Fruit And Vegetable Diet Rejuvenated The Cancer Patient - Alternative View

Fruit And Vegetable Diet Rejuvenated The Cancer Patient - Alternative View
Fruit And Vegetable Diet Rejuvenated The Cancer Patient - Alternative View

Video: Fruit And Vegetable Diet Rejuvenated The Cancer Patient - Alternative View

Video: Fruit And Vegetable Diet Rejuvenated The Cancer Patient - Alternative View
Video: What to eat with chronic kidney disease 2024, September

Ten years ago, Chris Carr was diagnosed with grade 4 cancer. But a woman who has revised her diet says she feels better now than ever.


Chris calls his old life DR: Before Cancer. The young ambitious actress, who decided to conquer Broadway, practically did not pay attention to her health.

“I was constantly at parties, eating only what I got out of the microwave. All that worried me in the days of DR was remembering to grab a bottle of wine and a pack of cigarettes. Gradually, this lifestyle led to a deterioration in my health - I developed digestive problems, to which allergies and eczema were added. I tried to drown my depression in alcohol, which I drank in the company of sympathetic drinking companions,”the American admits.

Chris continued to ignore the symptoms of her illness until excruciating abdominal pain forced her to seek medical attention. It was after the examination that the woman heard a verdict for which she was not ready: epithelioid hemangioendothelioma is a rare cancer.


“At the age of 31, I found out that I had grade 4 cancer. The doctors lowered their eyes and said that there was no point in doing the operation. Some of them suggested going through chemotherapy or exposing the body to radiation. But I thought - why worsen the quality of my life with treatments that are not able to cure my cancer,”says Carr.

The woman remembered how she ate in her youth: her mother and grandmother prepared meals consisting mainly of fresh vegetables and fruits.

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“I started studying epigenetics and nutrigenomics and as a result I completely changed my diet. From now on, my menu included only vegetarian dishes - vegetable cocktails, salads and soups. At first I wanted to heal myself, but the tumor did not disappear, although it stopped growing. But in ten years my body, mind and spirit have undergone a complete transformation. Now I'm not just surviving, but I feel great despite having cancer,”says 41-year-old Chris, who looks 10 years younger.


Having learned about unconventional methods of treatment for Carr, people with various diseases began to turn to the American woman: HIV, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and even autism. Counseling crowds of patients, the woman decided to write a book containing the recipes she developed.

“I do not undertake to treat anyone. I just want people to understand that standard American and British food, the main ingredient of which is meat, is dangerous, because it causes inflammation that provokes the development of serious diseases. In my next book, I want to tell the children why it is so important to eat vegetables and avoid juicy steaks,”the cheerful Chris Carr says about her plans.
