothes and processed wood it lasts up to two days, on glass - four days, on plastic - up to seven. For just as long - seven days - the coronavirus can remain on the surface of medical masks. In this regard, scientists called for their thorough disinfection.

Earlier, the Chinese authorities announced the end of the coronavirus epidemic in the country. The official spokesman for the State Health Committee of the PRC, Mi Feng, said that as of March 28, the number of confirmed cases of infection throughout the country was less than three thousand. Thus, the spread of infection in China was stopped.
