A Resident Of Ivanovo Is Sure That He Is A Descendant Of An Alien - Alternative View

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A Resident Of Ivanovo Is Sure That He Is A Descendant Of An Alien - Alternative View
A Resident Of Ivanovo Is Sure That He Is A Descendant Of An Alien - Alternative View

Video: A Resident Of Ivanovo Is Sure That He Is A Descendant Of An Alien - Alternative View

Video: A Resident Of Ivanovo Is Sure That He Is A Descendant Of An Alien - Alternative View
Video: "IVANOVO" Top 46 Tourist Places | Ivanovo Tourism | RUSSIA 2024, June

FROM THE AUTHOR: I have known Ivanov's Mikhail PANCHENKO for a long time. The 29-year-old Misha is no different from my other acquaintances: he graduated from the Ivanovo State University, works in a tire shop, and is going to get married. However, an incredible legend has been kept in his family for a long time, according to which there is … an alien among the ancestors of Mikhail.

When I heard this story from Misha for the first time (and that was ten years ago), I, of course, thought that he was joking at me. But then Misha's father told me the same thing.

Mikhail himself does not particularly believe in this legend, considering it a funny joke of the ancestors, but he always tells this story with pleasure. On September 28, I met with him to write it down for the newspaper.


For obvious reasons, Mikhail immediately asked me to change his last name in the text of a future article - this was a necessary condition for permission to publish.

“All my ancestors on my father’s side come from the village of Andreevo, Ivanovsky district,” Mikhail told me. - As a child, I often rested there with my grandfather and grandmother. So, when I was ten years old, my grandfather told me the family tradition. I will note that Volodya's grandfather was a simple machine operator on a state farm, he could hardly sign his name and certainly did not read fantastic books. In the best case, I've seen aliens in the movies. My grandfather said that two hundred years ago, in a forest near our village, near a river, a UFO allegedly crashed. This I say - "UFO", and my grandfather called it "rocket". The Raketa, they say, was with four passengers on board! I remember listening with bated breath.

Misha could have taken it as a fairy tale, but his father joined the conversation.

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“One of the“pilots”was killed, and the survivors - two“men”and a“woman”- seemed to have dug a dugout in those places, my father and grandfather told me. And later, the aliens built a house, sort of like - in the area of the modern street Kudryashov of the regional center, - Mikhail recalls the strange story of his relatives.

Then, according to a family legend, the "men" managed … to marry local peasant women, and the "woman" even drove the young heir to one of the estates nearby!

- If you believe the family legend, the old gentleman, hunting in the surrounding forests, met a girl of strange "unearthly" beauty, picking berries, and took her to the manor house. She became a maid. There, allegedly, a young master saw her, - Mikhail told me, smiling.

However, the story, the beginning of which strongly resembles a "soap opera", ended very sadly. The mysterious guest from outer space never managed to become a lady:

“A few years later, both she and her illegitimate son from a young master, as if died from an unknown disease,” Mikhail told me.

Not much happier, according to the Panchenko family legend, was the fate of another alien. He allegedly got drunk and died either from nostalgia for the forever abandoned home planet, or from something else, leaving no offspring behind, Mikhail told me. But the third of the "star guests" still managed to find a place in the new world:

“He created a strong peasant farm and died in a ripe old age, respected by all and surrounded by numerous children and grandchildren,” Mikhail told me.


According to Mikhail, the alleged descendants of the mysterious alien were severely affected during the collectivization period.

- The large peasant family of my great-grandfather Peter, like thousands of others, was dispossessed, and all its members were exiled from the Ivanovo region to the harsh Turukhansk region, where the future "father of nations" Joseph Stalin was serving exile before the revolution. As my grandfather told me, our family was dispossessed illegally, great-grandfather Peter was not a fist, but a "middle peasant," Mikhail recalls, sighing. - Fyodor, my grandfather, came back alone. This happened only in 1953, after the death of the Turukhansk "inmate" … My grandfather settled in Lezhnevo, got married, started a farm. Then, realizing that there was nothing more to be afraid of, he moved to his native village Andreevo. Pavel, my father, and then my uncle Nikolai, was born there.

- And how did the village treat this story? - I asked Mikhail.

- Great-grandfather, and then grandfather, tried not to tell fellow villagers anything about their family. At first, the time was turbulent, in the 30s, and for kinship with foreigners, they were imprisoned as spies. It is not known what would have done with our family for stories about kinship with "aliens", - Mikhail answered me with a grin. - And then the grandfather was simply afraid that they would laugh at him. I myself do not believe in this legend - a funny anachronism and nothing more.

Otherwise, according to Mikhail, his twin brother Fedor treats her.

“By the way, he was named after his grandfather,” Misha told me. - My brother is a psychic. At least he considers himself so. Now he lives in Moscow, works as an artist: he paints in the style of Roerich. Fyodor surprised us from childhood: he “read” the printed text with his fingertips with his eyes closed.

At parting, Mikhail kindly provided me, as he put it, "an authentic photographic document" - a yellowed photograph, which depicts his relatives, Ivanovo villagers. On it are the very same Peter, Mikhail's great-grandfather, and his son Fedor, Mishin's grandfather.

Mikhail FINKENSTEIN, Ivanovo - Ivanovsky district

(The hero's surname has been changed at his request. - Ed.)

Expert opinion

At the request of "Chronometer" this story was commented on September 30 by telephone amateur ufologist Innokenty PETROV:

- The story, of course, is incredible, but if you think about it, it does not contradict scientific data. It can be assumed that the structure of the lungs and the most important vital functions of the aliens are nevertheless identical to the functions of the human body, and visually representatives of various humanoid civilizations, to which, by the way, the earthly one belongs, are not too different from each other. This is logical if life developed on a planet with conditions close to those on earth.

The family legend does not tell anything about the appearance of the "Andreev" newcomers - apparently, information about this has not been preserved. But it can be assumed that they were not very different from people - otherwise they would hardly have been able to so easily integrate into human society and even have joint offspring with people. Some ufologists even express a frightening hypothesis that a creature from a world alien to us can be artificially introduced into human society. Moreover, we will not even guess that there is a "stranger" among us.