American Scientists Have Discovered Unknown Properties Of Human Memory - Alternative View

American Scientists Have Discovered Unknown Properties Of Human Memory - Alternative View
American Scientists Have Discovered Unknown Properties Of Human Memory - Alternative View

Video: American Scientists Have Discovered Unknown Properties Of Human Memory - Alternative View

Video: American Scientists Have Discovered Unknown Properties Of Human Memory - Alternative View
Video: Brian Greene - Is Teleportation Possible? 2024, September

American scientists have stated that a person's memory can be changed without his knowledge and consent.

As it turned out, for this it is enough to apply a methodology based on social interaction. According to experts, there are 4 ways to change a person's memory so that he does not even notice it.

The scientists explained that memory can be compared to a large library of thousands of books that contain events that happened in a person's life. Memories, scientists say, can change in the process of communication with other people. They can both introduce new information into memories, and erase some parts of memory, filling them with something new. Likewise, distorted memories can form during communication.

Memory can be "rewritten" using the collective action technique. One interlocutor can change a person's memory, for this he will have to correct his memories, focusing on certain points. Memories can also be altered by the other person's false memories. Memories also change when a person has some doubts about the chronology of the events that have occurred, and his interlocutor “fills” these gaps with his memories. That is, any person, even without wanting to, can "rewrite" the memory of another person.

As the scientists note, the development of a method for changing memory will save people from difficult memories that provoke psychological problems.