Caution! Vampires! - Alternative View

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Caution! Vampires! - Alternative View
Caution! Vampires! - Alternative View

Video: Caution! Vampires! - Alternative View

Video: Caution! Vampires! - Alternative View
Video: ⚠️ warning ⚠️- This is extremely powerful vampire power and ability subliminal 2024, September

It's not about those cute eccentrics from "Twilight", one of whom was played by the charming Robert Pattison, and not about the infamous Count Dracula, but about the most ordinary people who are no different from everyone else, but, in fact, are energy parasites who drink our "blood" (time, attention, nerves, strength, emotions, etc.) Sometimes we ourselves are vampires and do not even know about it. What kind of vampires are there?

Who are vampires?

A vampire, ghoul or ghoul, as Wikipedia says, is in the lower mythology of the peoples of Europe, a dead man who rises from the grave at night or appears in the guise of a bat, sucking blood from sleeping people and sending nightmares. The bite of a vampire automatically makes the one bitten by the same vampire who cannot live without someone else's blood.

A multitude of fairy tales, legends, scary stories that have been passed by word of mouth for centuries, and still make this topic a win-win in box office movies, bestsellers and discussions. Some people still believe in vampires and stock up on aspen stake and garlic in order to neutralize the ghoul that attacked them in case of anything.

Where do all these myths and legends come from and why do people believe in them? Apparently, there was something similar in life. Medical specialists, having asked this question, found out that there are a number of diseases, the symptoms of which are very similar to the infamous behavior of fairy vampires. This, for example, tuberculosis, one of the symptoms of which is hemoptysis. Or rabies, provoking photophobia and foam at the mouth. But there is, indeed, a disease very similar to vampirism. This is a rare genetic disorder. "Porphyria" (from the Greek "porphyros" - "purple").

After studying the history of the disease, scientists came to the conclusion that it more often occurred in children of close relatives who entered into an intimate relationship. A real epidemic of porphyria happened in that very Transylvania, in the homeland of Count Dracula, a world-famous vampire, who became such thanks to the imagination of writers who wrote more than one literary work about him.

In reality, incest contributed to strange blood mutations associated with impaired reproduction of red blood cells. Lack of them and the accumulation of porphyrin toxins causes quite terrible symptoms. People really do become like vampires. They are afraid of bright sunlight, the skin from the face dries up and cracks, becoming covered with ulcers, the gums expose the canines and become brown. The disease damages the cartilage tissue, and the fingers, ears, nose curl. The picture is not pleasant. Perhaps the appearance of such patients caused horror among those around, and they involuntarily came up with various scary stories about ghouls and ghouls.

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The worst thing is that this disease still occurs today, and many people do not know about it and perceive it as an allergy. Although the disease is quite rare. One in two hundred thousand people suffers from this genetic disease. In addition, it is treatable and, with proper diagnosis and therapy, quickly returns a person to normal life.

The myth that these people need blood to make up for a lack of red blood cells remains a myth. There is really nothing of the kind. Although they really don't like garlic, as it worsens the condition. And they don't look in the mirror (vampires are not reflected in mirrors), you understand why …

However, fabulous dead vampires and real patients with porphyria have nothing to do with energy vampires.

Energy vampires

There is no official term "energy vampire" in psychology, it was coined by ordinary people for the brightness and convenience of designating those who, with the help of their manipulative behavior, seem to "suck blood" from other people. Surely, you noticed that it is pleasant for you to communicate with someone, his presence does not strain, does not depress, but on the contrary, gives strength and restores the psychological balance that we need so much.

But there are people, being next to whom, makes us "squeezed lemons." Having communicated with such a person even for a short time, we feel a headache, loss of strength, drowsiness, fatigue, our mood worsens and our hands literally drop down. These are energy vampires.

We do not always associate our state with the influence of another person on us, especially if it is a close one (mom, dad, husband, wife, child, girlfriend). And yet, this is so.

Man is an open bioenergetic system with a microlepton structure. Such a system absorbs energy from food, air and water, receives from flora and fauna, from the earth and space. It is not easy to obtain such energy; it requires certain efforts and skills. It is much easier to snatch a piece of ready-made energy product from other people. Fast and not so expensive.

We are all, to some extent, vampires, or rather, communicating vessels that are interconnected by invisible threads of a subtle energy connection. Especially dear people. We feel the states of close people and involuntarily come into contact with their biofield, experiencing its effect on ourselves. We, one way or another, all influence each other and feed on each other, like exhausted batteries. Moreover, we all need this nourishment, sometimes it is simply necessary, like a baby needs a mother's hugs and touch.

By the way, a child up to about 10 years old is continuously fed from adults, acting as an energy vampire for them. Perhaps that is why doctors advise not to delay the birth of children, since a person's vitality decreases with age and he needs more and more energy to keep himself in good shape.

Growing up, a person habitually draws energy from other people, instead of extracting it on their own and in other ways. The older a person is, the less energy he has left. This does not mean that only old people are energy vampires.

Many young people, breaking away from their parents, do not know how to extract the energy they need from the surrounding space and from communication with people and begin to rudely steal this energy, turning into manipulators who, as the people say, suck someone else's blood and get pleasure and nourishment from it …