Benben Stone - About An Ancient Artifact Of The Cult Of The Phoenix Found In The Territory Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Benben Stone - About An Ancient Artifact Of The Cult Of The Phoenix Found In The Territory Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View
Benben Stone - About An Ancient Artifact Of The Cult Of The Phoenix Found In The Territory Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Video: Benben Stone - About An Ancient Artifact Of The Cult Of The Phoenix Found In The Territory Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View

Video: Benben Stone - About An Ancient Artifact Of The Cult Of The Phoenix Found In The Territory Of Ancient Egypt - Alternative View
Video: VENTURE INSIDE THE MYSTERIOUS STEP PYRAMID | Secrets of Ancient Egypt | History 2024, September

Have you ever heard of Benben stone? This ancient artifact played an important religious role in Ancient Egypt. Some researchers generally believe that the stone is of extraterrestrial origin, but this information is not yet proven.

Archaeologists have discovered this ancient artifact on the grounds of the Temple of the Phoenix. The stone was a symbol of this mythical bird, which was able to literally rise from the ashes.

Researchers believe that the stone was also a symbol of the cyclical nature of the seasons. According to researchers, in ancient times this stone was towered on a high column.


Interestingly, in the mythology of Ancient Egypt, the phoenix was usually portrayed not as shown by the directors of "Harry Potter", but in the form of a heron. Perhaps this was due to the fact that the heron made flights every year.

The Egyptians even had a saying - if a phoenix flew to Heliopolis, then a new cycle or a new era began. Benben stone worship began after the first appearance of the phoenix.

For some reason, the ancient Egyptians considered this stone sacred and sacred. If you translate the word "ben" into Russian, you get "fertility".


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Some archaeologists believe that in the distant past, the shape of the stone was conical. If you look closely at the drawings on the stone, you can see the phoenix.

Also, looking closely, it becomes obvious that the stone is clearly not pyramidal, as it might seem at first glance in the photographs. After all, its edges are round, so it really looks more like a cone.

Some researchers believe that the stone is of meteoric origin and that is why some meteorites, when passing through the atmosphere of our glider, do not lose their position in space and retain it throughout the flight.


Therefore, the edges of the meteorite melt, and it acquires a conical shape. You don't have to look far for examples - just remember meteorites like Morito and Willamette.

It is not clear why, but in antiquity people revered meteorites very much, especially in the countries of the East.

There were many similar stones. Some of them are still very popular and are even symbols of some religions - take at least the famous black stone of the Kaaba in Islam.


According to one of the versions, in the ancient times there was a sacred hill in the city of Heliopolis, on which it was customary to meet the sun.

And on such a hill there could be a high sacred column with a stone at the top.


Archaeologists believe that these times were long before the era of the pyramids. Also, some researchers believe that it was the Benben stone that led the pharaohs to start building the pyramids.