About The Mystical Secrets Of Rostov - Alternative View

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About The Mystical Secrets Of Rostov - Alternative View
About The Mystical Secrets Of Rostov - Alternative View

Video: About The Mystical Secrets Of Rostov - Alternative View

Video: About The Mystical Secrets Of Rostov - Alternative View
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Perhaps any settlement on Earth can boast of a couple of mystical legends. And the more ancient the city, the more such stories are. Paranormal experts claim that Rostov is literally "stuffed" with various anomalous zones. In some places, the townspeople allegedly see ghosts, in others they complain about the poltergeist. During its 270-year history, the Don capital has acquired many urban legends. "Notepad Rostov" decided to recall the most famous of them.

Ghost in the house on Lermontovskaya

This mysterious story took place at the intersection of Lermontovskaya Street and Chekhov Avenue in the Don capital. Residents of one of the five-story buildings located here claim to have seen a figure of a man of about forty. When someone wanted to approach him, the ghost melted in the air or went into the nearest wall. Sometimes the stranger would “float away” into the courtyards of the private sector. Measurement of the level of electromagnetic radiation showed that it is overestimated several times. Local residents claim that the houses were built on the site of an old cemetery.

One of the five-story buildings at the intersection of Lermontovskaya-Chekhov
One of the five-story buildings at the intersection of Lermontovskaya-Chekhov

One of the five-story buildings at the intersection of Lermontovskaya-Chekhov.

Invasion of snakes in houses on Moskovskaya

This inexplicable incident took place in houses on the streets of Moskovskaya, 53 and 55 and Temernitskaya, 50. For the first time, large numbers of reptiles were noticed here in the mid-90s. In July 1995, local residents with a difference of several days found a couple of snakes in the yards. Identifying them as vipers, people killed the vipers.

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The mass invasion began in the spring of 1996, when the creepers filled everything around - they were in the yards and basements of buildings. It is noteworthy that the snakes "paid a visit" to the townspeople from April to June, and then from September to October.

House No. 53 on Moskovskaya Street
House No. 53 on Moskovskaya Street

House No. 53 on Moskovskaya Street.

A year later, in April 1997, residents of long-suffering houses again encountered uninvited neighbors. Then the reptiles literally "broke loose" - they were in basements, entrances, courtyards and even crawled into apartments, frightening the tenants. In the autumn of the same year, a fire broke out in a house on Moskovskaya, 55, which only exacerbated the situation.

- Irritated by the smoke and heat, the snakes climbed literally from all the cracks in the basement, behaved aggressively. - says "Rostov Dictionary".

Many hoped that the smell of burning and smoke would make the snakes leave their favorite place. But the next year there were even more of them. After that, the cellars were thoroughly cleaned of all rubbish and the creeping ones seemed to recede. But after 9 years, in 2007, the locals again stumbled upon a snake ball in the yard. Then the tenants got rid of them in the usual way - by chopping them with an ax.

The yard of the house number 55 on Moskovskaya street
The yard of the house number 55 on Moskovskaya street

The yard of the house number 55 on Moskovskaya street.

The last time a snake infestation was here was in the spring of 2010. After her, a very hot summer came to Rostov, which the snakes probably did not survive. By the way, scientists have established that most of the "attackers" were not poisonous vipers, but harmless snakes.

Tatzelwurm in the undergrounds of Gorky Park

Another urban legend is connected with the alleged existence in the Rostov dungeons of a Tatzelvurm - a huge lizard that looks like a dragon or a salamander.

In 1995, a rift formed near the Donskoy Tabak factory. Then the company management decided to remove it and sent a group of workers there. But they returned from there extremely frightened. According to the men, in the dungeons, they encountered some creepy creature. It is known that under the park. Gorky, there is a network of branched underground tunnels where homeless people periodically settle. But what could have scared the workers so much? The men could not describe what they saw.

Researchers of the paranormal believe that Rostov's Gorky Park keeps many more mysteries
Researchers of the paranormal believe that Rostov's Gorky Park keeps many more mysteries

Researchers of the paranormal believe that Rostov's Gorky Park keeps many more mysteries.

Some researchers of the paranormal associate stories of creepy underground monsters with the legends of Tatzelwurm - a giant snake, which has been known since the Middle Ages. It can reach a length of up to 3.5 m. The legend says that in the 70s of the last century, children began to disappear en masse in Rostov. They found an entrance to some kind of tunnel, and since then, no one has seen the one who ventured down there. Specialists from Moscow arrived to investigate this case. They managed to find a huge snake in the dungeons and kill him. The dead creature was taken to the capital, and the KGB decided to close the door to the catacombs forever. The case, of course, was classified. Such is the eerie legend.

UFO crash on Green Island

But the Green Island became the leader in the number of horror stories and legends. This small area of land in the middle of the Don has been featured in bikes of varying degrees of improbability for decades. Perhaps the most famous is the story of the UFO wreck over the island in the summer of 1941. Of course, the state security authorities immediately classified all information about the crash, and the territory of the island was taken under increased protection. There is a version that it is for this reason that in the autumn of the same year, when the Nazis approached Rostov, the NKVD regiment until the last was defended by the NKVD regiment - the authorities did not want to give the enemy unique finds. Another theory is that a new super-modern enemy aircraft could have crashed over the island.

Green Island is the leader in the number of horror stories and legends
Green Island is the leader in the number of horror stories and legends

Green Island is the leader in the number of horror stories and legends.

The monster of the Rostov underground

This chilling story allegedly took place on the Don in the late 40s. A small group of military men went to explore the caves in Kobyakovo settlement, an archaeological site on the border of Rostov and Aksai. In those years, the authorities wanted to build a command center of the North Caucasus Military District there in case of a new war. It was also necessary to rebuild an extensive network of underground communications. And the first sortie was successful - the soldiers returned.


But the second turned into a tragedy. At first, the group stopped giving signals, and after a while, colleagues removed the bloody telephone cable from the cave. Equipped a rescue operation, only this time the military was given machine guns. They dragged the unfortunate to the surface. According to eyewitnesses, the bodies of the soldiers were literally torn apart: one had no head, and muscles and skin were torn from the bones. The other was missing half of the torso. Returning soldiers said that the catacombs are very deep, with many ramifications. At one of these crossroads, they found the torn bodies.

Poltergeist in the house on Khalturinsky

This inexplicable phenomenon occurred in a five-story building in Khalturinsky Lane in 1997. Every day at about 6:00 pm, water began to flow from the walls of the apartment.

Khalturinsky Lane
Khalturinsky Lane

Khalturinsky Lane.

Sometimes the streams became so powerful that they began to gush with a fountain. At the same time, even a complete shutdown of the water supply throughout the house could not stop this strange phenomenon. It lasted for about a month, and then stopped just as suddenly as it began.