Riddles Of The Scythians And Stone Graves - Alternative View

Riddles Of The Scythians And Stone Graves - Alternative View
Riddles Of The Scythians And Stone Graves - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Scythians And Stone Graves - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Scythians And Stone Graves - Alternative View

Who are the Scythians, where did they come from and where did they go? Science has not yet given a concrete answer, although books and articles have been written about certain historical layers of their life. Certain nationalities of Ukraine, the Caucasus and other parts of the USSR consider themselves to be the descendants of the Scythian peoples. Their traces are found from the Carpathian region to Yakutia and Mongolia.

Ancient Greek historian Herodotus in the 5th century BC, describing the Scythians, placed them from the Black Sea region to central Siberia. He noted that the Scythians are the fairest people. If they are united, then no country can resist them. The prophet Ezekiel called them the people of Tubal, Gog and Magog, noting the antagonism of the people of Israel towards them, and predicted their departure from the historical scene.

It is known that in the V century. BC. in Scythia there were 72 clans united in 7 kingdoms, which were located from the Carpathian region to the Baikal region and Mongolia. In this space, there are mounds, pyramids, stone graves with former statues above the tombs. The studies carried out using ancient legends and noospheric sources have shown that the ancestors of the Scythian people, as a social and administrative association, appeared 12 thousand years before the new era northwest of Spain on the island lands of the Atlantic Ocean. A small part of them went from there to north-west Africa, and the bulk of the people gradually left through northern Europe in an eastern direction to the region of the South Urals. 10 thousand years before the new era, they were already located in the region of Kolyma, Chukotka and Alaska. In Alaska, one of the Scythian clans went to the north of Canada. During the period of further movement, some part of their people (which is called the Eskimos) separated and went to the territory of Greenland. The main part of them proceeded through the lands of the Northern Ocean, Novaya Zemlya and Yamal into the basin of the Ob and Yenisei rivers. In the middle reaches of the Ob and Yenisei, they settled for a long period of time, gradually expanding their territory in different directions up to the Far East, Altai and Europe (the source of the Rhine).

Several genera of the reigning Scythians left (split off) to the Northern (Scythian) Ocean. They settled on both sides of the North Polar Urals, then called the Caucasus (Ripeysky mountains). Here, about 3600 years ago, one of the prominent figures of the Scythians was the titan Prometheus (companion of Zeus), who carried out a reform, giving a new writing and counting instead of the old letter, thereby cutting off access to ancient cosmic knowledge that the titans and the people themselves possessed. During the period of creation and introduction of new writing, he flew in a chariot to the Himalayas and to Greece to Zeus. At the same time, Prometheus participated in the design and creation of new palaces, places of worship, cities, canals. The channels were laid using electrostatic earthmoving technology.

The climate near the Scythian Ocean was mild, since a warm current flowed nearby - the Gulf Stream - up to Taimyr, and the peaks of the Mendeleev, Lomonosov, Gakkel mountain ranges still rose above the ocean, and there was no strong glaciation. But with the onset of cold weather, most of the Scythian clans began to gradually leave the Polar Urals (Caucasus) and the basin of the river. Pechora in the southwest direction. On a wide front, they passed through the upper reaches of the Volga, Don, Dnieper, through Valdai to the Carpathian region, the Northern Black Sea region and the northern Caucasus (formerly the modern Caucasus was part of the mountain range - Travers - up to the Tien Shan).

During the period of the great migrations of peoples about 2 thousand years ago and later and the formation of new principalities and states, the Scythian unity ceased to exist. Their distant descendants live in our time in Transcarpathian Ukraine, in the North Caucasus (Adygs, Ossetians, Albanians, etc.), in the north of Russia (Evenks, Nenets, Yakuts, Eskimos …), in the south of Altai, at the source of the river. Rhine, in the north of Myanmar (Burma), in the west of Afghanistan. To some extent, the ancient spoken Scythian language can be traced in the languages of the peoples listed above. There is reason to believe that the Scythians had an official and spoken language of interethnic communication, which can be identified by comparing and analyzing the languages of the above peoples. The written sources of the Scythians should be sought from its keepers - the Altaians, the Baikal people.

Before the new era, in Siberia and the Urals, the Scythians had cities, ports, cult and trade centers. They had large necropolises with tombs of kings and stone sculptures, similar to the Krasnoyarsk pillars. Herodotus in the 5th century BC. mentioned the numerous stone sculptures behind the Ripeyskiy mountains (Ural), washed by rain and snow, emphasizing their antiquity. Scythian necropolises are located in the Northern Black Sea region, on the Russian Uplands, the Urals, Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Altai, and the Baikal region. There were cult centers and the most populated areas here.

During the terrible world war of the rulers of the Pandavas and Kauravas, which took place 3800 years ago, many cities and land structures were destroyed on the territory of Siberia and Central Asia, as well as in India, Ethiopia and other countries. This war covered the territory from Ethiopia to the Philippines, from the Indian Ocean to the North (Scythian). In this war, laser and thermonuclear weapons, flying cities and chariots - vimanas, iron robots were used. It is described in ancient Indian multivolume legends (Mahabharata), and is also referred to in ancient Greek legends as the struggle of the titans (Titanomachy).

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It turns out that the Scythians and other peoples of Siberia and Central Asia at that time possessed modern weapons and aircraft. They also had ancient written sources of knowledge, which were later hidden in secret repositories for the time being. Some of this knowledge is manifested in the kingdom of Tsar Presbyter John, a contemporary of Genghis Khan, whose lands stretched from the north of India (Jammu and Kashmir) through Altai, Sayan Mountains to Baikal (see the article "The Forgotten Kingdom of St. John").

Regarding the necropolises of the northern Black Sea region, it should be noted that they began to be created here in the 9th millennium BC after the death of the capital of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean beyond the Strait of Gibraltar. During this period, permafrost and glaciation began to spread from the region of northern Scandinavia, which covered the whole of central Europe until the 4th millennium BC. Due to the onset of cold weather, the people who were part of the empire of Atlantis left the region of northern Scandinavia for the northern Black Sea region. He had a high level of development. They were the first to start creating here stone graves with dungeons and stone statues above them. Here, special technical and architectural solutions were used to create vertical space communication channels. In the following millennia, there were also tombs of the Amazonian queens and other peoples. Scythian tombs appeared here around the 6th century. n. e. In the Melitopol region, Scythian tombs are found mainly in the vicinity of the city. The tombs of the royal Scythians were also in the river basin. Diet (tributary of the Dnieper). Somewhere there, buried in the ground is a Scythian copper cauldron with a capacity of 600 amphorae, whose wall thickness is six fingers.

The Scythians treasured the graves of their ancestors, burying them deep in the ground. But in the pursuit of jewelry, their rich graves are torn apart by official and unofficial archaeologists. As a result of these blasphemous actions, many Scythian kurgans were dug up and destroyed. For example, on June 21, 1971, a surprisingly beautiful gold pectoral weighing 1.15 kg was discovered in the Tolstaya Mogila mound near the town of Ordzhonikidze, Dnepropetrovsk region. According to some information, it was made by a jeweler in the northern vicinity of the city of Svalal (east of Uzhgorod) in the Transcarpathian region about 1.5 thousand years ago.

It seems that the memory of the amazing master jeweler should be preserved in Transcarpathia, where he created items that fascinate people. He was also buried there. Earth and Heaven preserve the memory and history not only of large nations, but also of each person, his family …
