UFOs From The Soviet Past - Alternative View

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UFOs From The Soviet Past - Alternative View
UFOs From The Soviet Past - Alternative View

Video: UFOs From The Soviet Past - Alternative View

Video: UFOs From The Soviet Past - Alternative View
Video: Mikhail Gorbachev: World in ‘colossal danger’ - BBC News 2024, September

I especially remember this monstrous story, although it happened back in 1989. Probably, there are no other witnesses of those events alive, but it would be interesting to see people who are now alive. Therefore, I am writing in the hope that one of them will respond, remember what they have experienced and simply tell us how life turned out, whether that past influenced their human destinies. Do these people remember those nightmares when they meet?


And this story began on April 24, 1989. Small town Kharovsk - 80 km north of Vologda. In the evening of that day, in their apartment in Zavodskoy Lane, mother and daughter Golovatsky watched the film "Formula of Love". Mom Tatyana Vladimirovna was at that time 53 years old, and her daughter, a teacher, was 29 years old.

And suddenly, through the window, the daughter saw "a burning plane flying straight to their house." "Mom, we're running, the plane is falling!" - the daughter shouted and ran out of the apartment. Mother saw a flame in the sky and sparks flying from it. Soon the flame died out and a transparent object appeared, similar to a huge coffin. This is exactly how (about the transparent coffin) Tatyana Vladimirovna told me, although under the pen of other journalists she talks about “A quadrangular silvery body, 12 meters long”. Otherwise, there are almost no discrepancies. “Behind the“body”there was a trail, like from a jet plane. The object flew north and suddenly turned sharply south. And then I saw inside four creatures, similar to people, two were running along the body, and two were sitting. But then they too jumped up and ran - tall, dressed in dark, long legs, I could not see hands. I bounced from the window to the door. But then she again jumped to the window and saw this very object hanging over the kindergarten about 20 meters from our house above the roof itself, and two bright rays came from it … I was not afraid. I went to the balcony, tried to open it, but for some reason I could not. When her daughter returned, she said that the object flew towards Vologda."

I arrived in Kharovsk in June. Tatyana Vladimirovna's daughter refused to talk on this topic then, as she became the subject of ridicule. Perhaps for the same reason, the neighbors of the Golovatskys, who, according to Tatyana Vladimirovna, also saw it all, refused to talk on this topic. However, in the reports of ufologists, I found that this object was also seen that night by the Kharovites E. R. Panov and S. A. Belyaev.


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Another time, the aliens appeared on the night of May 26-27 near Kharovsk. The deputy director of the Kharovsk school, Vadim Prudnikov, was returning to the city in his Moskvich along a country road. On one side is a field, on the other is a forest. 15 kilometers from Kharovsk, near the village of Afonikha, the engine suddenly stalled and did not start for a long time. Finally, the car started. After driving a hundred meters, Prudnikov saw a huge "mushroom on a leg" in the forest not far from the road. A hat with a diameter of five meters glowed. The rider got very scared and gasped. “It seemed to me that this colossus was alive and now it would jump on me,” Vadim said later.

After that, Volodya Pantsyrev, the Vologda correspondent of "KP", and I arrived at that place and were quite surprised. In the place where the "mushroom leg" stood, bushes were crushed and broken by a diameter of 4 meters. The trunks of birches were heavily stripped and twisted by something falling from above. And around the crumpled patch there are dense, untouched thickets. We found exactly the same landing patch about 30 meters from the first one.


The third coming happened on June 6, 30 kilometers from Kharovsk on Lake Kuzemskoye. Inhabitants of the Shapsha village Vasily Kurkov, 45 years old, a milkman and his 12-year-old son Sasha came early in the morning to go fishing. They were driving the boat through the reeds and suddenly they saw about 400 meters on the surface of the lake two pillars stood vertically, in a deep place.

“We began to look at them,” Kurkov senior told us, “and suddenly one pillar, which was somewhat closer, somehow turned around and from its top sent such a strong electric beam at us that it burned my eyes, and I went blind. And Sashka is not tall and the beam did not get him. I was very scared, shouted to my son to row to the shore. After a minute or two, my vision returned. We dropped everything and ran to the village.


On the same day, June 6, outside the village of Konantsevo, a kilometer from Kharovsk. Seven schoolchildren were returning from the river. Then the youngest Sasha Krasavin saw an asterisk in the clear sky and pointed at it to others. Soon the star approached and expanded to a huge dazzling ball of 4 meters in diameter. The three guys got scared and ran away. The five-graders Serezha Belyaevsky, Olya Krylova, Marina Shiryaeva and Lyuda Rybakova remained. It was they who told me and assistant correspondent Volodya Pantsyrev that the ball then descended to the ground and rolled towards the bushes. It stopped there and split into two halves. From there came out something that looked like a robot: long legs, a short, flat body without a head, a small ball glowed on its chest. Long arms almost to the ground. The arms and legs did not bend when walking. He walked a few meters towards the village and turned back. Then a second similar ball appeared and sat down not far from the first. From the second came the same creature. At that moment, a woman in a red dress was walking calmly towards the creature from the village side. The guys were surprised that she was not afraid or did not see the alien. And when these two met, then both immediately disappeared from sight. But in seconds the woman appeared. She screamed and ran into the bushes.

Then there was the third balloon with the alien. And finally, the fourth is empty. And when all this flew away, the guys rushed to tell the adults about the incident.


On June 17, at midnight, Kharov's teacher Vera Mironova, who lived in a private sector in Peschaniy Lane, heard the screams of neighbors Mikhail Kudelin and his wife Nadezhda.

“Half a kilometer away from us, at a height of 20 meters,” the teacher recalled, “we saw a bright gray-yellow ball about 5 meters in diameter. He moved slowly with stops parallel to our lane. Then the outline of a woman's face appeared in the center of the ball. It was alive and kind. The woman's age is forty to fifty. After about three minutes the face disappeared, but the ball continued to move in the same direction, somewhat changing its shape. Then a gray stripe split the ball into two, and a spotlight flashed over it. It was aimed directly at us, but did not illuminate. Then a group of soldiers approached us, and an image of a diving plane appeared on the ball, then a tank without a barrel. Then the ball disappeared.

These are the Kharov stories. Whether they had any kind of continuation, I don't know. Most of all, I would like to contact those children who are now adults and are already parents themselves. If the kids from that era invented something, no one will scold you for it now. Well, let's laugh, and "business-then." Yet there was something incredible in Kharovsk. Volodya Pantsyrev and I personally saw the traces of something round and bulky being planted in dense thickets. It is a pity that in those days we still practically did not use photographic equipment. Therefore, there are no pictures of broken trees and even images of those witnesses in our archives.