The Phenomenon Of Suggested Death - Alternative View

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The Phenomenon Of Suggested Death - Alternative View
The Phenomenon Of Suggested Death - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of Suggested Death - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of Suggested Death - Alternative View
Video: Why Wildermyth's Best Story Wasn't Written By Anyone 2024, September

Many scientists still do not believe that a person can die not from physical trauma, injury, lethal radiation or poisoning, but only from an evil word or witchcraft ritual. From the standpoint of modern medicine, this seems absolutely unrealistic, but reliable facts convincingly indicate the opposite.

Eerie ritual of sharpened bones

The first Europeans who settled in Australia soon learned that the aborigines of this continent have a rather exotic and rather creepy ritual. At first glance, there was nothing particularly terrible during it, no one cut off human heads, did not force them to drink a poisonous potion or swallow a snake, but after this ritual, people 100% died in terrible agony.

No one knows when the aborigines of Australia first began performing such a ritual, but it is believed that it has been practiced for thousands of years. The ritual of sharpened bones was usually used to punish those who have done something very badly before their tribe.

The “kundela”, a small bone of a large lizard, kangaroo or emu, carefully sharpened and polished at one end has always been used as a ritual weapon. Additionally, it was burned in fire, the blunt end was tied up with human hair, and in the final stage, it was saturated with the energy of Mulunguv.

The finished kundela was handed over to the Kurdish people, as the special ritual executioners of the tribe were called. Of course, these "gentlemen" did not go to business in white suits, for more effectiveness of the "procedure" they smeared themselves with blood, then fell out in kangaroo wool, put on masks made of emu feathers and went to hunt down the victim.

Two or three Kurdish men pursued the guilty person for some time, instilling in his soul horror of the inevitable retribution, then, having driven the frightened victim into some dead end, one of the executioners made an instant thrust in her direction with his hand with a bone clamped in it. It should be noted that no touching of the victim with the bone occurred, there were usually 15-20 steps to it.

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After the "fencing" lunge with the bone, the executioners left, not in the least doubting the imminent death of the victim, and it certainly came! There is a description of the death of a person who became a victim of such a ritual, made by the anthropologist Herbert Baysdow: “His cheeks were burning feverishly, his gaze became meaningless, and his face was distorted by terrible suffering … When he wanted to say something, the sound got stuck in his throat, and on foam appeared on my lips. His body began to bend, and his muscles contracted convulsively … soon after that, he fell to the ground and began to beat in his death throes …"

For the release of the film "Otherworldly" with the participation of Matt Damon, where he plays the role of a medium who knows how to communicate with dead people, the actor spoke about his views on the afterlife.

Why are they dying?

It should be noted that scientists, especially physicians, are very skeptical about the possibility of a person's death from the mere threat of some kind of bone. From their positions, it would still be possible to explain instant death - for example, the heart could not stand it from fear - but sometimes people die in terrible agony for 2-4 days. The latter seems to scientists to be a kind of antiscientific fantasy. However, when scientists came across a similar phenomenon from personal experience, not a trace remained of their skepticism.

In 1919, Dr. S. M. Lambert was working in the north of Queensland, was familiar with the ritual of sharpened bones and observed its victims. In his notes, he noted that there were no injuries on the bodies of the deceased, not even scratches, and the bone actually did not come into contact with the body of the victim, but still Lambert did not believe that death came from a "show" performed by local sorcerers.

However, the doctor's views changed dramatically when his assistant Rob became the victim of a sharpened bone pointed at him by the local sorcerer Nebo. Lambert immediately examined the patient, but found no signs of any disease in him. He tried to explain to Rob that no real harm had been done to him, tried to overcome his fear, but everything was useless - the physically healthy guy was fading away every hour.

Then the doctor went to the sorcerer, he threatened Nebo that his tribe would stop receiving food aid. The sorcerer went to Rob, gave him some medicine, and the next day the guy was already completely healthy.

In 1953, a whole team of doctors from one of the hospitals in Darwin collided with the victim of the ritual, where a dying aboriginal, "pierced" by a bone, was taken by plane. All attempts by doctors to help the unfortunate man were unsuccessful, after 72 hours he died. Three years later, another victim of the witch's bone was taken to the same hospital, the aboriginal Lia Wulumi was in a very serious condition.

Taught by bitter experience, doctors very intensively began to treat the next victim of the sorcerers: Wulumi took x-rays, took all kinds of tests from him, gave him the most expensive medicines, even conducted hypnosis sessions with him - everything was useless, the aborigine died in terrible agony.

According to a number of psychologists, only fear kills the victims of the ritual. With strong fear and stress, an excess of adrenaline enters the bloodstream, so the muscles lack oxygen, this causes convulsions, and the pressure also decreases. Ultimately, the victim of the ritual from fear and belief in his inevitable death, as it were, commits psychosomatic suicide. However, such an explanation is absolutely inappropriate for those cases when the victims of African witchcraft were people who did not believe in it at all.

In the 16-episode mystical film, we are talking about a family who settled in a new house, in which ghost children live. The spirit of the dead girl wants to take revenge on the people who killed her along with her brother. According to director Nikolai Krutikov, this film is an unusual combination of melodrama and mysticism.

The power of hostile thought

Although the human mind is able to control the processes taking place in the body and, according to the assumptions of some researchers, it can even ruin an individual who believes in his death from the curse of a sorcerer, some cases still defy such an explanation. It happens that a person dies without even knowing about the curse imposed on him.

A rather strange event for scientists occurred in 1973-74, when an entire village began to suffer either from a curse, or from the negative attitude of the population of the entire country. The following happened. In April 1973, a documentary film was shown on British television about a Lincolnshire village that hunted seals. In the film, the fishing of these animals and a number of cruel episodes associated with this were shown.

England loves animals, so television was inundated with angry letters from residents of the country, who expressed their outrage at the barbaric destruction of seals. The same letters were sent to the villagers, some of them contained curses and threats.

The first to break down was 60-year-old Len Lineham, who in the film told how the hunters had killed about 300 seal pups during the season: nine days after the broadcast of the film, he shot himself. Three weeks passed after the death of the old hunter, and his grandson crashed in a car, a day after that his niece died.

During the year, two more men died in an accident, seven people died, in total, a small village lost 14 people. Especially everyone was struck by the death of the hunter Colin Rannals, an excellent swimmer, who drowned in a shallow pond, literally in a puddle.

The inhabitants of the village were seized by panic, even had to send there Canon Henry Cooper, assistant to the Bishop of Canterbury, who tried to calm the people. The streak of deaths ended exactly one year after the film was shown.

It is difficult to call all this a coincidence. Some researchers believe that our thoughts are material, have energy and are capable of transforming the world. Thought can kill, cause a natural disaster, or you can cure a terminally ill person or disperse the clouds so that the sun comes out.

The example of a seal hunter's village supports this assumption. Therefore, try to think only about the good, drive negative thoughts away from yourself, maybe then the world around us will change for the better. | Go to photo bank