The Mysterious Mummies Of San Bernardo - Alternative View

The Mysterious Mummies Of San Bernardo - Alternative View
The Mysterious Mummies Of San Bernardo - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Mummies Of San Bernardo - Alternative View

Video: The Mysterious Mummies Of San Bernardo - Alternative View
Video: Nastya and the story about mysterious surprises 2024, September

In 1957, the cemetery of the small Colombian town of San Bernardo was flooded. The coffins had to be moved to a new burial site. As they were being transported, the undertakers decided to open some of the old coffins, and what they found inside astounded them. Instead of remains, inside lay the mummified bodies of the dead - completely preserved and without any signs of decay.

The gravediggers immediately communicated to the authorities about the unusual, naturally kept mummies, saying that the way of their storage was improbable and inexplicable. Even their clothes have been preserved in relatively good condition.


One theory for this phenomenon is that the locals had a special diet. Another blames the altitude in the area. Even if one of them is correct, there is no explanation that the clothes of the buried were also preserved so well. San Bernardo is the only city in the area to have mummified bodies. After their discovery, they were moved to the crypt in the cemetery, and later a museum was created, in which they are kept today. Although no measures have been taken to preserve them, they have not been damaged until then.