It Turns Out That The Earth Does Not Revolve Around The Sun? - Alternative View

It Turns Out That The Earth Does Not Revolve Around The Sun? - Alternative View
It Turns Out That The Earth Does Not Revolve Around The Sun? - Alternative View

Video: It Turns Out That The Earth Does Not Revolve Around The Sun? - Alternative View

Video: It Turns Out That The Earth Does Not Revolve Around The Sun? - Alternative View
Video: The earth doesn't revolve around the sun! 2024, September

Probably, some of you have already watched a video on the Internet with the eloquent title "The Earth does not revolve around the Sun". If you have not yet had time to get acquainted, then here they are at the beginning of the post and under the cut the less informative first part. By the way, the first part has collected almost three million views.

Let's find out if there is a sensation here …

If you look at how visitors to other sites reacted to the video, you begin to understand that it’s in vain that schools stopped teaching astronomy, especially for middle school children. "Professionals", by the way, were also noted. On some sites, the content of this video was designed in the spirit of news about the next discovery of scientists. True, given the quality of this very content, it turned out about the same as the display of the Uzbek "Gates of Hell" by the central channels, which passed them off as the crater of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

If we talk about what he saw in a nutshell, the author takes well-known facts, exposing them in a favorable light (everyone noticed the portal's advertising at the beginning?), While wrapping everything in the shell of “Sensation” and “Shock”. According to the creator (s) of the video, our planet, it turns out, does not revolve around the Sun! Moves, and her, and the Sun, and even the hair on the top of your head, a kind of "spiral energy". As proof, the author gives several examples with spirals, including even a DNA molecule. As if these very examples cannot be found for the circle.

It should be noted here that our planet really moves in a spiral, and this is quite logical, because the Sun itself also does not stand still, but moves in outer space at a speed of 217 kilometers per second. Thus, passing through its orbit and finding itself at the same point as a year ago, the Earth will be almost 7 billion kilometers from its past position. If you look at all this from the side, then in fact the planet is moving in a spiral. But this, sorry, does not mean that the Earth does not revolve around the Sun. Gravity, for obvious reasons, has not yet been canceled.

The author, in fact, shows everything correctly, but presents it as a "deception of the authorities." Naturally, if society finds out that the Earth, hypothetically, does not revolve around the Sun (despite the fact that the star regularly rises in the east and sets in the west), then wars will begin in the world and chaos will reign. So the authorities are hiding. Comedy is not otherwise. But the most amusing thing is the impudence with which all this is presented. The video directly says that "You will not find information about the movement of the solar system in our galaxy anywhere." And the saddest thing is that some believe in this, which shows all the shortcomings of the modern education system. And all the arguments given by the authors are very well explained from a scientific point of view and break down into simple logic.

The material is correct. But the interpretation is false. Then we must say that the Moon does not revolve around the Earth. The authors' knowledge is superficial, and the ability to analyze is close to zero. In gravitational systems, motion occurs relative to the center of mass along Elliptical trajectories. In the Solar System, the center of mass practically coincides with the center of the Sun, since the mass of the Sun is something about 97-99% (I need to clarify, I don't remember). But if the movement of the PLANETS is considered in the galaxy system, then their rotational movement around the Sun is superimposed on the general movement of the Solar system around the center of mass of the Galaxy, etc. … And so it turns out, we can say that they hid from us that when we sit or lie, then in fact we are moving, and even with cosmic speed

But, it is worth noting that the videos themselves are made very high quality, from the Orion constellation at the very beginning, to the musical accompaniment from the group "Two Steps From Hell". On this, all the positive aspects end. With their deduction, in the bottom line we have destructive content that zombies schoolchildren and other overly gullible individuals no worse than evening TV shows, so beloved by almost the entire country.

Promotional video:


In the course of his evolution, man has to overcome a number of delusions. This also applies to the brightest celestial objects - the Sun and the Moon. In ancient times, people were sure that the sun revolves around the earth. Then it turned out that the Earth revolves around the Sun. And to the present day, almost everyone adheres to this statement, without even thinking that in fact it is not correct.

If you scrupulously calculate the orbits of celestial bodies, choose the right frame of reference, and take into account the complex nature of cosmic motion, it turns out that the Moon does not revolve around the Earth, and the Earth does not revolve around the Sun.

Any high school student can understand this. But because of the blinders of "common opinion" pulled over his eyes, even an outstanding student automatically obeys the mistaken majority. And, moreover, it is the excellent student who will be the first to rush into the offensive - to defend his blinkered knowledge: why, we see that the Moon goes beyond the horizon and then appears again, that is, the Moon makes a revolution around the Earth, which means that it revolves around the Earth.

With the fact that the moon goes beyond the horizon and then returns again, no one argues. But after all, from the point of view of an observer on the Moon, the Earth also makes similar walks - but this time relative to the lunar horizon. So, a natural and logical question arises: which of the planets revolves around which planet? And one more thing: both the Moon and the Sun move about the same in the sky, so the ancient people were sure that both celestial bodies revolve around the Earth. But it turned out that they move in different ways: the moon is around the earth, and the earth is around the sun. Although, as we said, both are wrong.

Now let's see how to do it right. To understand the motion of the Moon, Earth and the Sun, it is necessary to decide from what point of view we are considering this situation. We will not delve into the options, let's just say that in the general case all celestial bodies will revolve (or perform other movements) around the celestial body on which the observer is. And, if we begin to adhere to this position, then it will again lead us to the wrong result.

To eliminate errors of perception, it is necessary to get to the point that is actually in a stationary state and can be used as a "reliable" frame of reference. This point is the place where the Big Bang began (in the modern sense of this phenomenon). The first celestial object really revolves around this point - our Universe. And here there really is a real movement in a circular orbit. What next?

We're back to the Sun-Earth-Moon system. It is impossible to consider the Moon and the Earth as an isolated system at rest. The Earth moves at a very high speed, and this movement of the Earth must be taken into account. While the Moon seeks to run around the Earth, the Earth is displaced a considerable distance. Because of this displacement, in each single "revolution" cycle, the trajectory of the Moon relative to the Earth never returns to its previous position, that is, it never closes in a circle or similar figure. Each subsequent point of the lunar trajectory is displaced in the direction of the Earth's motion with a speed equal to the geometric sum of the Earth's speed "around" the Sun and the speed of the Moon "around" the Earth.

As a result, the Moon makes a complex periodic movement along the cycloid. Any point of the wheel rim in relation to the surface of the earth makes exactly the same movement. And the planet Earth in this example coincides with the position of the hub of the same wheel and moves relative to the earth in a straight line. You can roughly calculate the parameters of such a movement of the Earth, Moon and Sun.

The movement of celestial bodies: the trajectory of the Earth (straight line) and the trajectory of the Moon (cycloid). The numbers indicate the time axis on the scale of the sequence of earth days. It is also the direction of motion of the Earth-Moon system
The movement of celestial bodies: the trajectory of the Earth (straight line) and the trajectory of the Moon (cycloid). The numbers indicate the time axis on the scale of the sequence of earth days. It is also the direction of motion of the Earth-Moon system

The movement of celestial bodies: the trajectory of the Earth (straight line) and the trajectory of the Moon (cycloid). The numbers indicate the time axis on the scale of the sequence of earth days. It is also the direction of motion of the Earth-Moon system.

The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 1 AU. (astronomical unit) is the radius of curvature of the Earth's "orbit". It shows the order of the length of the trajectory on which the curvature occurs, similar to the curvature of the earth's "orbit." The distance from the Earth to the Moon is only 0.00257 AU. This value shows how many astronomical units the Moon can deviate from the Earth's course in one direction or another across the Earth's translational motion. This deviation is in the range of ± 0.257% of the distance between the Sun and Earth.

This means that the width of the lunar cycloid is only 0.5% of the distance between the Sun and the Earth. For comparison: if the distance between the Sun and the Earth is taken as 1 meter, then the beating of the Moon's orbit will be only 5 millimeters, that is, the Moon will move almost in a straight line, the width of which is 5 millimeters. Moreover, this line will not be closed either.

The distance of the Sun from the center of the Galaxy is ~ 2.5 × 1020 m, from the Earth to the Sun is approximately 1.5 × 1011 m. This means that the Earth moves along a cycloid, the sweep of which in relation to the distance from the Sun to the center of the Galaxy is only 6, 0 × 10–8%. If we again take the distance between the Sun and the center of the Galaxy as 1 meter, then the beating of the Earth on this scale will be only 0.00006 mm. And the beating of the Moon's orbit will be 0.0000003 mm.