"Conspiracy Treasures" By Stepan Razin - Alternative View

"Conspiracy Treasures" By Stepan Razin - Alternative View
"Conspiracy Treasures" By Stepan Razin - Alternative View

Video: "Conspiracy Treasures" By Stepan Razin - Alternative View

Video: Степан Разин. Жизнь Замечательных Людей. 2024, September

The execution of Stepan Razin, which took place on Red Square in Moscow, laid the foundation for research into mysterious and mysterious phenomena. When the executioner's henchmen dragged Frol, S. Razin's brother, to the block, he suddenly shouted in a voice breaking from the strain: “The word and deed of the sovereign! And then he said that he knew the secret of his brother's letters and treasures.

The execution of Frol Razin was postponed, but two days later he was severely tortured, and his testimony was communicated to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who showed a keen interest in all rumors about the treasures. After all, "according to the unsubscribes" of the governor, boyars and any other rich people, "the robber robbed a lot of every good," and among other things, there was "Constantinople" made of ivory by an unnamed master, which Stepan Razin really liked. During the defeat of the uprising, when the ataman himself fled to Kagalnik, he did not want to part with Tsargrad, even in a moment of mortal danger, and sent his brother for this treasure.

There are countless Razin treasures. Along the banks of the Volga, where the ataman once walked with his dashing freeman, some hills have since been named: Stol, Shapka, Stenka Razin's Bumps … In the Razin “Bugry”, according to popular belief, the famous robber hid his wealth in deep cellars, and now it lies there "accursed." “Stenka Razin himself is still alive, sits somewhere in grief, guards his luggage,” - this is how the famous Russian collector of fairy tales A. N. Afanasyev.

Regarding the fact that Stenka Razin defined himself as a watchman, N. Aristov cites the following version: “Stenka put treasure not in order to take it back, but because there was no one to pass it on for saving … Or at will, so that his treasure would not went to anyone, especially an unworthy person.

It was as if Razin sensed that he was a great sinner, that he would not know death on earth, that the forces of the underworld would torment him with unheard-of torment. According to some legends, he suffers in the Zhiguli mountains; as if he had two female breasts and both suck snakes”.

According to popular legends, the brave chieftain was not a thief and a robber, but a defender of the common people. The landowners and governors were violators of national interests and rights (property and personal), therefore it is not surprising that many legends and legends say that Razin's treasure is buried on the poor and persecuted.

But although there are many stories about Stenka Razin's treasures, none of them has yet been found, although the exact places of their burial and even the "vows" on which these treasures were laid are known. And they will not find them because S. Razin is a sorcerer and warlock. And Marina, his main wife, was also a witch, charmed and had her own treasures - gold and silver in charmed barrels, and Stepan Razin himself could not unravel her treasures.

“When Marina and his companions were caught, almost every one of them had a treasure. But Razin left and hid in the bank between the Oka and the Volga, and still lives there: all overgrown with moss, not knowing either lips or teeth. And he does not die because mother earth does not accept him, he has sinned so much, he has sacrificed that he cannot descend into the earth. Stenka Razin went to his watchman's treasure, and will live as long as the treasure is alive, thereby he gained his robber immortality.

Promotional video:

The legend that not only the ataman's treasures were “charmed”, but he himself was a “charmed” and invulnerable man, existed even during the life of Stepan Razin. As early as 1610, the Tsaritsyn governor wrote to the tsar: "That ataman and chieftain Razin neither pishchal, nor saber - does not take anything." And the people said: “Stenka had other strength besides human strength - he sold himself to an unclean man from an early age, he was not afraid of a bullet or iron; did not burn on fire and did not drown in water. Sometimes, he would sit in a felt mat, float down the Volga and suddenly rise above it, because he was a warlock."

Stenka Razin's treasures are special, they are hidden in the ground on a human head, or even on several heads. To get them, the "treasure hunter" must destroy a certain "conspired" number of people, and then the treasure will be obtained without much difficulty. Sometimes the treasure is buried on the "happy", but this is very rare. Then a black cat or dog is the "treasure sign". In this case, you need to go after such a cat (or dog), and when she tortures (or barks), you need to hit her with all your might and shout: "Crumble!" And then dig in this place …

On the Volga, among the Cossacks, barge haulers and other people, there was a belief for a long time that at night Stepan Razin travels around all the places where he put his treasures - in the fortifications and caves, in the mountains and mounds, or even just along the Volga-mother - and checks. I saw him as if he were wearing a crooked hat on a white horse, and he only saw him. And then in a plow she sails under white silk sails …

The treasures of Stepan Razin are cunningly and reliably hidden. It was already indicated above that the places of their location are apparently known (for example, that “the robber left a treasure under the roots of six birches”), even Stepan Razin’s “Testament” does not help not to dig them up:

“I walked, Stepan Timofeevich, son of Razin, from the city of Alatyr up the Sura River and reached the Transleika River (30 versts from Alatyr) and asked Mordvin where to cross the Sura River, and crossed with my entire army. I walked into the mountains and found a key on the right side, and we lived here for a year and a half, but this place did not seem to us. And we found a bee-keeper, and he told us the place we liked, and we walked for four days and came to the mountain - still a mountain, and in the mountain the spring flows at noon; in the upper mountain two winter roads come out at noon … three apple trees are planted in the small arrow (a cape between two ravines), in the half-mountain there are crowbars, thorns, spikes and a copper board, on the upper mountain - with a shell. Here is a stump - an oak tree is drilled through a drill and boarded up with a black oak, and here trunks and bombs are laid, and here an exit is dug, and made, covered, lined with oak plates, and in it is the fraternal treasury, 40 coppers,and mine - the merchant Babushkin, an Alatarsk hockey stick, forty thousand, and his Ivan two chests of dress, the third chest - cufflinks of precious pearls and all sorts of precious things. Another four pounds of special pearls and seven guns, and my gun is in the right corner, loaded and plugged, namely with grass. In the middle there is an unappreciated image of the Mother of God, adorned with all sorts of diamonds.

This is the place who will find, and there will be a shake of one minute, and the distance from the hemp is the flight of grease (shafts); and when you find it, give this treasury forty thousand on a white horse, and when you give it out, shoot from my Turkish and say: "Here you are, Stepan Timofeevich son Razin, eternal memory!" And cut off the horse's head … First, say three prayers - the Mother of God, the Archangel Michael and Nicholas the Wonderworker, and then there will be three shakes."

The "Testament" does not say how to shoot and where to put the icon, but some legends indicate that you should shoot at the icon, and then take it on foot to Kiev. And only then can you take the treasure …

From the book: "One Hundred Great Treasures". IONIN'S HOPE
