Cursed City. Who Destroyed The Pirate Capital Of The Caribbean? - Alternative View

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Cursed City. Who Destroyed The Pirate Capital Of The Caribbean? - Alternative View
Cursed City. Who Destroyed The Pirate Capital Of The Caribbean? - Alternative View

Video: Cursed City. Who Destroyed The Pirate Capital Of The Caribbean? - Alternative View

Video: Cursed City. Who Destroyed The Pirate Capital Of The Caribbean? - Alternative View

This settlement on the southern coast of Jamaica today is not found on modern geographical maps. Researchers inclined to mysticism argue that the port city of Port Royal suffered the mournful fate of Sodom for the many sins of the townspeople.

Port Royal was founded by the Spanish conquistadors back in 1518 during the colonization of South America.

Funky Port Royal

The deep, wide, comfortable harbor of a small settlement founded by the local Arawak tribe later helped to turn it into a port from which the gifts of the “paradise island” - sugar, cocoa, spices, fruits - were sent to Western Europe. The population, due to emigrants from the Old World and Africa, grew at an arithmetic progression. By 1692, after the island-colony came under British rule, more than 7 thousand people already permanently lived in the city. Plus, the pirates of Henry Morgan's Caribbean "thunderstorm" squadron found refuge here. Subsequently, for his merits in replenishing the state treasury, he was not only awarded the title of admiral, but was also appointed vice-governor of Jamaica, whose residence was in the capital, Port Royal.

Indeed, by the end of the 17th century, the city reached its heyday and differed little from its European counterparts - stone and brick houses, shops, several churches of various religious denominations, markets, including a slave, and warehouses. And, of course, a huge number of taverns, in which sea robbers and local residents easily left their money. Such a serene business atmosphere reigned on June 7, 1692. As usual, work was in full swing in the port, the wealthy townspeople gradually defiled along the embankment, the joyful cries of children came from the local zoo, and the cries of drunken revelers came from the drinking establishments.

And the abyss swallowed up the sinners

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The only discomfort that day was the heat. And so - a cloudless sky, calm at sea … It seemed that nothing boded trouble. Suddenly from the side of the sea a light breeze blew, a minute later suddenly turned into a hurricane wind, pouring rain poured. Somewhere in the mountains there was a rumble like thunder. And the earth, or rather the sandstone layers on which the city was built, was shaking. A moment later, a wave that had come from the water area of the port poured into the city from the water area of the port, absorbing the coastal buildings. It was part of the beginning of the terrible earthquake, the first prey of which were not only the adobe buildings of the poor quarters, but also seemingly solid brick buildings. For some time, the ringing of the wind-swaying bells of St. Paul's Church was heard over the city, but soon they too fell silent. A huge rock, towering over the city,split in two and fell into the sea, sending the remains of Henry Morgan buried nearby.

A description of the catastrophe left by a witness of the events of that day has survived to this day: “The sky turned red like a red-hot furnace. The earth rose and swelled like sea water, began to crack and absorb people. She squeezed them as if with terrible jaws, from which only heads protruded. The busiest streets disappeared into the depths of the sea. The luxurious governor's residence and royal warehouses also collapsed, and they too were swallowed up by the sea. The ships in the port fell off anchors and collided with each other with a crash. Some were thrown by the waves onto the roofs of houses …”But that was not all. The first tsunami retreated into the sea, but only in order to collapse again with even greater force in 10 minutes and forever leave most of the city under the water surface, including the port and coastal forts. The consequences of the disaster were terrible - in a short time the disaster claimed the lives of more than 2 thousand people, almost all buildings were destroyed or went under water. From a scientific point of view, this fact is quite understandable, since the island of Jamaica is located on the border of the fault of tectonic plates, constantly shifting, and is a region of increased danger in terms of earthquakes and associated tsunamis. As for mysticism …

After the disaster, most of the surviving townspeople left for the neighboring city of Kingston, which became the capital. But some decided to stay in the surviving territory, moving to the other side of the harbor. But only a few years later, the plague epidemic claimed the lives of another 3 thousand people. And in 1703, the newly rebuilt Port Royal was almost completely destroyed by fire. However, the element did not calm down on this either. Several hurricanes that swept over Jamaica erected a sarcophagus of sand and silt over the ashes.

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №37, Leonid Luzhkov