Atlantis Could Have Been Destroyed By Nuclear Technology Or The War Of The Gods - Alternative View

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Atlantis Could Have Been Destroyed By Nuclear Technology Or The War Of The Gods - Alternative View
Atlantis Could Have Been Destroyed By Nuclear Technology Or The War Of The Gods - Alternative View

Video: Atlantis Could Have Been Destroyed By Nuclear Technology Or The War Of The Gods - Alternative View

Video: Atlantis Could Have Been Destroyed By Nuclear Technology Or The War Of The Gods - Alternative View
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There is a huge mass of assumptions about the death of Atlantis. But even among them, one version of the death of the Atlantean civilization is kept apart. A somewhat fantastic hypothesis says that Atlantis could have perished from nuclear technology.

Mankind has mastered nuclear technology only by the middle of the 20th century, and we are sure of this. It was from this time that the era of using the energy of the atom began on Earth.

But what if this is not entirely true and mankind came to the use of nuclear technologies earlier? It's just that over the centuries after the terrible disaster, technology has been forgotten. Meanwhile, advanced civilizations used nuclear technologies hundreds of millennia ago.

Technologies of ancient civilizations

Describing the legendary Atlantis, legends tell of the ability to build aircraft flying through the air. This speaks of the serious scientific achievements of civilization. Another curious thing is that it was light in the cities and houses of the Atlanteans. But where did they get the energy for lighting?

The assumption that the Atlanteans will use nuclear reactors for their own needs is not devoid of sense, if at all believe in the existence of civilization. True, there is no reliable information about the development of Atlantis in the field of technology. In fact, very little is known about the civilizations of bygone eras.

It is hard to imagine, and impossible to believe, but even before the Great Flood, people could master technologies that we had just begun to develop. The hypothesis is supported by amazing archaeological finds. For example, it is unknown who left a dump of nuclear waste at sea. It is possible that the unknown characters were the inhabitants of the legendary Atlantis.

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Perhaps the Atlanteans have reached a serious level of technology development, and were able to master the powerful energy of the atom. Of course, the nuclear power plants of that time most likely looked different, but the basic principle of operation is probably general.

One of the popular assumptions regarding the purpose of the pyramids says; these could be energy sources representing multifunctional complexes. The Atlanteans are probably farther advanced in their scientific endeavors than we think.

Due to any problem, be it an earthquake, or an accident at the station, or it was an experiment to master new technologies, a catastrophe occurs, and the island of Atlantis is engulfed in a nuclear disaster.

The destructive consequences of the catastrophe are completed by the flood that followed. This may also indicate why the remains of the civilizations growing before this, the Incas, Maya, decayed - their development was stopped by radiation sickness.

Planetary Wars of the Gods

The proposed version also has some flaws. As you know, from the information that has come down to our time, most of the civilizations of the past perished almost simultaneously.

It is believed that the death of tens of millions of people was caused by the Flood. In ancient history, there is one common riddle for all civilizations that existed about ten thousand years ago. This is the secret of their death.

Some ancient civilizations were destroyed before the Great Flood. It was destroyed. Since the remains of buildings bear traces of the bombing. Moreover, according to researchers with the use of nuclear weapons, or an analogue. This is evidenced by the glazed remains of stone slabs.

The fused stones are not only exposed to high temperatures, but also carry a high radioactive background. The remains of people found at the excavations had the same high radioactive background.

Moreover, the remains lying on the street and in the courtyards covered their faces with their hands. The bodies were turned in one direction, people clearly saw something incredible and bewitching at the same time.

People closed their eyes, as if from something unbearably bright, and no one tried to flee (for example, in Mohenjo-Daro). That is, the trouble came instantly, people did not even have time to get scared and try to escape. Could it be that people saw the growing nuclear mushroom?

Who could have done this on Earth? And the answer to this can be found in the legends of the ancient chroniclers. They tell how, shortly before the Great Flood, a battle of the gods raged on the planet. In this war, which engulfed the entire Earth, the gods used weapons of enormous power. Killing all living things with fire, even far beyond the horizon.

Most likely, the “gods” destroyed the earthly civilizations. Ultimately, what was started was completed by the Great Flood provoked by the monstrous weapon. The waves washed away the traces of what happened. However, the gods warned about this (the legends of Noah). But who were "they"?

Today we can see in the ancient gods the crews of alien ships clashed in space battle. Perhaps, as a result of the battle, aliens at war with each other end up on Earth. Where the aliens, without coming to an agreement, continue to fight, crushing all living things around them. At the same time, the option is not excluded that the Earth and resources initially became the cause of the conflict.
