Spoken From Death? - Alternative View

Spoken From Death? - Alternative View
Spoken From Death? - Alternative View

Video: Spoken From Death? - Alternative View

Video: Spoken From Death? - Alternative View
Video: You must remanent attetive, Most Holy Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria de Bonilla on June 25th,21 2024, September

There are cases in history when people, for one reason or another, were tried to be sent to the next world, but the executioners, no matter how hard they tried, did not succeed.

In 1933, the American gangster Anthony Marino came up with an ingenious plan for his brutality to deal with his financial difficulties: he decided to kill his girlfriend and get her insurance.

The plan succeeded, and the bandit was eager to repeat it with a certain Michael Melloy, a drunkard and a regular at a drinking establishment that Marino kept in the Bronx. The gangster's accomplices signed three insurance policies in the name of Melloy, after which the conspirators began to ponder how to kill him so that there would be no suspicion of murder.

But they had to face the fact that a person is not always easy to kill - Mela turned out to be a very hardy victim.

The assassins thought Melloy would be drunk to death if he had the opportunity, and Marino granted him unlimited credit at his bar. But as Melloy drank without interruption and nothing happened to him, Marino replaced the wine … with antifreeze!

After a while, Melloy lost consciousness, but soon came to his senses again and for the next week he enjoyed drinking only antifreeze in the bar.

Then the gangsters prepared for him an even more deadly drink: an explosive mixture of horse ointment with rat poison. However, the invulnerable Melloy did not even feel the difference and continued to demand free drinks.

The criminals offered him wood alcohol with rotten oysters and sardines. Melloi liked it again and demanded more.

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Furious with constant failures, the killers dragged the drunkard out into the street, doused him with cold water and left him lying in the snow in the 20-degree frost all night. But this did not kill Melloi.

Desperate to deal with him, Marino's gang hired a hitman who hit Melloy in a car, and then ran him over, Melloi spent three weeks in the hospital, and then came back to the bar for free drinks!

The last test for the drunkard who did not want to die was the gas oven. The bandits stuck the head of the resisting Melloy there and kept it there until Melloi finally gave up his ghost. However, Marino's joy was short-lived: the police solved the crime and arrested the killers.

A quarter of a century after the events described, a gravedigger named Sam Dombey lived in New Orleans, who was greatly disliked by his colleagues in the craft. Sam offered his services for a lower price. And then one day the ill-wishers hired the famous assassin of Beauregard to deal with Dombey once and for all.

The next morning, while working in the cemetery, Dombey suddenly heard a loud explosion behind him, and then someone staggered out of the bushes. It turned out to be an unlucky killer: he put an overly large charge of gunpowder and buckshot into a cartridge, and the gun exploded in his hands.

The failed assassination attempt was the first, but not the only attempt on Dombey's life. After Beauregard, the gravediggers decided to deal with the elimination of their rival themselves.

First, they planted a time bomb under Sam's bed in the shed. The explosion destroyed the building and threw the gravediggers about ten meters to the side, without causing, however, the slightest harm to the sleeping man.

But the gravediggers did not surrender and soon abducted Dombey. They threw him bound hand and foot into Lake Pontchartein. However, unsinkable Sam managed to free himself in the water from the bonds and swim out.

His enemies did not bother him. They set fire to his house, and when Dombey jumped out into the street, they riddled him with bullets from guns. Bleeding Sam was taken to the hospital and … soon healed.

The envious gravediggers did not manage to send their colleague to the next world: Sam survived all those who attempted his life, and died a natural death at the age of 98.

And there are also people about whom they even put down a saying: "bullets don't take him." But the point is not that there are people, as it were, spoken from bullets.

Scientists have proven that not only man, but all living things are capable of creating a material field around themselves and even controlling it. Most often this happens on a subconscious level.

Everyone has probably seen what happens when a dog overtakes a cat that has nowhere else to hide. She turns her face towards the enemy and takes a threatening pose - the tail is a pipe, the back is arched, the pupils are dilated.

The dog freezes in place, because, as modern psychics say, a dense energy field is formed around the cat, which no one can overcome.

The horses were repeatedly killed near Napoleon and Kutuzov, orderlies and generals were torn with cannonballs near them, nevertheless, they did not bow to bullets and avoided wounds. Lieutenant Napoleon always attacked ahead of his grenadiers, and the rifle bullets did not reach him.

Already as a general, he also walked ahead - with equal failure for enemy bullets, thereby instilling courage in his soldiers and fear in the ranks of enemies. All this smelled of mysticism.

Scientists explain this phenomenon as follows. The fact is that the bullet moves in a straight line only "for itself", in fact, it flies along the geodesic line of space and if it bends around the human body, then because the space around it is curved. The body, thus, becomes a kind of gravitational mass, which any moving object has to bypass.

It is said that one of the Indian leaders, defending Bradzok, shot 17 times at George Washington from a fairly close range, but did not hit. The property of invulnerability was also attributed to other famous military leaders, for example, General Emil von Sein-Wittgenstein.

Russian researcher Yuri Kotenko has collected many stories about historical characters against whom bullets were absolutely powerless. This is what he, in particular, reports on the amazing invulnerability of some Indian leaders.

“On the morning of November 25, 1876, the 4th Cavalry of the American Army, under the command of Colonel Ronald S. Mackenzie, attacked the Cheyenne Indian camp, where the Dull Knife was the chief.

The battle lasted all day. The Indians, hiding in the rocks, were under massive fire from soldiers, when it seemed impossible to stick their heads out, nevertheless, on this day, events happened that border on a miracle.

So, in the midst of the shootout, one old Indian went out to an open, elevated place and calmly sat down there, presenting himself as an excellent target.

In his hands he held an extinct pipe. The Indian lit it and began to smoke quietly. Bullets whistled all around, but none of them hurt the old man.

After a while, he was joined by another tribesman, the Black Bird. Under a hail of bullets, he took several puffs and remained completely unharmed.

Like the third Indian, Longjaw, who came to the edge of the cliff, began jumping up and down to attract the attention of the soldiers. He took on four volleys and left as if nothing had happened. Later, many bullet holes were found in his clothes …

The famous Cheyenne shaman Mad Mule did equally amazing things. Here is how his fellow tribeman Wood Leg describes it: “Once, when we were in the upper reaches of the Powder River, four Cheyenne approached him and each shot him. He stood with his back against a tree. After the fourth shot, the shaman bent down, took off his moccasins and fired four bullets from them. I saw it myself …"

The well-known St. Petersburg parapsychologist Martynov talked with the former front-line soldier Antonov from Tikhvin, who told him an amazing story. During the war, when Breslau was captured, a platoon of machine gunners were ordered to seize a church in the center of a large square.

Under cover of a smokescreen, the platoon took the church and provided communications for adjusting artillery fire. But soon the wire was broken, because the entire area was under fire. The commander ordered to restore communication. The first to go was Antonov's partner, however, without taking even a dozen steps, he was killed.

It was Antonov's turn, who during the whole war did not receive a single scratch. The asphalt around him was literally boiling with bullets, but none of them touched him. The soldier crawled about 50 m, connected the wire and under the hurricane fire returned to the church, where he lost consciousness from the experienced overvoltage.

In the 20s. XX century. Baron Ungern demonstrated similar invulnerability when he tried to create the “Great Yellow Empire”. During one of the battles, 70 holes from bullets and saber blows were found in Ungern's robe.

The baron was surrounded by a mystical halo, in the end he did not lose a single battle, but was betrayed by his own associates.

The same can be said about the phenomenal invulnerability of Nestor Makhno and the famous pilot Pokryshkin, who emerged unscathed from hundreds of air fights. The best pilots of the Luftwaffe hunted him, the German aces managed to shoot down many of Pokryshkin's wingmen, but Pokryshkin himself seemed to be conspired.

Among political leaders, Cuban leader Fidel Castro holds the record for surviving assassination attempts. According to the American media, there were “no less than two dozen” attempts on his life, and almost always the murder was planned by top-class professionals, those who rarely have misfires. But the CIA and Cuban counterrevolutionary organizations never succeeded in realizing murders with the help of poisons, bombs, bullets, etc.

At the end of the XIX century. European travelers heading to Sudan heard about an Abyssinian magician in one of the African villages who could work incredible miracles. The Europeans wanted to see them.

The Abyssinian allowed them to shoot him with firearms for a nominal fee for two hours. Not a single bullet hit him, even from very close range. Having escaped from the muzzle, the bullets described a parabola and flew past the African.

One German offered the magician 5 francs if he would let him shoot him point-blank! The Abyssinian refused at first, but then agreed. The German loaded the gun, leaned its barrel against the sorcerer's chest and fired. However, the European did not achieve the desired result: the barrel of the gun shattered to pieces, and the magician did not receive the slightest damage.

The curious are invited to shoot them with guns or pistols in some other regions of Central Africa and India. A similar scene is described by the Englishman Leing in his book Travels in the Lands of Taman, Kurankes and Sulimas.

A detachment of soldiers shot at the leader of the Sulimas tribe at the head of the Dailib River. But not a single bullet hit this man. He explained that he was helped by his magic talisman.

There is also a whole tribe in Africa whose warriors remain absolutely unharmed in battles. Before the battle, they carry out a special “preparatory” ritual, which, apparently, creates around them that substance that neither spears, nor darts, nor bullets of enemies take.

However, it should be noted that not always magical conspiracies and protective amulets preserve a person's life in battles. So, in 2001, in the village of Lambu in the northeast of Ghana, an African state, where clashes between representatives of various local tribes are not uncommon and in these places the practice of conspiracies from bullets, arrows and spears is still very common, the country is a young man, „ Conspired by a local sorcerer from a bullet, he died during the test of the "power" of witchcraft.

Based on materials from “Interesting Newspaper. The world of the unknown and V. Kravets