How Hitler Seeked The Holy Grail - Alternative View

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How Hitler Seeked The Holy Grail - Alternative View
How Hitler Seeked The Holy Grail - Alternative View

Video: How Hitler Seeked The Holy Grail - Alternative View

Video: How Hitler Seeked The Holy Grail - Alternative View
Video: Nazi Quest for the Holy Grail - Nazis & the Aryans | History Documentary | Reel Truth History 2024, September

Employees of the occult department, which Heinrich Himmler created, traveled half the world, trying to find the roots of the Aryan people, evidence of their racial superiority and the attributes of imperial power, allowing them to establish domination over the whole world. They worked in Spain. According to the Nazis, traces of priceless treasures were to be found in this country, which would turn them into invincible ones.

Ahnenerbe - "German Society for the Study of Ancient Germanic History and Heritage of Ancestors", was organizationally part of the SS as an anthropological and archaeological department that conducted research on the origin of the Aryan race.

The organization was created by order of Reichsfuehrer Heinrich Himmler, and was headed by Colonel Wolfram von Sievers. The headquarters of the Ahnenerbe was at the Wewelsburg castle in Westphalia. There were also kept relics that were discovered all over the world.

Stone, and Spear

In the book Ahnenerbe in Search of Relics, written by the Spanish writer and journalist Hanire Ramila, it is said that the occult-pagan branch of the SS tried to steal the Skunk Stone from Westminster Abbey, on which the English monarchs were crowned. According to legend, it was this that Jacob used instead of a pillow when he saw a staircase to heaven, along which angels descended and ascended. The Nazis assumed that the stone possessed tremendous miraculous power, but the Third Reich did not receive it.

Among the objects that Ahnenerbe's employees wanted to get was the Spear of Fate, with which, according to Christian tradition, the Roman centurion Guy Cassius Longinus pierced the hypochondrium of the crucified Jesus Christ. At different times, there were four different Spears of Longinus, but, according to the Nazis, the one in the Vienna Hofburg Museum was authentic. After the Anschluss, Austria became part of the Third Reich, and the Spear fell into the hands of Adolf Hitler. It was believed that it always ensures victory for its owner, as well as defeat for the one who lost it. A few hours before the Fuhrer's suicide, the US military was able to get hold of the relic. The results of analyzes carried out in 2003 showed that the spearhead did indeed date from the 7th-8th centuries.

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The Fuhrer and Padre Ripoll

Among the many attributes of power that Ahnenerbe was looking for, the Holy Grail became the most desirable for the occult-pagan department. According to legend, Christ used him during the Last Supper, and when he was hanging on the cross, it was in this cup that his blood was collected. It was believed that Joseph of Arimathea took the Holy Grail to Europe, and its last known owners were the Cathars, who kept it in the historical region of Languedoc in southern France. It was in the ruins of the castle of Montsegur that the famous occultist-esoteric Otto Rahn tried to find the Grail employee of the Ahnenerbe.

Spanish writer and journalist Miguel Aracil said in his book Himmler at Montserrat Monastery: In Search of the Holy Grail that the head of the SS ordered all the monastery documents that mention the Cup to be delivered to him. And after rejecting Padre Ripole, Himmler exclaimed: "Everyone in Germany knows that the Grail is in Montserrat." Arasil also noted that the Reichsfuehrer did not want to attach himself to the image of the Montserrat Mother of God. In addition, he admitted his own ignorance when, noticing the remains of an Iberian man in the monastery museum, he suggested that it could be a warrior of the northern race.

Nazis in Toledo

As Hanira Ramila told in his book Operation Jericho Trumpets, the Nazis dreamed of taking possession of another treasure - the Ark of the Covenant. In search of him, archaeologists-occultists from the SS reached all the way to Spain. According to scripture, the Lord ordered Moses to build an ark, which will become a symbol of the union between the people of Israel and them. The Jews built the ark, placing inside Aaron's rod, manna from heaven in a gilded jug and tablets with the Ten Commandments. It was believed that the ark became a very powerful weapon, one touch to it caused death, and its owner always won. According to legend, 40 thousand Jews walked with the ark around Jericho for seven days, then the priests sounded their trumpets and the walls of the city collapsed.

However, the German employees of Ahnenerbe would face a serious problem if they could find the ark. According to Jewish tradition, only a Jewish high priest could open the Ark and stay alive, since this requires knowledge of the true name of God.

Only Kabbalah, a science that comprehends the divine with the help of letters and numbers, could help the Nazis find out the name of God and open the Ark. Specialists from Ahnenerbe began looking for Jewish Kabbalists and found one in Auschwitz. The Kabbalist, who clearly wanted to get out of the concentration camp, kept silent that, according to legend, after the death of Jesus Christ the curtain in the temple was torn, the Covenant between the people of Israel and God was destroyed, and the Ark lost its power.

Ramila reports that the Kabbalist sent Ahnenerbe to the Jewish community of Toledo. In all likelihood, the Germans attacked there on the trail of the Ark, since soon the head of the Nazi military intelligence, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, turned to the National Archaeological Museum of Madrid. He believed that he could find the Ark in the collection of objects from Ancient Egypt, which was supposedly collected by members of one of the lodges of the Masons.

Expeditions to South America and Tibet

According to some racial theories of the Germans, Tibet could well be the cradle of the Aryan race. As Canadian writer Heather Pringle said in her book The Masterplan for Exploration, or Mystical Archeology in the Service of the Nazi Regime, "preachers" of racial superiority claimed that German ancestors ruled Asia in the past, laying the foundations for a dominant and powerful class of blond people there.

An expedition was sent to Tibet, led by the biologist Ernst Schaefer. During this time, 376 skulls were measured and 17 faces and heads were casted, Pringle, an anthropologist and racologist, said. Also, Schafer's people brought a large number of sacred books to Germany.

South America also did not stand aside. Heather Pringle wrote in her book that the occultist Emund Kiss believed that the most ancient center of the Andes civilization was created by northern settlers who came by sea to Bolivia about a million years ago. He was able to convince Himmler of the need for an expedition to Bolivia to test this hypothesis. The outbreak of the war prevented the implementation of this plan. As Ramila notes, a group of Ahnenerbe employees, led by Karl-Maria Wiligut, traveled to South America in search of "trappings of power", among which were Wotan's Hammer and the mysterious crystal skulls of the pre-Columbian era.

Crimes against all humanity

Ahnenerbe is not only a top-secret occult organization of "anthropologists" and "archaeologists". Its staff also supplied human material used in various medical experiments. For example, August Hirt and Bruno Beger used Jewish prisoners to add to their skeleton collection. Experiments with "asphyxiant gases" have also been carried out.

At the trial in Nuremberg, the head of the Ahnenerbe, Wolfram von Sievers, the only employee of the occult-pagan department, was sentenced to death. Attempts by the Nazis to investigate the Aryan essence through expeditions and human experiments ended in failure.

And here is how Hitler spoke about the work of Ahnenerbe during one of the rallies of the National Socialist Party in 1936: “We have nothing in common with those people who understand nationalism only as a collection of legends and myths and, as a result, too easily replace it with vague phrases of the Nordic content. Now they are starting to conduct research based on the mythical culture of the Atlanteans."

Himmler, on the other hand, wanted to make Nazi Germany free of Catholicism. To do this, he maintained friendly relations with the former Austrian colonel Karl-Maria Wiligut, who claimed that he was a descendant of the deity of the peoples of the north of Thor and had knowledge of the ancient tribes of Germany.

Source: “Interesting newspaper. The world of the unknown"