Chemtrails Are Needed To Feed The Parasites That Control People? - Alternative View

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Chemtrails Are Needed To Feed The Parasites That Control People? - Alternative View
Chemtrails Are Needed To Feed The Parasites That Control People? - Alternative View

Video: Chemtrails Are Needed To Feed The Parasites That Control People? - Alternative View

Video: Chemtrails Are Needed To Feed The Parasites That Control People? - Alternative View
Video: How Mind-Controlling Parasites Teach Us About Brains 2024, September

When Gregory Wetherbee of the US Geological Survey began analyzing rainwater samples from the Rocky Mountains, finding plastic fibers there was the very last thing he thought he would see in his samples:

“I thought to see mostly soil and mineral particles, but instead I found threads of colored plastic,” says Dr. Weterby.

And now this study, published the other day by the USGS in "Plastic Rain Has Begun," raises new questions about the amount of plastic waste leaking into the air, water, and soil almost everywhere on Earth.


“I think the most important finding that we can share with the American public is that there is much more plastic in the atmosphere than meets the eye. It falls with rain, it is present in the snow. It is now part of our environment,”says Dr. Weterby.

Samples of rainwater collected by Veterby across Colorado and analyzed under a microscope contained a rainbow of plastic fibers as well as balls and debris of plastic. The data obtained simply shocked the scientist, since he was simply collecting samples to determine the degree of atmospheric pollution with nitrogen compounds:

“My results are purely coincidental, but as it turns out, they are consistent with another recent study that found plastic particles in the Pyrenees. Its authors suggest that plastic particles can travel hundreds, if not thousands of kilometers with the wind. At the same time, other researchers have found microplastics in the deepest reaches of the ocean, in lakes and rivers in the UK and in groundwater in the United States.

Sherri Mason, a plastic pollution researcher and sustainable development coordinator at Penn State Behrend, suggests the primary source of plastic is trash. More than 90% of plastic waste is not recyclable, and as it decomposes slowly, it breaks down into ever smaller pieces. Mason says that in fact, of course, the source of these microparticles cannot be traced, but debris, in her opinion, looks like the most likely candidate.

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Although scientists have been studying plastic pollution in the oceans for over a decade, they assume they see no more than 1% of the problem. Dr. Stefan Krause at the University of Birmingham honestly admits that in fact scientists have just begun to quantify the problem.

And the most important problem is that animals and people consume these particles along with water, food and even air, inhaling the polluted atmosphere. The implications of this have not been studied, but, says Dr. Krause, the plastic particles attract heavy metals such as mercury and other hazardous chemicals. Likewise, bacteria like to settle on the surface of plastic fibers.

Now researchers are trying to find answers to two questions, the first of which is trying to figure out how long plastic will stay in water and the atmosphere if it is stopped immediately. According to the most optimistic estimates, the process of self-cleaning of the planet will take centuries.

The second question concerns the study of the health effects of plastic. The fact is that for any experiment you need a control group of people who do not breathe plastic fibers and do not consume water contaminated with them. But the problem is that there are no such people on the planet today, and therefore it is impossible to determine how much longer people could live without plastic in their lungs.

Editorial comment

The fact that the US Geological Survey has begun to show interest in the topic of plastic in the atmosphere is, of course, encouraging. Nevertheless, the conclusions of the officials about the garbage are either sheer idiocy, or a deliberate translation of the arrows.

Here's what Mr. Veterby found in the rainwater:


These fibers cannot be explained by any “crushing” of plastic bottles, just as the same fibers of foil or, in general, metaloplastic that fall from the sky can not be explained. At the same time, as it has long been noticed by “stupid ordinary people”, this “space debris” begins to fall on their heads after an airplane flies in the sky, spraying clouds of chemtrails:


That is, the fact that someone is spraying these fibers on purpose is a completely obvious fact, but for what purpose all this is being done for everyone.

To date, all explanations of chemtrails can be divided into two groups:

a) chemtrails are sprayed for some atmospheric effects, for example - creating reflective mirrors for systems like HAARP, hiding something from people in space, and so on.

b) chemtrails are sprayed with the aim of influencing people - that is, the task is precisely to saturate our bodies with plastic fibers. But why? And this is just the most interesting question.

If we assume that some "Martians" ordered the governments to spray plastic fibers, then in this case it is useless to even guess the reason for such an order, since we do not know "Martian technologies".

However, if we assume that this technology is not entirely “Martian” and some part of people is devoted to it, then the thought involuntarily suggests itself of using these fibers for … bioprinting or some similar procedure.

Everyone knows in general terms what 3D printing is. That is, first, a substrate is created from plastic (more precisely, plastic threads), which simulates the shape of a skin flap, heart valve, tendon or a fragment of a vessel. After that, a special printer sprays a cell pool on this substrate, using it instead of ink. The end result is something like this:


This technology is not exactly what the fathers and grandfathers of modern transplantation worked on in the middle of the last century. At that time, the main idea was to try to find the keys to cell differentiation, which is observed in embryos and in some adult reptiles. For example, in lizards, which are able to grow a lost tail, and some species even lost limbs. In theory, if you understand how it works, then you can grow any organ directly in the human body, requiring replacement of this organ.

For 70 years, either they did not cope with the task, or we are told that they did not cope, but bioprinting has become, as it were, an alternative solution, which also carries some interesting side effects.

Suppose that some people in the global government decided to breed a new breed of people who will have some additional organ. For example - another brain, which will be, for example, somewhere in the chest, in the abdomen, or in general all over the body at once in the form of a neural network of some special new cells. It is impossible to create such an individual without a total restructuring of DNA, since the organism will react to any introduction of a new organ as to a foreign object - even if this organ is absolutely biologically compatible with the organism. And if the organ does not have any antigens at all and is, as it were, universal for all recipients, the immune system will devour it for sure.

And in this situation, bioprinting will be the solution. If, for example, some new cells are introduced into the human body, or if the bone marrow is forced to produce such cells, a new organ from these cells will not work. They will just like red blood cells dangle in the bloodstream, and the immune system, having found this incomprehensible "artifact", will try with all its might to destroy it. But, if, before the introduction of these new cells, the body is saturated with fibers from a special plastic, the cells will cling to the plastic, thereby forming a kind of homogeneous biological tissues. And it will already be like a new organ.

What can be understood by these “new cells”? There may already be different options.

For example, these new cells may be some kind of fungi, which plastic will help to create mycelium in the body. And if this mycelium is similar to the nervous system, then a second brain will appear in the body, which may be more important than the first.


If someone thinks a similar version of science fiction, then recall that such a possibility is not fiction, but almost a scientific fact.

In 2000, Toshiyuki Nakagaki, a professor at the Japanese University of Hokkaido, took a sample of the yellow mold Physarum polycephalum and placed it at the entrance to the maze, which is used to test the intelligence and memory of mice. At the other end of the maze, he placed a sugar cube. The mushroom not only found the way to sugar, but also used the shortest path for this!

And quite a lot of such experiments were carried out, while in the course of some of them it turned out that there are mushrooms for which the most favorite delicacy is … plastic.

There are other interesting mushrooms in nature. For example, there is such a wonderful fungus, Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, which, when attacking some species of ants, releases tissue-specific metabolites and causes changes in the expression of the host's genes. Further, growing into muscle fibers throughout the body of the insect, the fungus completely seizes control over its body. As a result, the ant turns into a zombie and does only what is necessary for the life cycle of the fungus:


“New cells” can also be “smart dust” or something like that. That is, some small artificial objects that will locally group around the fibers that are preventively introduced into the body and also form a semblance of a neural network - but not a neural network of a parasite fungus, but a completely artificial object with functions of the nervous system.


In general, the options can be very different. Fortunately, so far only the substrate is being introduced into our bodies, although we do not exclude that thinking parasitic fungi already live on the substrate in the bodies of uchOnyh-officials.

Although, of course, everything can be much, much worse. For example, chemtrails can be sprayed to feed parasitic fungi that have long been living in each of the people inside and blocking the brain by 95-98%, while in some individuals there are so many mushrooms in the body that the brains are blocked by 100%.