From Arkaim To Lukomorye, Or The Real Fairy Tale Of The Zhiguli - Alternative View

From Arkaim To Lukomorye, Or The Real Fairy Tale Of The Zhiguli - Alternative View
From Arkaim To Lukomorye, Or The Real Fairy Tale Of The Zhiguli - Alternative View

Video: From Arkaim To Lukomorye, Or The Real Fairy Tale Of The Zhiguli - Alternative View

Video: From Arkaim To Lukomorye, Or The Real Fairy Tale Of The Zhiguli - Alternative View
Video: 5 FAIRIES CAUGHT IN REAL LIFE 2018 2024, July

"Lukomorye has a green oak …" - this is how Alexander Pushkin began his story about the fairyland.

And what kind of miracles did not happen in this country. It is difficult even to imagine what it could actually be. But it turns out that some of the meaning hides the truth.

But where was such a country? Where is it, Lukomorye?

And so it was shown in a dream that it is the land in Zhiguli, on our Volga. The ancient Slavic goddess Lada came in this dream and showed what is now considered fairy tales.

But first they showed the ancient city of Arkaim. It was found by scientists in the south of the Urals.

… The morning sun illuminated the green valley and the distant, barely visible on the horizon, mountain peaks. "Ural" - I thought then. But the mountains were much higher than they are now. It seemed as if they were descending in steps. But here, there were only hills covered with rare forest.

Most recently, a flood raged on Earth, as it was said, but it did not affect these places. And this "recently" was probably separated from this time by a thousand years.

Glaciers were still descending from the north and crushing the mountains of the future Urals (then the Ripeyskie Mountains) and smoothing them. Cold winds increasingly flew into these valleys, bringing hail and snow with them. Winter, on the other hand, froze everything and covered it with snow.

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But now it was summer, and the grass was green, the green groves rustled.

There, below, a white-stone city is seen. From a bird's eye view, it resembled a multilayer wheel.

In the center towered intricate temples, whose glittering multi-tiered domes were supported by thick columns. On huge platforms, fire was beating in bowls, and stone statues stood in front of it in a circle. The columns were decorated with images of fantastic winged animals. This temple stood on a dais. There was another temple next to it, a smaller one. The streets of the city radiated from the main temple like spokes of a wheel. Other streets intersected them in regular circles.

An inner voice said then that this city was called at that time Ara-Kola-i-ma. Now we know what remains of it from the excavations. This is Arkaim.

At the same time, white stone houses seemed to be made of sugar. Their blank walls opened onto narrow streets. There were shady gardens in the courtyards, outside the walls of these houses, as well as outbuildings. The larger streets were paved with stones.

There was also a place for a bazaar. And already in the morning the merchants gather here. Much is made right in front of customers. A chaser sits on the steps, and next to it there are beautiful bronze and silver bowls and vases, then they sell clay pots, further - mountains of grain under a canopy, spread leather and fabrics. The square is quickly filling up with people and horses.

It's summer, but not hot. The cold wind blows constantly, and people are dressed quite warmly. Men wear warm pants made of thick coarse woolen fabric, high leather boots and thick shirts, which are girdled with wide soft belts. On their heads, some of them have hats like a felt cap, almost all of them have a bushy beard.

Women wrap themselves in long dresses of the same rough woolen fabric, over which some wear long vests embroidered with an intricate pattern.

Many wrap themselves in wide belts and wear wide pants that fall in soft folds. The main adornments of women are headscarves and bedspreads made of raccoid with heavy tassels, under which they hide their tight braids. Unmarried women wear only a hoop with pendants on their heads, pulling together their dark, brown and blond hair.

There are many refugees in this city, as we would call it now. They build houses for themselves and acquire an economy, joining the urban community, because they had the same customs and manner of dress. And they themselves were of the same blood. These are the Aryans who descended from the Ripean Mountains (Urals), who came out of the Northern country, which perished during the flood and glaciation (Hyperborea).

The leader of this people himself, Arius, brought them here, because their brothers lived here, only they settled here much earlier. There was something like a colony of that Northern country. And now the townspeople were accepting their kin from distressed areas.

But then suddenly I fell somewhere and found myself in the body of some young man on the temple square.

“… The midday sun was already shining so brightly that it dazzled the eyes, but this cold north wind was constantly blowing, which brought us here from the freezing homeland. Only a thick shirt and trousers, tightly pulled by a belt, saved him from piercing impulses. Wooden and bronze amulets in the shape of the Sun and a bear dangled around my neck on leather ribbons, and a leather ribbon with a swastika tied my hair.

A gray-haired old man came out of the temple. This is the priest teacher. The city was ruled by our most important teacher, the high priest, and this one was his student, and my teacher.

A long linen shirt and a marshy belt pulled together his thin body. He also wore amulets around his neck. Here he is carrying a wooden box, comes up to me, opens it, and there are ancient tangles. This is the old type of "writing". On the ropes, knots and groups of knots were tied, which meant various letters and words. These tangles wore out from old age and in order to read the ancient text, one had to be very careful with them. Therefore, the texts were memorized.

Now it was decided to rewrite them. We hewed out thick oak planks and cut out, or rather copied consecutively, all the fragments of the ball on them. I have been doing this honorable job for a long time. First, a main line was made on the board, depicting a ball of drinking, and then notches were made on it, depicting the knots in the sequence in which they were tied.

The result was a kind of signs that could be read without unrolling the sacred tangles."

Already waking up, I thought that, probably, this is how the ancient Slavic writing "lines and cuts" turned out. The Hindus do the same line, and under it they write letters, and Veles's book was also written.

Well, then, of course, I didn't think about it. In addition to this lesson, the young man I was with and his teacher treated fellow tribesmen, collected medicinal herbs, cooked decoctions from them.

“The strongest, according to local legend, herbs grew near the Lukomorye, in the seaside mountains, where there was once a great city of saints and dedicated teachers.

These places were quite far from our city, but we decided to go there, using the outstanding warm days.

We took two horses and a light shallow boat. Its frame was wood, and she herself was covered in leather. “A fascinating journey was coming then,” I thought.

Time somehow flew by, and I found myself on a horse with my teacher. We are completely alone, and water is visible ahead. I have never seen so much water. Gray waves rise from the dark depths, the wind whistles, and the sea edge is not visible. We drove for a long time along the coast, until the old priest indicated the right place. We plunged into the boat, and the horses swam alongside.

It was foggy, it seemed impossible to cross the sea in such a boat, and there was no need to talk about poor horses, but the priest knew what he was doing, and there was only hope for him."

Then I again found myself without a body and from above I saw this huge sea. Here, where my new acquaintances sailed, the Ra River, the future Volga, as it was said, flowed into the sea. The sea was wide and stretched, skirting the mountainous islands and peninsulas of the future Zhiguli, into an unprecedented distance. The entire channel of the modern Volga, starting north of the Samarskaya Luka to the Caspian itself, was a sea that did not yield to the Caspian in width. In addition, the Caspian was then part of this huge great sea, later called Khvalynsky. Then it stretched from the Zhiguli to Iran itself, although there was no Iran, as a country then. The Aryans have not yet reached this land.

The place where the sea made a bend, near the wooded and mountainous islands of the present Samarskaya Luka, was called Lukomorye. Apparently, these places, known according to ancient legends, were what Pushkin had in mind.

Indeed, it was the land of miracles: "There are miracles, there the devil wanders …". In the mountain forests of the future Zhiguli, sacred birds with human heads gathered. But these were not ordinary birds, but energetic, translucent entities. Mermaids lived in the sea, left over from the experiments of the ancient Atlanteans. This place was once a great spiritual center on Earth.

But then I again found myself in the body of a young man. He stepped onto a fabulous shore unknown to him.

“The poor horses were lying on their side and catching their breath from the hard swim. What a beauty here!

Beautiful mountains overgrown with mysterious forest. Thick oak trees near the water, turquoise waves and gentle warm evening sun. Cold winds don't blow here like at home.

There are many herbs in the forest, unfamiliar smells. We stopped for a halt. As time passed, I did not notice. But now it's dawn …

It looks like I woke up and, deciding not to wake the old man, went to inspect the surroundings. Boughs and twigs crunch, thick trunks surround, it smells of rotten foliage, unfamiliar rustles and … it seems that a transparent shadow of a beautiful woman peeps out of the foliage. I look, and she is gone, only ghostly feathers shimmer on the wings. Sweep … and there is nothing. Wonders!

I'm tired of wandering around here, and the old man is probably already worried. I decided to return, when suddenly the forest parted, and a large open area appeared before me. There were mountains on all sides, and a ravine in the middle. But something strange, like a giant bowl, overgrown with herbs, stretched ahead. Flowers and herbs unknown to me grew here.

Probably, they should have been collected here.

I walked lightly down the slope. The scent of herbs intoxicates the head … I'm already downstairs. The sun peeped out from behind the top of the tree, and, as if a blow struck the whole body. It sparkled in my eyes, and I flew out of the boy's body.

Everything was filled with enchanting rainbow light, it seemed the Sun was playing with grass, flowers, and the sky. I climbed higher and a vision appeared in front of me. A translucent figure of a woman emerged from the air.

Her face and hair shine with an unearthly light. The eyes are huge - half-face and blue like the sea. But then they shrink and become human. They look at me affectionately. A smile twitched his lips. Shining robes of light overshadow the surrounding landscape

Lada, someone said inside me. “This is a Slavic goddess,” I thought. “Yes, it's me,” I suddenly hear the answer inside myself.

And then everything changed. I got thousands of years ago when everything was different….

The mountains (the present Zhiguli) were higher, some even shone with snowy peaks. Purple forests covered their slopes. Shaggy elephants (mammoths) and bears roamed. Wonderful plants grew, strange flowers smelled, and fabulous fruits beckoned to themselves with an incredible aroma. They looked like huge golden peaches.

In the same place where there was an overgrown ravine, the mirror surfaces of the "concave mountain", as Lada said, flickered. This is that Stone Bowl, the energies of which have remained to this day in the Zhiguli, although now it is deep underground. “It was an energy center,” she continued. “From here the initiates went to other worlds and came from them. A similar center was on the territory of modern Tibet, only not concave, but curved Mount Kailash there. As well as there, here was the abode of the initiates. A similar center was later created in the lands of Siberia - in the country of Hanuman (now Okunevo).

These places have been the abode of light forces since ancient times. The initiates of this land communicated with the initiates of Shambhala of the future Tibet, which was then the islands washed by the ancient ocean Tethys. This ocean then stretched from the Urals to Lemuria (a place in the modern Pacific Ocean

Then lived here people who came from Mars, as in Tibet, and the Lemurians, and they were led in their spiritual ascent by messengers from Orion and other worlds.

“Besides you,” she said, they helped people on Sirius, who were already higher than the earthly people.”Lada was with them then, and then she came to Earth with them during the great standing of the stars, described in the Russian Vedas under the symbol of the Cow Zemun Lada said that the messengers from Orion first created life on the planet Phaethon, but after its death they transferred life to Earth. Their civilization became the civilization of the creators of the worlds. They, together with the Sirians (aliens from Sirius), created an earthly civilization. They help people and now In ancient times they were called gods.

Lada said that if we speak the language of people, then her “husband”, but only on the spiritual, energetic level was Perun with whom they created and “gave birth” to the gods of the Earth. Also, by the way, not at the physical level, as people understood, but at the energy level.

Perun lived in the country of Hyperborea, and here, in the present Zhiguli, was Lada's favorite place. Here was her temple, as well as the temple of Light and Fire, in which there was a great energy crystal - a particle of the universal. The same was in the Hyperborean Mount Meru, and in Tibetan Kailash and in the temple of the Country of Hanuman.

“Here, in the distance in front of me is a beautiful city. He is somewhat reminiscent of Arkaim. It is surrounded by purple forests. Some wonderful openwork arches glow there. It is inhabited by bronze-skinned people of gigantic stature, entwined with the finest mother-of-pearl fabrics. Whimsical temples rise up with intricate domes crowned with lotus buds. Elephants, temples, clothes - all this is somewhat reminiscent of India. The gentle sea splashes against the rocky shores, the warm wind flutters the trees of the coast.

And suddenly a whiff of something familiar, and I seem to have already seen this temple somewhere, and a fire dancing in a golden bowl.

But then everything faded, as if they didn't want to tell me, and when I woke up, I forgot about it. And Lada tells me that those who were here (the initiates) went into another dimension with the help of a giant mirrored bowl at the same time as Shambhala before the great flood.

Here, an energy crystal was driven into the earth at the same time as crystals in Hyperborea and the Land of Hanuman, to save the planet from destruction during that catastrophe."

But then everything disappeared again: Lada, forests, and the city with its fantastic temples. And I turned out to be that young man again. The old priest had already called him. “Something pressed against my side, my head was spinning. I barely got up and found a stone board with mysterious writing under me. The priest was happy, it was a message to his people."

I understood that the Aryans had to go further south, which they soon did, leaving Arkaim. Arius went right to the land on the edge of that sea and founded Iran - the country of the Aryans. There, the Aryans mixed with the Parsi tribes, and so Persia was formed. The rest of the tribes scattered and became Slavs and Scythians. But that's another story…

Now the old priest and his disciple took healing herbs and received a sacred stone from the legendary Lukomorye.

And the city is the one that Lada showed me, and now you can see in a certain weather, with a certain mood. Sometimes he flashes over the Zhiguli, over our "Lukomorye". And there were people who saw him …