Ghosts In Prisons And The Horrors Of Prison - Alternative View

Ghosts In Prisons And The Horrors Of Prison - Alternative View
Ghosts In Prisons And The Horrors Of Prison - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts In Prisons And The Horrors Of Prison - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts In Prisons And The Horrors Of Prison - Alternative View
Video: Most Haunted Prisons in the World 2024, September

Prisons are places of suffering and death, pain and humiliation. It is no coincidence that mysterious beings roam the prison corridors, cells and basements, casting a mystical horror on prisoners and guards. Chilling stories about prison inmates are not always fiction. Studies often record high changes in electromagnetic characteristics and temperature at these locations. Both unusual sound signals and radio noise were recorded, but there is simply no verbal evidence to count.

At Melbourne Prison, which is now a museum, 139 prisoners were executed in the past. In 1866, the inmate of this prison, Lucy R. committed suicide. Museum staff often complain about anomalous phenomena that occur within the walls of this gloomy place. Once at once, eight visitors to the museum saw a ghost crossing the gallery with a candle that did not illuminate anything. In 2003, British experts conducted a study using modern instruments. On July 22, the day of Lucy's suicide, they recorded strong electromagnetic changes, and microphones recorded strange sounds resembling a woman's voice, but the words were incomprehensible. The experts conducted the study again exactly one year later. This time the voice was clearer. The woman shouted: "Go away."

There is an old prison in Latvia, which today is also a museum. In addition to simple excursions, the museum offers extreme activities, for example: a night in a solitary confinement cell or a “delicious” prisoner lunch. The building was built in 1902 and was used as a prison for the military. At first, soldiers and sailors languished there, then - enemies of the Stalinist regime, prisoners of war. In 1943, the German military put a young man suspected of desertion in one of the cells. His girlfriend entered the prison to free her lover, but she was late - he was already hanged. From grief, the girl committed suicide and since then she has been seen in casemates with a long red braid. Local residents and staff of the institution nicknamed her the White Lady for the white clothes she wears. They say that in prison light bulbs unscrew by themselves,mobile phones are quickly discharged, and the doors themselves close and open.

In the sixties one prisoner was put in the cell in which the guy executed by the Germans was sitting. Less than an hour later, the prisoner began to violently knock on the door, begging to be transferred to another cell. The cell was only opened the next morning. The night spent in the company of the White Lady did not pass without leaving a trace - the man went mad.

The Tower of London is the most famous prison in the world. The ghosts of princes and countesses, kings and queens roam the corridors of the Tower. Tour guide Phil Wilson says the most common sighting is the second wife of King Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, beheaded. A headless ghost emerges from the Queen's House and moves towards St. Peter's Chapel, where she was executed.

In 2002, researchers tried to capture the ghosts of the Tower on film. Ross Hemsworth, director of Galaxy TV, led the research team. At some point, one of the group members shouted: “I see a little girl. She is standing right in front of me, take a picture of her. The photographer pointed his camera at the ghostly creature, but at that very moment the girl turned into a small luminous ball, which, nevertheless, was captured.

Russia is rich in prisons and in those that are notorious - too. In one of the Smolensk pre-trial detention centers, a mystical story happened with a murderer named Ryakha. The investigators could not manage to get Ryakhi's testimony. But one morning in a trembling voice the bandit declared: "I confess everything, judge me and send me to the zone as soon as possible!" The night before, an unknown guard in black summoned Ryahu for questioning. In a dark office, three men were sitting, who read out the death warrant to Ryakha, took him to the prison yard, where other convicts were waiting for their fate. They were taken to a hole near the wall and shot. The shooting lasted a long time, until the morning. They were about to put Ryahu up against the wall, when suddenly a voice rang out: "This is tomorrow!" and the firing squad simply vanished into thin air. In the morning, after these ghostly visions, Ryakha gave all the necessary testimony.

In the Mozhaisk women's colony, before the amnesty, the ghost of a girl in gray clothes often appears. And in 1993 the newspaper "Moskovskaya Pravda" wrote that the management of the SIZO "Matrosskaya Tishina" turned to psychics for help. The reason for such a strange request was the frequent complaints of prisoners, who claimed that at night they clearly heard strange voices, some even saw ghosts. However, it was not possible to conduct research, as access to this institution is limited.

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