The Causes Of Disease Are Rooted In Past Lives - Alternative View

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The Causes Of Disease Are Rooted In Past Lives - Alternative View
The Causes Of Disease Are Rooted In Past Lives - Alternative View

Video: The Causes Of Disease Are Rooted In Past Lives - Alternative View

Video: The Causes Of Disease Are Rooted In Past Lives - Alternative View
Video: Find Out How Many Lives You Have Lived Based On Your Birthday 2024, October

4 stories of rebirths of persecutors of Christians in ancient Rome

Over the past century, strange diseases have been appearing more and more often, the cause of which modern science cannot establish. But some people with supernatural powers have found that the causes of many diseases do not apply to current life.

The "Sleeping Prophet" Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) had the ability to see the causes of illnesses that came from past lives. After making 14,306 "interpretations," Cayce found that there was an unchanging connection between "sickness" and "past sins."

In ancient China, people said that "the eyes of the Gods are like a flash of lightning," that is, the Gods see everything that a person does. If he does good deeds, he will receive a good reward, and if he does evil, retribution.

And the interpretation of the "Sleeping Prophet" confirms this theory. Moreover, the retribution for a bad deed comes not only in the next life, but also after thousands of years. Cayce saw that those who committed sins during the period of the Roman Empire continue to pay in the twentieth century.

Nero (37–68 AD), one of the most oppressive rulers of the Roman Empire, brutally persecuted Christians, ordered them to be thrown to be torn apart by lions or set on fire. After Nero, the Roman Empire persecuted Christians for over 200 years.


In the end, the mighty empire suffered from several epidemics, each time taking over a million lives. For believers, this was proof of heavenly punishment for tyranny and violation of moral norms.

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Below are the stories of four people who, according to Cayce's interpretation, led a depraved life in those distant times, and extinguish their sins in this rebirth.

First story

A 16-year-old teenager was seriously injured in a car accident. The guy completely lost sensitivity and was paralyzed from the fifth vertebra and below.

Seven and a half years later, the young man was still in a wheelchair, treatment and rehabilitation did not help, and then the mother of the unfortunate man decided to invite Casey.

The clairvoyant spoke of the young man's past reincarnation, in which he was a Roman soldier. At that time, the Roman Empire began to persecute Christians. The guy happily watched the suffering of people, and he himself participated in the persecution of believers.

Therefore, the paralysis caused by an accident in this life is actually the punishment for the cruelty committed in the past rebirth.


Second story

A 36-year-old woman, paralyzed for nine years, found Casey. She suffered from polio, which caused her paralysis. The unhappy woman moved only in a wheelchair and was depressed due to the fact that various treatment procedures did not help.

Casey saw her past life. It turned out that the woman was a member of the imperial family in ancient Rome. She not only did not show sympathy for the Christians persecuted by Nero, but also laughed loudly with delight at the believers who were subjected to merciless bullying in the arena during the spectacles. Soulless taunts exacerbated her paralysis in this rebirth.

Third story

Another girl, who belonged to an aristocratic nobility during the reign of Nero, in this life suffered from incessant pain due to coxitis of the hip joint.

During the same reincarnation, she often watched with gusto as Christians die in the arena. One day she laughed out loud when she saw the body of a girl torn to pieces by a lion.

Yes, she did not participate in the persecution personally, but contributed to the corruption of morality. Suffering from pain in the hip joint in real life is payback for the past.


Fourth story

The filmmaker, whose legs had difficulty moving, contracted polio at age 17, and this led to lameness later in life.

Cayce saw that the man was also involved in the repression of Christians in ancient Rome. At that time, he served as a soldier and was sent to suppress believers who did not resist oppression.