The Most Famous Places Of Observation Of Chronomirages - Alternative View

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The Most Famous Places Of Observation Of Chronomirages - Alternative View
The Most Famous Places Of Observation Of Chronomirages - Alternative View

Video: The Most Famous Places Of Observation Of Chronomirages - Alternative View

Video: The Most Famous Places Of Observation Of Chronomirages - Alternative View
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Chronomy is an unexplained phenomenon, as a result of which images of cities, events, phenomena from the past (sometimes from the future) can be observed. It is necessary to distinguish chronomirages from simple mirages - an atmospheric phenomenon that allows using optical reflections to see displaced events in space, taking place in the present.

This phenomenon is observed all over the world, but there are some places that have become especially famous. We will tell about them.

Biggin Hill

The area is home to a long-defunct British Air Force airfield. The airfield is notorious - the ghost of the Speedfire, an aircraft from the 1940s, has been seen in the skies above.


Some of the eyewitnesses who saw how the ghost makes something like a circle of honor over the airfield claim that they even heard the noise of the engine when the plane went down very low. Skeptics assure that this is not a mirage and the Speedfire really flies; It belongs, they say, to some European collector, lover of antiques.

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Chronomics in the area of the Portuguese city of Lisbon were noticed more than once or twice, but perhaps the most sensational phenomenon happened in September 2004. The mirage that emerged was striking not only in its scale (the phenomenon occupied an area of about 3 km2), but also in its massiveness (a huge number of people became eyewitnesses of what was happening).

This is how eyewitnesses later described what they saw. According to them, it all started with a sharp change in the weather, the sky was covered with black clouds. Then a severe thunderstorm began. It was around 8 pm, so due to weather conditions, the visibility was practically zero.

Many cars were driving along the highway with their headlights on, motorists were in a hurry to get home as soon as possible. And then something happened that, despite the thunderstorm, everyone stopped in amazement.


The strongest lightning strike illuminated a small grove located near the highway. At that very moment, an amazing picture appeared before the eyes of eyewitnesses: a beautiful castle stood on the site of the grove. The magnificent palace was engulfed in a strong fire, the glow of the fire lit up everything around.

Hundreds of people crowded on the side of the road, watching the beautiful and frightening phenomenon at the same time. Some of the eyewitnesses called the police and firefighters over the phone. However, 15 minutes later, when the servants of the law arrived at the scene, the mirage completely disappeared into thin air. First the flames diminished, then the grove was covered with a whitish fog, like smoke. After another couple of minutes, the smoke cleared, and with it the burning castle disappeared.

At first, no one believed the eyewitnesses, the police took the alarm call for a usual joke. But the presence of a large number of witnesses telling the same thing makes you believe in the veracity of the story. In addition, most of the eyewitnesses after the strange incident needed the help of doctors and psychotherapists. No one could explain to people what they actually saw, so eyewitnesses could not come to their senses for a long time - not every day you come across such amazing phenomena.

Penglai (city in eastern China)

The duration of the chronomyrage, which was observed by eyewitnesses in Penglai, is about 4 hours (which is very rare, usually chronomirages are visible only for a few minutes). Then, before the eyes of thousands of city residents and tourists, a mirage of stunning clarity appeared.

It all happened in the evening in cloudy weather. The fog seemed to cover the city with a white shawl, only in the coastal part of the city good visibility was preserved. That is why the chronomyrage was noticeable only from the coast. According to eyewitnesses, they watched something like a movie. At the same time, a white canvas of fog hanging in the sky over the city served as a screen.


Instead of a small town left below, people saw in the sky a modern city with high-rise buildings and skyscrapers, thousands of people, many cars. Moreover, all the details of the mirage were clearly visible.

Whether people saw the city of the future or were able to discern any of the existing cities is unknown. Be that as it may, the parameters of both space and time for some reason have changed dramatically. Nobody knows why.

Pleshcheyevo lake and its surroundings

Someone considers these places holy, others, on the contrary, believe that some kind of devilry is happening here. It's all about the amazing beauty of these places and, of course, the mysterious things that happen here. Lake Pleshcheyevo is located near the ancient Russian town of Pereslavl-Zalessky in the Yaroslavl Region.

Thick fogs often fall on the lake, hiding the immediate surroundings. Most eyewitnesses say that just when the ground is covered with a thick milky haze, you can see not just anyone, but the most real ancient Russian warriors.

There are no less than a dozen testimonies recorded from the words of eyewitnesses, telling that they saw the heroes with their own eyes. Unfortunately, chronomirages in this area do not last long, and there have not yet been mass events with many eyewitnesses.

Isle of Tanet

This English area in the early 1930s. became famous for a whole series of chronomirages; they all showed the past. The most famous of these was the vision of Edward Gibson Moon, a physician who saw a ghost. Going out after another visit to the patient on the porch of his house, the doctor was surprised to see that the fence and the road from the patient's house had disappeared.

Isle of Tanet at the beginning of the 20th century
Isle of Tanet at the beginning of the 20th century

Isle of Tanet at the beginning of the 20th century

An unfamiliar area appeared to his eyes, a man with a flintlock was walking along a barely visible dirt road. The interesting thing about this mirage was that Dr. Moon was also visible to this man. They looked at each other for a while, and when the doctor looked away for a second, the vision disappeared.

Stockholm, Sweden)

Chronomics over Stockholm are not uncommon. So, at the beginning of the XVIII century. the famous mystic philosopher Emanuel Swadenborg, while walking around the city, saw a real palace ahead instead of the houses familiar to the look. According to him, he examined the castle itself, and the surrounding grove, and many people around with amazing clarity.

And at the end of the 19th century, more than a century later, several dozen people noticed unknown picturesque islands and other landscapes in the sky over Stockholm. Again, the mirages were very crisp and clear.


This northern country also distinguished itself in the frequency of occurrence of chronomirages. So, in 1908, an island appeared in the sky over the county of Sligo. There is a whole city on the island with many houses, trees and powerful fortifications. The area remained unknown, but other, even more surprising details were revealed.

It turns out that this vision has already appeared many years ago. There are records dated 1684, which tell us that several eyewitnesses observed in the sky "a flying island with a beautiful city."

And that's not all the amazing facts! In the same 1908, residents of the town of Belliconneli, also located in Ireland, observed an entire city in the sky. The city consisted of buildings of various types - and small wooden buildings, and then unknown skyscrapers, and even ancient castles. Most of all then, of course, people were struck by high-rise buildings. The duration of the chronomire that day was almost three hours.

But in County Cork, in the same Ireland, chronomirages were noticed several times: for the first time in 1776, later in 1797 and, finally, in 1801. Each time, residents observed the same phenomenon: a small green town with small buildings appeared in the sky above the city. Some eyewitnesses even managed to see people walking through the streets of an unknown settlement.


This case can be found in many sources - a lot has been written and talked about. It happened in 1901. On April 10, two young girls, Annie Moberly and Eleanor Jordan, went for a walk in the gardens of the Lesser Trialon at Versailles. Like most people, the past appeared to them.


The girls did not notice how they ended up among people in costumes from the times of Marie Antoinette. They turned to passers-by with questions, causing their bewilderment. Just imperceptibly for themselves, after the next turn in the park, the girls returned to their time. According to the descriptions of Annie and Elinor, historians specified the time in which they got: between 1770 and 1774.

Despite the fact that the girls were seen and talked to, wondering about their eccentric clothes, there was no mention of them in any documents of that time.


This is a small village in the Tula region, where more than 100 years ago an event took place that frightened local residents. A rural teacher, who lived a couple of miles from Protasovo, went to the healer. The latter listened to the teacher and gave him medicine. When the teacher was returning to his house, on the way he met a neighbor who told him that the medicine man had been buried last week.

The teacher did not believe it, turned back and found only the boarded-up house of the healer. And you can't say what you saw: how, in this case, to explain the appearance of medicines given by the healer, which have not gone anywhere? Although, it is worth noting that there were conflicting rumors about the healer before that.

Nikandrovsky monastery

We are talking about a destroyed monastery in the Pskov region. Chronomics in this area are not uncommon. Most often, locals notice the ghosts of ancient monks wandering in the ruins of the monastery. The apparitions of monks (and sometimes nuns) are accompanied by the disabling of devices and mechanisms for some time, which again begin to work when they are removed from the anomalous zone.

Meat Boop

It is located in the Novgorod region. The terrain there is quite dangerous due to the abundance of swamps. It was there that many soldiers died and went missing during the Great Patriotic War, not only Soviet soldiers and Germans, but also Spaniards, Poles, French, Italians, Japanese, etc.


Members of the search parties involved in the reburial noted that these are ruinous places, near which you will not see either birds or animals. The researchers explain this by the fact that supposedly where the unburied people lie, the biofields of the dead (their souls or some energy) remain. If there is an abundance of such energy, then the biofield can be felt or even seen with your own eyes.

In the forest of the Myasnoy Bor valley, the sounds of battles of those times are often heard. These are acoustic phenomena rather than optical ones, therefore, in the full sense of the word, it cannot be called a chronomire. Despite the abundance of such phenomena, no special research was carried out in Myasny Bor.

Black Peak and Surroundings (a mountain located in the UK between Sheffield and Manchester)

In the sky over the mountain and the surrounding area, anomalies, including chronomirages, were noticed more than once by both local residents and visiting tourists. The fact is that in this area, planes - ghosts from the past - are observed with enviable regularity.

So, there is evidence of some David and Helen Shaw, who said that one day, returning home from guests, they noticed a plane in the sky. The bomber was flying very low above the ground and they were able to see it very well. After a few tens of seconds, the plane disappeared into thin air without a trace.

As it turned out later, the bomber, which the Shaw couple noticed, crashed back in 1945. Due to the weather conditions, the pilots did not see the peak, and the plane crashed.

But the bomber ghost isn't the only one spotted in the area. Local residents more than once noticed another plane - the "Dakota" of the US Air Force. Moreover, the pilot "Dakota" also crashed near Black Peak, losing control. The crash occurred just 2 months after the bomber crash.

Until now, in the sky above the terrible mountain, you can see long-dead planes.

Scientists are trying to explain the Black Peak phenomenon as a strange magnetic anomaly. They argue that a certain energy of the rock attracts airplanes like a magnet to iron. Researchers explain such a frequent occurrence of chronomirages in this area by a similar anomaly; according to them, unknown energy projects images of the past into the present.

Zhigulevsky Peninsula (bend of the Volga near the city of Samara)

Chronomirages have been seen in this place many times. Most often, the visions are the domes of the temple with many turrets hovering in the sky over the peninsula. Moreover, eyewitnesses claim that they saw the time-mirage in different parts of the peninsula: some at the cliff, some on the top of a hill, some just hovering over the water surface; most often chronomirazh was noticed not far from a small lake.

Surprisingly, despite such a frequent appearance, the time-mirage with the image of the temple has not yet been identified. Historians claim that nothing like this has ever happened on the entire peninsula. Perhaps this is a chronomyrage from another part of the planet, or perhaps the temple will be built many years later. How do you know?


The Battle of Shiloh is the bloodiest in the history of the American Civil War. In this place in Tennessee, you can still see "video" images of the battle.


For the first time this time-mirage appeared only a few months after the battle that took place in April 1862. Some people even managed to record these time-mirage on film.