Ghosts Of Yekaterinburg - Alternative View

Ghosts Of Yekaterinburg - Alternative View
Ghosts Of Yekaterinburg - Alternative View

In the past few years, the work of the Urals ufologists has increased significantly. The reason for this is that otherworldly entities in this region of the country began to manifest themselves several times more actively. Especially many reports of the appearance of ghosts come from Yekaterinburg. Many residents of the city, observing mysterious phenomena in various parts of the city, report places where translucent foggy images were seen, strange sounds are heard, and mysterious phenomena occur. According to experts, most often ghosts appear in those places or houses where people have lived their lives or were committed to a terrible violent death.

The most famous for anomalous phenomena are several famous places in Yekaterinburg, of which the former palace of pioneers is the most notorious. In the past, the old building, where today there are various circles for the children of the city, belonged to the merchant family of the Kharitonovs-Rastorguevs, who were famous throughout the region for their extreme cruelty and debauchery. There are rumors that during the time of tsarist Russia, in this estate, the merchants with their atrocities exterminated many serfs and women, who were mocked and raped. The souls of the victims, whose bodies the merchants hid on the territory of the estate, now wander at night in the corridors and rooms of the palace of pioneers.

Another Yekaterinburg haunted house is the house-museum of the most famous Ural writer Pavel Bazhov. Visitors say that they saw ghostly figures, in which they recognized Pavel Petrovich himself and his relatives, heard different sounds and strange rustles. Museum workers deny all rumors about the presence of mysterious ghosts in Bazhov's house, considering them empty inventions of visitors.

Ghosts are quite common in one of the buildings of the Ural State Pedagogical University, which is located at the intersection of Karl Liebknecht and Malyshev streets. In the library of this building, according to the testimony of students, mysterious whispers, knocking, grinding and other inexplicable sounds are often heard. It happens that in the morning on the floor of the library, scattered books are found in disorder.