What Is The Point In Human Life, And Is There Any? - Alternative View

What Is The Point In Human Life, And Is There Any? - Alternative View
What Is The Point In Human Life, And Is There Any? - Alternative View

Video: What Is The Point In Human Life, And Is There Any? - Alternative View

Video: What Is The Point In Human Life, And Is There Any? - Alternative View
Video: E.O. Wilson explains the meaning of human existence, in 6 minutes. 2024, September

Sooner or later, each person asks himself the question - "What is the meaning of life?" This is one of the most persistent questions that a person is asked many times, but is there really a meaning in life?

In general, most likely, for the majority, the answer is obvious that as such, every person does not have a meaning in life and this is a fact. But sooner or later, almost everyone finds this meaning for themselves.


You can even say that the real meaning of every person's life is to find their own meaning in life, no matter how strange it sounds, but it is so.

Each person has his own goals and values, so for someone the purpose of life is to have a family and create comfortable conditions for their children and close relatives.


Others, on the other hand, build a career and often by the end of their lives realize that they have spent their whole life in order to live, no matter how absurd it may sound again.

But I believe that only one meaning of life is correct, although for everyone, of course, it will not be considered so.

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However, if you think that a person, in fact, lives quite a little and it is very difficult to do something global in such a short life, only one thing turns out that the meaning of life is to get pleasure.

By the way, no matter how it contradicts the words of many scientists, but when many centenarians talked about how they survived the mark of a hundred years or more, most talked about simply enjoying life.


Moreover, this pleasure, some described as the most bad habits. For example, about six months ago, I read an interview with a long-liver, who was already 107 years old or something like that.

He said that until the middle of his life he had many bad habits, which, according to scientists, are difficult to combine with longevity, but examples show the opposite.


In other words, it turns out that no matter what a person is doing, even if it can have a harmful effect, but because of positive emotions and getting pleasure, this, on the contrary, will be beneficial, or at least will not cause such harm.

It is clear that not everyone can find a comfortable job for themselves, a place to live, etc., but based on many examples, enjoying life is the main meaning of life.


Although many may disagree with this, all the same, everyone has different values and perhaps for some the family (or something else) is more important than their own enjoyment of life, but this is everyone's personal business.
